Paxar 9474 User Manual

Page 109

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D e f i n i n g a L i n e F i e l d

To define a line field, you’ll need to know

the horizontal and vertical starting location for the line

whether the line is horizontal or vertical

the stop location for the line

the line width.

Format Entry Prompt

Line: V
H)orizontal or V)ertical

A line field lets you draw lines or a box around a field. You need
to tell the printer whether you want a horizontal line or a vertical


H = Horizontal line
V = Vertical line

Type H or V and press e .

S e l e c t i n g t h e L i n e W i d t h

Format Entry Prompt:

Width of line [1-15]: _

Values: 1-15 (see the following examples of Line Widths)

A line field lets you draw lines or a box around a field. You need
to tell the printer how wide the line should be.

Enter a number from 1-15 and press e to define the width of
the line.

6-26 Designing and Entering a Format