Teledyne GFC-7000T - Trace CO2 Analyzer - manual User Manual

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Operating Instructions

Model GFC7000TA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


Where N is any numeral between 0 and 9. APICOM Remote Control Program

APICOM is an easy-to-use, yet powerful interface program that allows accessing and controlling any of
Teledyne Instruments’ main line of ambient and stack-gas instruments from a remote connection through
direct cable, modem or Ethernet. Running APICOM, a user can:

Establish a link from a remote location to the GFC 7000TA through direct cable connection via RS-232
modem or Ethernet.

 View the instrument’s front panel and remotely access all functions that could be accessed when

standing in front of the instrument.

 Remotely edit system parameters and set points.
 Download, view, graph and save data for predictive diagnostics or data analysis.
 Retrieve, view, edit, save and upload DAS configurations.

 Check on system parameters for trouble-shooting and quality control.

APICOM is very helpful for initial setup, data analysis, maintenance and trouble-shooting. Figure 6-5
shows an example of APICOM being used to remotely configuration the instruments DAS feature. Figure
6-19 shows examples of APICOM’s main interface, which emulates the look and functionality of the
instruments actual front panel

Figure 6-15:

APICOM Remote Control Program Interface