Avago Technologies Cache Protection for RAID Controller Cards User Manual

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Cache Backup Products for MegaRAID SAS+SATA RAID Controllers User Guide
May 2015

Chapter 3: Monitoring and Managing Battery Backup Units and CacheVault Modules

Monitoring and Managing BBU Units with the MegaRAID Configuration Utilities


Monitoring and Managing BBU Units with the StorCLI Configuration Utility

The Storage Command Line Tool (StorCLI) is the command line management software designed for the MegaRAID
product line. The StorCLI is a command line interface that is designed to be easy to use, consistent, and easy to script.


To increase the life of a battery, the battery is not fully charged. Band
Gap charging keeps the maximum battery charge within a band
comfortably above the data retention time requirement instead of
keeping the battery charged to the maximum level. However, when a
learn cycle is required, the battery is fully charged because a learn
cycle starts only once the battery is fully charged.

You can use the Storage Command Line Tool to monitor and manage BBU units. The StorCLI utility supports the
following battery backup unit (BBU) commands:

storcli /cx/bbu show

storcli /cx/bbu show all

storcli /cx/bbu set autolearnmode=

storcli /cx/bbu set bbuMode=

storcli /cx/bbu set learndelayinterval=

storcli /cx/bbu set powermode=sleep

storcli /cx/bbu set writeaceess=sealed

storcli /cx/bbu set learnStartTime=[DDD HH|off]

storcli /cx/bbu show modes

storcli /cx/bbu show properties

storcli /cx/bbu show status

storcli /cx/bbu start learn

storcli /cx/bbu start retentiontest

The detailed description for each command follows.

storcli /cx/bbu show

This command shows the summary information for the BBU unit that is used with a controller.

Input example:

storcli /c0/bbu show

storcli /cx/bbu show all

This command shows all the information of the BBU unit.

Input example:

storcli /c0/bbu show all

storcli /cx/bbu set autolearnmode=

This command starts the automatic learn cycle on the battery. The possible values are 0 - Enabled, 1- Disabled, and

2 - WarnViaEvent.

Input example:

storcli /c0/bbu set autolearnmode=0

storcli /cx/bbu set bbuMode=