Measurement Computing WaveBook rev.3.0 User Manual

Page 179

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WaveBook User’s Manual,


daqX API - Programming Models C-5

ret& = VBdaqAdcRdScan&(handle&,1, channels&, buf%(), DgainX1&,


Print “Results of AdcRdscan:”
For x& = 0 To 7

Print Format$“& # & ####”; “Channel:”; buf%(x); “Data:”; buf%(x)

Next x&: Print

Finally, the program will collect 9 scans from channels 1 through 7 with an immediate trigger, then display
the results.

ret& = VBdaqAdcRdScanN& (handle&, 1, channels&, buf%(), scans&,

DatsImmediate&, rising&, 0!, freq!, gain&, flags&)

For i& = 0 To channels&-1

Print Format$“& # & ####”; “Channel:”; i&+1; “Data:”;

For j& = 0 To scans&-1

print Tab(j&*7+17); InttoUint(buf%(j&*channels&+i&));

next j
next i&

Now to close the device when it’s no longer needed:

ret& = VBdaqAdcClose(handle&)