Chapter 7, Starfire operation, Description of the starfire network – NavCom StarUtil-3000 Rev.G User Manual
Page 111: Rtk extend, Chapter 7 starfire operation

StarUtil 3000 User Guide
– Rev G
Chapter 7 ........................................................................ StarFire Operation
The SF-3050 is hardware ready for StarFire. The StarFire License and the StarFire Software
Option are required to enable the StarFire Subscription Service. In addition, the StarFire
navigation mode must be enabled on the Set Navigation Modes dialog box (see Figure
The StarFire Software Option is standard for the SF-3050 G, S, and M Software Bundles, and
may also be purchased individually. The StarFire License is a purchased item in addition to the
StarFire Software Option.
For the initial setup of the SF-3050, the StarFire license is installed via data cable. Subsequent
renewals of the license are typically transmitted to the receiver via radio broadcast.
Refer to these sections for details on:
How to Access the StarFire Service
How To Upload StarFire License via Data Cable
Over the Air (OTA) StarFire Licensing
How to Upload a StarFire License via the Input Terminal
How to Cancel a StarFire License
Refer to
Chapter 6 User Profiles/Creating a User Profile
which configures a receiver to use the StarFire Subscription Service.
Description of the StarFire Network
The StarFire Network is a global system for the distribution of SBAS corrections giving users the
ability to measure their position anywhere in the world with exceptional reliability and
unprecedented accuracy of better than 10cm (4 in.). Because the SBAS corrections are
broadcast via INMARSAT geo-stationary satellites, the user needs no local reference stations or
post-processing to get this exceptional accuracy. Furthermore, the same accuracy is available
virtually anywhere on the earth's surface on land or sea from 76
N to 76
S latitude, due to the
worldwide coverage of these geo-stationary satellites.
RTK Extend
RTK Extend
is a purchased software option for Navcom StarFire receivers, such as the
SF-3050. It enables continuous real-RTK/RTK level positioning accuracy during radio
communication outages by utilizing NavCom’s global StarFire corrections.
Traditionally, when an RTK rover loses communication with the base station, it is unable to
continue to provide centimeter position updates for more than a few seconds, resulting in user
down-time and reduced productivity. With RTK Extend, a NavCom StarFire receiver operating in
RTK mode, can transition to RTK Extend mode and maintain centimeter level positioning during
communication loss for up to 15 minutes (15 minutes for a non-NCT base station). RTK Extend
allows more efficient and uninterrupted work, enabling focused concentration on the work rather
than the tools.
RTK Extend, if purchased, is included in the Software Options file. Refer to Chapter 5
Software Options/
Not Standard in Software Bundles