Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 19

Introduction to CheckPoint™
Chapter 1. General Information
IM8000 CheckPoint™
Percent below limit
Profile maximum limit
Profile minimum limit
True Energy™
Date and time the weld was made
Duration of the weld
Weld status after limit checking
Part Number, Consumable Lot and Operator ID
Electronic Notification System
When a Welding Power Source is used with CheckPoint™, the data center can send e-mail and text-message
notifications to multiple users. Each user’s e-mail address and mobile number can be configured to receive
messages from the CheckPoint™ data center upon any of several event conditions. See page 5.6 for more
details on the alerts available.
CheckPoint™ provides you with the ability to report on all the welds that were made on a specific part
number, by a specific operator or using a specific consumable lot code. Before a weld is made, this
information is communicated to the Welding Power Source, in a variety of ways. Every weld that is made
after this is assigned with these ID numbers until a new number is entered. CheckPoint™ users can
generate a traceability report that looks for this ID from all the Welding Power Sources in the system.
Traceability solutions are typically customized to a customer’s specific needs. Please contact Lincoln
Electric for a quote on your needs.
CheckPoint™ does not support consumable package
tracking for dual wire feeding systems.