Watlow EZ-ZONE RME User Manual
Page 118

Watlow EZ-ZONE
RME Module
Chapter 7 Appendix
Math 8 total
Off, average, process scale, deviation scale, differential (subtrac-
tion), ratio (divide), add, multiply, absolute difference, minimum,
maximum, square root, sample and hold
Special Output Function 8 total
Compressor turns on-off compressor for one or two loops (cool
and dehumidify with single compressor)
Motorized Valve turns on-off motor open/closed outputs to cause
valve to represent desired power level
Sequencer turns on-off up to four outputs to distribute a single
power across all outputs with linear and progressive load wear-
Timers 8 total
On Pulse produces output of fixed time on active edge of timer
run signal
Delay output is a delayed start of timer run, off at same time
One Shot oven timer
Retentive measures timer run signal, output on when accumu-
lated time exceeds target
Variable 8 total
User value for digital or analog variable
Optional Accessories
Remote User Interface
Basic RUI
• 1⁄16 DIN
• Dual 4 digit, 7-segment LED displays
• Keys: Advance, infinity, up, down keys, plus a programmable
function key (EZ-KEY)
• Typical display update rate 1Hz
Power Supplies
• AC/DC Power supply converter 90-264VÅ (ac) to 24VÎ (dc) volts.
• P/N 0847-0299-0000: 31 W
• P/N 0847-0300-0000: 60 W
• P/N 0847-0301-0000: 91 W
EZ-ZONE RM Product Documentation
• User's Guide, printed hard copy, P/N 0600-0073-0000
• Watlow Support Tools CD, P/N 0601-0001-0000