Navigation status – NavCom StarUtil-3000 Rev.G User Manual
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StarUtil 3000 User Guide
– Rev G
Navigation Status
Summary Nav Status: Various indications of nav status, including Nav valid, Nav invalid, No
Doppler, Doppler Used, Rapid Recovery Active, Rapid Recovery Inactive, etc.
Nav Mode: Various indications of nav mode, for example, StarFire Dual:RTG; 3D: Dual freq;
Non differential: 3D: Dual freq, etc.
Constellation: GPS or GPS/GLONASS
Correction Age: The age of the current aided navigation correction. This value changes
depending on the correction source, and the correction interval.
The dGPS correction age is the number of seconds since the last corrections
arrived from a reference station. A few seconds is okay, but many seconds indicate
the fix is degrading over time, and becoming less and less accurate.
Age Limit: The maximum amount of time in seconds the received correction will be used in
case of an outage or drop in the reception of corrections.
dGPS Age Limit: The max dGPS age limit is 1200 seconds. The default is 300 seconds
for SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN) and RTCM type 1 or 9. The default is 1200
seconds for RTG (StarFire). Refer to Chapter 8/
RTK Age Limit: The max RTK age limit is 60 seconds. The default is 15 seconds. If the
age is less than the rate of corrections received, the rover will not enter RTK mode.
Refer to Chapter 8/
The Receiver Status Bar provides a quick view of navigation status (see Figure 16).