Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.7.20 User Manual
Reference manual
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- EDIUS Reference Manual
- Notice to Reader
- Manual Explanation
- Table of Contents
- 1 Summary
- About Manuals
- Grass Valley HQ Codec/Grass Valley HQX Codec
- Starting up EDIUS
- EDIUS Configuration
- Screen Configuration
- Entry of Values
- 2 Project Settings
- Project Operations
- Creating New Project
- Configuring Audio Output Channel Map
- Changing Project Settings
- Creating New Project Presets
- Saving Project
- Importing/Exporting Project File Edited with EDIUS
- Importing Files Created with Other Video Editing System
- Field Editing Projects on Another PC
- Restoring Offline Clips
- Project Operations
- 3 Edit Settings
- [System Settings]
- [Application]
- [Hardware]
- [Importer/Exporter]
- [Effects]
- [Input Controller]
- [User Settings]
- Editing Environment Management
- External Device Management
- Registering External Devices that Interact with Device Presets
- Registering Device Presets
- [Device Preset] Screen
- [Input H/W, Format Settings] Screen
- [Settings - Input Settings] Dialog Box (Generic OHCI/Generic HDV)
- [Settings - Device Setting] Dialog Box (DirectShow Capture)
- [Settings - Grass Valley HQ]/[Settings - Grass Valley HQX] Dialog Box
- [Settings - MPEG2 Custom] Dialog Box
- [Settings - XDCAM HD422 Compatible] Dialog Box
- [Settings - XDCAM EX Compatible] / [Settings - XDCAM HD Compatible] Dialog Box
- [Settings - MPEG IMX] Dialog Box
- [Output H/W, Format Settings] Screen
- [Settings - DV Device Setting] Dialog Box (Generic OHCI)
- [Settings - Stereoscopic Setting] Dialog Box (Generic OHCI)
- Registering Device Presets when Using a Grass Valley Product for Input/ Output
- Changing Device Presets
- Deleting Device Presets
- Duplicating Device Presets
- Importing Device Presets (Import)
- Exporting Device Presets (Export)
- Assigning Device Presets to Input Presets
- Registering Device Presets
- Points About Input from VARICAM Devices
- Setting External Devices Used for Preview
- Registering External Devices that Interact with Device Presets
- Placement Customization
- Screen Customization
- Changing the Display of Operation Buttons
- Changing the Display of the Preview Window
- Switching Between Single Mode/Dual Mode
- Full Screen View of Preview Window
- Rotation Display of Preview Window
- Showing/Hiding Preview Window
- Showing/Hiding Status Area
- Control Area Settings
- Switching the Screen Display when Stopping Playback
- Showing/Hiding Alpha Channel
- Displaying Preview Window in Stereoscopic Edit Mode
- Changing the Display of the Bin Window
- Changing the Display of the Source Browser Window
- Changing the Color of Operation Screens
- Shortcut Keys
- [System Settings]
- 4 Importing Sources
- Capturing and Importing
- Importing Files from the Bin
- Importing Files from Source Browser
- Checking Files in External Devices that Interact with Source Browser
- Copying and Importing Files in External Devices that Interact with Source Browser
- Points to Be Checked before Importing Sources
- Importing from CD/DVD
- Importing from Digital Camera
- Importing Sources from XDCAM EX Devices
- Importing GF Sources
- Importing Infinity Sources
- Importing K2 Sources from a Server
- Converting and Importing K2 Sources on the PC
- Importing P2 Sources
- Importing from XDCAM Devices
- Importing XDCAM Sources from a Server
- Downloading XDCAM Sources and Simultaneously Placing Them on the Timeline
- Importing XF Sources
- Importing Stereoscopic Sources
- Checking the Progress of Background Jobs
- Directly Importing Files on External Devices that Interact with Source Browser
- Transferring Only Necessary Parts
- Playing Back Sources
- 5 Bin Operations
- Bins and Clips
- Clips in Bins
- Automatically Registering Clips
- Joining Multiple Video Clips All Together as a Single Clip
- Creating Color Bar/Color Matte/Title Clip
- Creating Stereoscopic Clips
- Changing Clip Information and Content
- Managing Clips
- Bins and Clips
- 6 Editing Timelines
- Timeline Settings
- Switching the Editing Mode
- Placing Clips
- Setting Channel Mapping
- Setting the In and Out Points to the Timeline
- Placing Clips
- Placing Clips
- Setting In/Out Points and Placing Clips
- Placing Clips between In and Out Points on the Timeline (3 Point Editing)
- Placing the In and Out Points of Clips between In and Out Points on the Timeline (4 Point Editing)
- Previewing Cut Switch Points (Preroll Edit (Preview))
- Placing Clips while Checking Cut Switch Points (Preroll Edit (Rec))
- Placing Special Clips on the Timeline
- Moving Clips to Desired Positions
- Searching for Clips Placed on the Timeline in the Bin
- Clip Operations
- Video Layout
- Trimming Clips
- Markers
- Playing Back Timelines
- Playing Back Timelines
- Displaying a Desired Scene Immediately
- Smooth Playback
- Color Coding of Time Scale
- Rendering Overload Areas of the Entire Sequence
- Rendering Overload Areas in the Entire Project
- Rendering only Overload/Load Areas
- Rendering Overload Areas between In and Out Points
- Rendering Around the Timeline Cursor Position
- Rendering Clips/Transitions
- Exporting Video Clips from Timeline
- Exporting Still Image Clips from the Timeline
- Manually Deleting Temporary Files
- Sequences
- Multicam Mode
- Displaying Multiple Clips Simultaneously for Editing
- Setting the Camera Switch Point and Selecting the Camera
- Grouping Multiple Clips All Together onto a Single Track
- Proxy Editing
- 3D Editing
- Undoing Operations/Redoing Undone Operations
- 7 Applying Effects
- [Effect] Palette
- Setting Effects
- Applying Effects to Entire Clip
- Correcting the Camera Shake
- Adjusting Video Drift in Stereoscopic Clips
- Combining Multiple Filters
- Adding Effects between Clips
- Changing Effect Duration
- Compositing Video
- Applying Effects on Title
- Operation for Effects
- User Preset Effects
- Import/Export
- Checking Color Data
- 8 Title Creation
- 9 Audio Operations
- Volume/Pan Adjustment
- Adjusting the Volume and Pan of a Clip
- Adjusting Volume/Pan with the Audio Mixer
- Normalizing the Audio of Multiple Clips
- Partially Muting
- Measuring Volume
- Adding and Editing Audio
- Volume/Pan Adjustment
- 10 Export of Edited Contents
- Exporting in File Formats
- Exporting in a Variety of File Formats
- Points to Be Checked before Exporting a File
- Exporting Files with an Exporter
- Exporting to File in a Format that Differs from the Project Settings
- Selecting a Codec to Export in AVI Format
- Exporting Audio
- Exporting in QuickTime Playback Format
- Exporting to a BD Output Format
- Exporting in MPEG-4 Format
- Exporting in MPEG2 Format
- Exporting a Still Image
- Flash Video (F4V) Export
- Flash Video Export
- Exporting to Removable Media in AVCHD Format
- Exporting in 3DA1 Format
- Exporting to an XDCAM EX Device
- Exporting to a GF Device
- Exporting to an Infinity Device
- Exporting to a P2 Card
- Exporting to an XDCAM Recorder or XDCAM Device
- Exporting in GXF Format
- Exporting in MXF Format
- Exporting Stereoscopic Projects to File
- Registering Exporter Settings as a Preset
- Exporting Multiple Sequences/Ranges Together
- Exporting in a Variety of File Formats
- Exporting to Disc
- Exporting to Tape
- Exporting in File Formats
- 11 Interaction with STRATUS
- Preparation
- Interaction Function with STRATUS
- 12 Appendix
- License Management
- Effects List
- [Video Filter]
- [Color Correction]
- [Anti Flicker]
- [Emboss]
- [Old Movie/Film]
- [Chrominance]
- [Sharpness]
- [Stabilizer]
- [Strobe/Freeze]
- [Soft Focus]
- [Select channel]
- [Tunnel Vision]
- [Video Noise]
- [Blur]
- [Blend Filters]
- [Mask]
- [Matrix]
- [Mirror]
- [Median]
- [Mosaic]
- [Motion Blur]
- [Raster Wipe]
- [Loop Slide]
- [Block Color]
- [Pencil Sketch]
- [Stereoscopic Adjuster]
- [Smooth Blur]
- [Combine Filters]
- [Gaussian Blur]
- [AudioFilters]
- [Transition]
- [AudioCrossFades]
- [TitleMixers]
- [Keyers]
- [Video Filter]
- Keyboard Shortcuts