Com port default settings – Teledyne GFC-7000T - Trace CO2 Analyzer - manual User Manual

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Operating Instructions

Model GFC7000TA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


The ID can also be used for to identify any one of several analyzers attached to the same network but
situated in different physical locations.

6.11.2. COM Port Default Settings

Received from the factory, the analyzer is set up to emulate a DCE or modem, with pin 3 of the DB-9
connector designated for receiving data and pin 2 designated for sending data.

COM1: RS-232 (fixed) DB-9 male connector.


Baud rate: 19200 bits per second (baud).


Data Bits: 8 data bits with 1 stop bit.


Parity: None.

COM2: RS-232 (configurable), DB-9 female connector.


Baud rate: 115000 bits per second (baud).


Data Bits: 8 data bits with 1 stop bit.


Parity: None.


Cables that appear to be compatible because of matching connectors may

incorporate internal wiring that make the link inoperable. Check cables acquired
from sources other than Teledyne Instruments for pin assignments before using.

In its default configuration, the GFC 7000TA analyzer has two available RS-232 Com ports accessible via
2 DB-9 connectors on the back panel of the instrument. The COM1 connector is a male DB-9 connector
and the COM2 is a female DB9 connector.