Measurement Computing WaveBook rev.3.0 User Manual

Page 192

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C-18 daqX API - Programming Models,


WaveBook User’s Manual

Set the scan configuration for channels 1 to 8 with a gain of ×1 in unipolar analog mode:

ret& = VBdaqAdcSetMux&(handle&, 1, channels&, DgainX1&,


Set the post-trigger scan frequency:

ret& = VBdaqAdcSetFreq&(handle&, freq!)

Set the trigger source to a software trigger command; the rest of the parameters have no effect on a software

ret& = VBdaqAdcSetTrig&(handle&, DatsSoftware&, DatdRisingEdge&, 0,


Set the direct-to-disk filename with no pre-write, in append mode; also available is:

ret& = VBdaqAdcSetDiskFile&(handle&, "adcex8.bin", DaomAppendFile&, 0)

Start reading data in the background mode with cycle mode on and updateBlock:

ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferSetBuffer&(handle&, buf%(), BLOCK&, DatmCycleOn& +


ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferStart&(handle&)
ret& = VBdaqAdcArm&(handle&)
ret& = VBdaqAdcSoftTrig&(handle&)

Monitor the progress of the transfer:

active& = -1
While active& <> 0
ret& = VBdaqAdcTransferGetStat&(handle&, active&, retCount&)
Print "Acquisition complete:"; retCount&; "scans acquired."

Close the device:

ret& = VBdaqClose&(handle&)

Now we convert the binary file to a text file. There is no simple way to do this, so it is necessary to open
the file and manipulate it by hand.
First, open the binary file:

Open "adcex8.bin" For Input As 1

Next, get a handle for the file; this is one of the windows API calls, CreateFile (it doesn’t actually
create anything, however).

fileHandle& = CreateFile(binFile, GENERIC_READ, &H1, "", CREATE_ALWAYS,


Now open the text output file where the converted data will be written:

Open "adcex8.txt" For Output As 2

Next, actually convert the binary data to text:


Convert BLOCK unpacked scans to packed bytes:

scanCount& = BLOCK&
sampleCount& = scanCount& * channels&
wordCount& = sampleCount& * 3 / 4
byteCount& = 2 * wordCount&

Read the packed bytes from the input file, and get the number of bytes actually read. The UBound()and

functions just return the upper and lower bounds of the buffer. Get #1 retrieves data from the

file and stores it in the buf() array.

Dim sz&
sz& = UBound(buf%) - LBound(buf%)
For i& = 0 To sz&
Get #1, i&, buf(i&)
Next i&
byteCount& = sz

Next, convert the data just read into the buffer from packed bytes to unpacked scans:

wordCount& = byteCount& / 2
sampleCount& = wordCount& * 4 / 3
scanCount& = sampleCount& / channels&

Unpack the packed data using the same buffer. This command can be called even if the WaveBook if not
online or connected.

ret& = VBdaqCvtRawDataFormat&(buf%(), DacaUnpack, BLOCK&, channels&,
