7 place battery in low-power storage mode, 8 set bbu properties, 9 seal the gas gauge eeprom write access – Avago Technologies Cache Protection for RAID Controller Cards User Manual
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Cache Backup Products for MegaRAID SAS+SATA RAID Controllers User Guide
May 2015
Chapter 3: Monitoring and Managing Battery Backup Units and CacheVault Modules
Monitoring and Managing BBU Units with the MegaRAID Configuration Utilities
To increase the life of a battery, the battery is not fully charged. Band
Gap charging keeps the maximum battery charge within a band
comfortably above the time requirement instead of keeping the
battery charged to the maximum level. However, when a learn cycle is
required, the battery is fully charged because a learn cycle starts only
after the battery is fully charged.
Place Battery in Low-Power Storage Mode
Use the command in the following table to place the battery into Low-Power Storage mode on the selected
controllers. This action saves battery power consumption.
Set BBU Properties
Use the command in the following table to set the BBU properties on the selected controllers. after reading from
the file.
Seal the Gas Gauge EEPROM Write Access
Use the command in the following table to seal the gas gauge EEPROM write access on the selected controllers.
Table 10 Place Battery in Low-Power Storage Mode
MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSleep -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
Places the battery in Low-Power Storage mode. The battery automatically exits this state after 5 seconds.
Table 11 Set BBU Properties
MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -SetBbuProperties -f
Sets the BBU properties on the selected controller or controllers after reading from the file. The information
displays in the following formats:
= 1800Sec
= 12345678Sec Seconds past 1/1/2000
= 24hours Not greater than 7 days
= 0 – Enabled, 1 - Disabled, 2 – WarnViaEvent.
bbuMode: Some examples of the values for this property are Mode 4 - Standard 48 hour with visible learn
cycles. Mode 1 - 12 hour with transparent learn cycle, and Mode 3 - 24 hour with transparent learn cycle. To
view all the values for this property, run the command MegaCli -adpBBucmd -getbbumodes -aN.
NOTE You can change only two of these parameters: learnDelayInterval and autoLearnMode.
NOTE If the battery type is an LSIiBBU08 unit, the WarnViaEvent parameter is not supported in autoLearnmode.
Table 12 See the Gas Gauge EEPROM Write Access
MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSeal -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
Seals the gas gauge EEPROM write access.