NavCom StarUtil-3000 Rev.G User Manual
Page 19

StarUtil 3000 User Guide
– Rev G
Chapter 1, File Naming
Updated Table 1: File Naming Conventions
Chapter 1,
Save/Load/Delete User
Profile dialog box
Updated this GUI graphic in all instances to reflect changes to options
Chapter 1, Preferences Updated this section to reflect software Preferences updates
Chapter 1, Port
Configuration dialog
Updated this GUI graphic in all instances to reflect deletion of Stop
Connect button
Chapter 1, Navigation
Updated the Set Navigation Modes GUI graphic in all instances in this
user guide to reflect changes to it, and updated its functionality
Chapter 2, Establish
Serial or USB Device
Added note re Ethernet configuration for remote operation; added
Configure Virtual PC COM Port section
Chapter 2, Configure
and Establish Bluetooth
Revised this section and referred user to new input command
[BTSET]; added note about the two Bluetooth modes, Command and
Data, and definitions of each mode; added a note that turning on
Bluetooth is associated with a software reset of the Bluetooth
firmware; added a note that not all laptops take a dongle; updated the
note re the Bluetooth passcode (use the BTSET command); updated
Figure 48 (formerly Figure 38), to show the Input Terminal PING
response: [PING]BT