Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 78

Chapter 5. Your CheckPoint™ User Account
Managing Your User Account
5.8 CheckPoint™
Delivery Method
CheckPoint™ can send you an alert message through e-mail and/or text message. If you choose to
have a text message, you need to make sure you enter your cell phone number and carrier under the
Personal Information section of your profile (page 5.3). Simply place a check mark next to each option
that applies.
Table 5.2 Options for Delivery
Receive by Email
Place a check mark next to this option to receive a text-based e-mail from
CheckPoint™ each time this event occurs on the selected Welding Power
You can control the number of messages you receive using the
message throttling settings.
Receive Emails as HTML
If you would like the e-mail you receive to have text formatting and images
just like a web page (rather than just plain text), place a check mark next
to this option.
Receive as Text Message
Place a check mark next to this option to receive a text message on your
mobile phone from CheckPoint™ each time this event occurs on the
selected Welding Power Source(s). CheckPoint™ uses the cell phone
number listed in your profile under Personal Information (page 5.3).
Split overflowing Text
If the text in the alert exceeds the number of characters allowed in a single
text message, the system breaks the alert into as many text messages as it
needs to in order to complete the alert. If you only want CheckPoint™ to
send a single text message per alert, regardless if the message is cut off,
simply remove the check mark from this option.
If you remove this check mark, you may lose important
information that could be contained in the alert.
Message Throttling Settings
To help you avoid receiving a large number of messages flooding your e-mail inbox or cell phone, you
can control how often you receive messages. The throttling setting could be useful if you have a
limited data plan on your cell phone. Simply select Yes – Enable Throttling from the drop-down and
set how often CheckPoint™ should limit messaging.
Select Welders for Notifications
There are a variety of reasons you might want to set up an alert subscription (perhaps you’re keeping
an eye on limits for a specific welder). With CheckPoint™, you have the flexibility to set each alert for a
specific Welding Power Source or for a Container of power sources. By default, the alert applies to all
Welding Power Sources in your CheckPoint™ account. To change this option, simply remove the check
mark next to All Welders to display the individual welders and place a check mark next to the specific
Welding Power Source(s) for this alert.