Paxar 9474 User Manual

Page 137

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If you want to print a test sample of the two-part tag

Enter the field definitions above.

When you see the first Field Definition screen

Field 01: P)rompt, F)ix, L)ine
M)erge, S)ub, G)raph or T)est _

Type T and press e .

The two-part tag will print with test data in the fields.

E d i t i n g a n d R e v i e w i n g a F o r m a t

You can change any field in either offline or online formats.

Changes to online formats affect only the format in the printer.
The original format on the host computer does not change.

You can change a format any time except when it is being used by
a batch that is printing or ready to print. You can also review the
values set for a format without making any changes.

Editing also lets you

Copy a format.

Add and delete fields.

Skip fields to get to the field you want to change.

To review or edit a format

1. Select Format Entry from the main menu and press e .

You’ll see

Enter password: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7-18 Entering a Format