Paxar 9474 User Manual
Page 114
When defining a merged field or a sub-field, you choose whether
to use the source characters before formatting or after formatting.
For example, characters in a bar code field are
numbers before formatting
bars after formatting.
Select A or B for the way you want the data to appear in the
merged field or sub-field.
When using all or part of a bar code to make a sub-field, if you
don’t want the check digit in the subfield, specify before
S e l e c t i n g t h e P a d C h a r a c t e r ( f o r M e r g e d F i e l d s )
Format Entry Prompt
Enter pad character: _
Pad characters fill unused space in the field. You can use any
character as the pad character (see "Padding" in this chapter).
When using a pad character, you can elect to pad to the left or
right of the overall data.
Type the character you want to use for padding.
S e l e c t i n g t h e P a d d i n g ( f o r M e r g e d F i e l d s )
Format Entry Prompt
Padding: N
L)eft, R)ight or N)one
L = Pad the merged field from the left
R = Pad the merged field from the right
N = Do not pad the characters in the
merged field
Designing and Entering a Format 6-31