Paxar 9474 User Manual

Page 118

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S e l e c t i n g t h e C h a r a c t e r ( u s e d f o r S u b - F i e l d s )

Format Entry Prompt:

Mark characters to use
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A sub-field contains data copied from the data of a regular
(source) field. The sub-field prints as a separate field. At data
entry, the operator enters only the data for the regular field. The
printer displays an underline for each character in the source
field. Type an X in the position of each character to copy. For
example, the source field has 10 characters. The last 4 positions
are marked to be copied for the sub-field.

Mark char positions to use
_ _ _ _ _ _ X X X X

D e f i n i n g a P r i c e F i e l d

Format Entry Prompt:

Price field: N
Y)es or N)o


Y = Yes
N = No

Press e to skip this prompt

When you specify a price field, the monetary symbol is generated
automatically at printing. You must allow for these symbols in
your field length for the Number of characters? prompt. If you
have a four-digit price, you would enter "6" as the number of
characters in the field, to allow for the dollar sign and decimal.
At data entry, the prompt for a price field might look like this

Price $ .00

Designing and Entering a Format 6-35