Watlow EZ-ZONE RME User Manual

Page 92

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Watlow EZ-ZONE


RME Module


Chapter 6 Features

In the previous screen shot the RME is shown

highlighted to bring greater clarity to the control in

focus. Any EZ-ZONE device on the network will ap-

pear in this window and would be available for the

purpose of configuration or monitoring. After clicking

on the control of choice simply click the next button

once again. The next screen appears below.

In the screen shot above notice that the device

part number is clearly displayed at the top of the

page (green highlight added for emphasis). When

multiple EZ-ZONE devices are on the network it is

important that the part number be noted prior to

configuring so as to avoid making unwanted configu-

ration changes to another control.

Looking closely at the left hand column (Param-

eter Menus) notice that it displays all of the available

menus and associated parameters within the RME.

The menu structure as laid out within this software

- Setup

- Operations

- Factory

Navigating from one menu to the next is easy

and clearly visible. Simply slide the scroll bar up or

down to display the menu and parameter of choice.

As an alternative, clicking on the negative symbol

next to Setup will collapse the Setup Menu. The Op-

erations Menu will appear next and perhaps deliver

more clarity for the area of focus by not displaying

unwanted menus and parameters. Once the focus

is brought to an individual parameter (single click

of mouse) as is the case for Digital I/O 1 in the left

column, all that can be setup related to that param-

eter will appear in the center column. The grayed

out fields in the center column simply mean that this

does not apply for the type of sensor selected. As an

example, notice that when Digital I/O 1 is configured

as an input, output parameters do not apply and are

therefore grayed out. To speed up the process of con-

figuration notice that at the bottom of the center col-

umn there is an option to copy settings. If all Digital

I/O is to be set up the same click on "Copy Settings"

where a copy from to copy to dialog box will appear

allowing for quick duplication of all settings. Notice

too, that by clicking on any of those items in the cen-

ter column that context sensitive help will appear for

that particular item in the right hand column.

Lastly, when the configuration is complete click

the "Finish" button at the bottom right of the previ-

ous screen shot. The screen that follows this action

can be seen below.

Although the RME module now contains the configu-

ration (because the previous discussion focused on

doing the configuration on-line) it is suggested that

after the configuration process is completed that the

user save this file on the PC for future use. If for

some reason someone inadvertently changed a set-