Open tab – EXFO FTB/IQS-85100G Packet Blazer for FTB-500/IQS-600 User Manual
Page 328
Test Control
Report Button
Turn on Report Generation Prompt check box when selected
(default) displays a pop-up every time a test case is stopped or
completed to ask if a report generation is desired.
Format is the file format for the report: PDF (default), HTML, and
Logo check box when selected (default) allows to include a logo
to the report. Only available with the PDF and HTML file format.
Select the logo picture that will be displayed on the report.
To select another logo, first add a new logo by either copying the
logo picture file to the following folder or by using the
Import/Export (see page 319) then select the new logo from the
Supported picture file formats are jpg, gif, bmp, and png.
Save Report button generates and saves the report on the selected
media (Save to).
Open Tab
Report files can be opened from this page.
Tap the Report button and the Open tab.
To open a saved report:
1. Select the media containing the file to open: Internal Storage, or a
removable drive (USB key for example) if present. Internal Storage
lists reports from Documents\PB85100G\Reports.
2. Select the report file to open from the list.
3. Tap the Open button.