Paxar 9474 User Manual

Page 91

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If you want to use a check digit, you’ll need to

define the calculation scheme in Printer

Configuration mode before format entry. See

"Defining a Check Digit" in Chapter 5.

which CD scheme the field will use if there is a check digit

whether this is a verify field (will the operator need to enter
the data twice?)

the type of data that will be entered (numbers, letters, or both)

whether there will be any fixed characters (characters that
are always the same).

C h o o s i n g t h e Ty p e o f D a t a

Format Entry Prompt:

Select type of data: E
A)lpha, N)umeric or E)ither


Alphabetic characters
Numeric characters
Either; alphabetic or numeric characters
(or special symbols)

You must specify the type of data for the operator to enter.

Ty p e o f F i e l d

Format Entry Prompt:

Enter type of field: T
T)ext or B)arcode


B = Barcode field
T = Text field

6-8 Designing and Entering a Format