Figure 30: port configuration, Figure 30 – NavCom StarUtil-3000 Rev.G User Manual
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StarUtil 3000 User Guide
– Rev G
The EVCOM port is disabled by a previous [ETHVCOM]OFF command.
The EVCOM port is configured for a specific connection with an
For remote operation of the SF-3050, connection to either COM1 or COM2 is highly
recommended as a backup to the Ethernet interface. The COM1 or COM2 backup
connection can be made via a cell modem, MOXA to Ethernet, etc.
Refer to Figure 30 for the steps below:
COM Port Settings
USB Settings
Figure 30: Port Configuration
2. Set the appropriate options according to the Connection Type and connect:
COM Port:
COM Port: the appropriate PC COM Port
Baud Rate: 57600 (keep the default)
Parity: None (keep the default)
for StarUtil to sequence through the available baud rates and connect
to the selected port.
USB Port:
COM Port: the appropriate virtual PC COM port (refer to
below, to establish and verify this port).
Show All Com Ports: Shows any ports that are USB configured but are not accessed by
clicking the USB radio button.