D-14, Daqadcsettrigenhanced – Measurement Computing WaveBook rev.3.0 User Manual
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D-14 daqX API - Command Reference,
WaveBook User’s Manual
DLL Function
daqAdcSetTrigEnhanced(DaqHandleT handle, DaqAdcTriggerSource *triggerSources, PDWORD
gains, PDWORD adcRanges, DaqEnhTrigDef trigDef, PFLOAT levels, PFLOAT hysteresis,
PDWORD channels,DWORD chanCount, char *opStr);
daqAdcSetTrigEnhanced(DaqHandleT handle, DaqAdcTriggerSource *triggerSources, PDWORD
gains, PDWORD adcRanges, DaqEnhTrigDef trigSense, PFLOAT levels, PFLOAT
hysteresis, PDWORD channels,DWORD chanCount, char *opStr);
Visual BASIC
VBdaqAdcSetTrigEnhanced&(ByVal handle&, triggerSources&, gains&, adcRanges&,
trigSense&, levels!, hysteresis!, channels&, chanCount&, opStr$)
daqAdcSetTrigEnahanced(handle:DaqHandleT; triggerSources:DaqAdcTriggerSource; gains:
PDWORD; adcRanges: PDWORD; trigSense:DaqEnhTrigDef; levels : PFLOAT;
hysteresis : PFLOAT; channels:PDWORD; chanCount:DWORD; opStr: String )
Handle to the device for which the ADC acquisition trigger is to be configured.
A pointer to an array of trigger sources for each defined trigger channel.
A pointer to an array of gains for each defined A/D trigger channel.
A pointer to an array of A/D analog trigger levels for each defined A/D trigger channel.
A pointer to an array of hysteresis values for each defined A/D trigger channel.
A pointer to an array of trigger sensitivity flags for each defined A/D channel trigger source.
A pointer to an array of polarity flag definitions for each defined A/D channel.
A pointer to an array of trigger channels representing the actual A/D trigger channels to
trigger on.
No error (see the API Error Codes table at the end of this chapter).
See Also
daqAdcSetAcq, daqAdcSetTrig, daqAdcSetScan
Program References
Used With
WaveBook/512, WaveBook/516 series
configures the device for enhanced triggering. Enhanced trigger configuration allows the device to be
configured to detect A/D triggering formed with multiple A/D channel trigger-event conditions. The enhanced trigger event may be defined
as a combination of multiple A/D analog-level event conditions that are logically AND’d or OR’d.
The trigger event is formulated based on the channel trigger event for each channel in the trigger sequence. The total number of trigger
channels is defined by the chanCount parameter. Each channel trigger configuration parameter definition is a pointer to an array of
length and is defined as follows:
- Defines a pointer to an array of actual A/D channel numbers for which to configure the corresponding trigger events.
- Defines a pointer to an array of trigger sources for which to configure the corresponding A/D trigger events for the
corresponding channel in the channels array. See the ADC Trigger Source Definitions table for valid triggers. gains - Defines a pointer
to an array of gains corresponding to the actual A/D channels in the corresponding A/D channel number in the channels array.
- Defines a pointer to an array of A/D ranges for the A/D channels defined in the corresponding channels array. hysteresis
- Defines a pointer to an array of hysteresis values for each corresponding A/D channel defined in the channels array. levels - Defines a
pointer to an array of A/D levels for which, when satisfied, will set the trigger event for the corresponding channel defined in the channels
array. opStr - Defines a string that defines the logical relationship between the individual channel trigger events and the global A/D
trigger condition. Currently, the string can be defined as “*” to perform an AND operation or “+” to perform an OR operation on the
individual channel trigger events to formulate the global A/D trigger condition. trigSense - Defines an array of trigger sensitivity
definitions for satisfying the defined trigger event for the corresponding channel defined in the channels array. Currently, the valid trigger
sensitivity values are as follows:
- Trigger the channel on the rising edge of the signal at the specified level. DatdFallingEdge - Trigger the channel
on the falling edge of the signal at the specified level. DatdAboveLevel - Trigger the channel when the signal is above the specified
level. DatdBelowLowel - Trigger the channel when the signal is below the specified level. DatdRisingEdgeLatched - Trigger the
channel on the rising edge of the signal at the specified level and latch the channel trigger event. DatdFallingEdgeLatched - Trigger
the channel on the falling edge of the signal at the specified level and latch the channel trigger event. DatdAboveLevelLatched -
Trigger the channel when the signal is above at the specified level and latch the channel trigger event. DatdBelowLevelLatched -
Trigger the channel when the signal is below at the specified level and latch the channel trigger event.
Note: The …Latched trigger sensitivities indicate the device will maintain the trigger event for the given channel regardless of subsequent
states of the input signal. After the channel has triggered, it will remain in a triggered state while the current acquisition is active.
The non-latched trigger sensitivities will only indicate a channel trigger event while the input signal for the given channel is in the
triggered state.