EXFO FTB/IQS-85100G Packet Blazer for FTB-500/IQS-600 User Manual

Page 190

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Test Results




GFP-tHEC-UNCORR (GFP - type Header Error Check - Uncorrectable)

RX: Indicates that two or more bit errors have been detected in the
Type header (tHEC, PTI, PFI, EXI, and UPI).



: Generates a “Walking 11” pattern to hit all consecutive 2 bits

applicable to the bits covered by the tHEC, PTI, PFI, EXI and UPI.

GFP-eHEC-CORR (GFP - extension Header Error Check - Correctable)
is only available with GFP-F when EXI is set to Linear.

RX: Indicates that only one bit error has been detected in the Extension
header (eHEC, CID and Spare).



: Generates a “Walking 1” pattern to hit all applicable bits covered

by the eHEC, CID and Spare.

GFP-eHEC-UNCORR (GFP - extension Header Error Check -
Uncorrectable) is only available with GFP-F when EXI is set to Linear.

RX: Indicates that two or more bit errors have been detected in the
Extension header (eHEC, CID and Spare).



: Generates a “Walking 11” pattern to hit all consecutive 2 bits

applicable to the bits covered by the eHEC, CID and Spare.

GFP-SB-CORR (GFP - Superblock Correctable) is available with GFP-T.

RX: Indicates that bit error has been detected in the CRC-16 word of
the superblock. A received SB Correctable (Pre) error counts as one
error while SB Correctable (Post) counts as two errors.


GFP-SB-CORR (Pre) generates a “Walking 1” pattern to include a
single bit error in the CRC-16 word of the superblock.
GFP-SB-CORR (Post) generates in the payload of the superblock, a
“Walking 1” pattern to include two separate errors in one superblock
separated by 43 bits.