0 controls (cont’d), 7 optional communication cards, 6 setting schedule – Reznor ZQYRA Unit Installation Manual User Manual
Page 52: 1 bacnet, Mstp (option bhb8) communication

Form I-ZQYRA P/N 260414R5, Page 52
8.7 Optional
With the addition of an optional BMS
Communication card, the building
automation system can remotely adjust
setpoints and view status points and
alarms. The current supported building
automation protocols are:
• BACnet
MSTP (Option BHB8)
• LonWorks
Contact factory if additional protocol
support is needed.
8.6 Setting Schedule
Schedule Internal
The local schedule consists of 7 Daily Events and a timed override. Each daily event
consists of a start and stop time. Each daily event can then be applied to any or all of
the weekdays and weekends. Therefore, a schedule of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday
through Friday would only use one Daily event.
The timed override events consist of an override condition (On/Off) and the amount of
time on override. This is a one time override occurrence.
or BACnet
Card on the
main controller
Electrical Panel
in the Control
The BACnet
MSTP (Option BHB8) communication allows access to all unit function
parameters. The standard communication protocol in a Model ZQRYA unit is identi-
fied as BACnet
over MS/TP (Master Slave / Token Passing). This protocol is used for
communicating BACnet
over a network of BACnet
only controllers. The network is
considered open communication, whereas any device on the network has the capa-
bility to receive input from any other controller on the network. In all Z Series units
included on a BACnet
network, there are certain configuration parameters that need
to be met before communication can be established with other devices. These settings
and configuration parameters must be set properly or the device will not respond when
prompted by other devices in the network. The table below shows the parameters and
their default settings.
8.7.1 BACnet
(Option BHB8)
Control Display Description
“MSTP Config” Menu
This allows the device instance for the controller to be modified.
0 - 4194303
This allows the connection speed for the MSTP network to be modified.
9600, 19200,
38400, 76800 38400
MAC Addr:
This defines the MAC address of BACnet
This defines the highest MS/TP master address that will participate in the token-passing.
0 - 127
MaxInfoFrames: This indicates the largest number of frames that will be sent by a controller before it releases the token.
0 - 255
To view and adjust these parameters, go the
BMS Config menu that is located under
Service Menu/System. The protocol must be set to “BACnet
MSTP” and the BAC-
Plugin must be set to “Yes”. Once on the MSTP SETUP screen pressing the
“Enter” Button will pull the current data from the communication card. NOTE: The
power must be on for several minutes to allow the BACnet
communication to prop-
erly initialize. Now go to each parameter that needs adjusted and make the neces-
sary changes. Once the changes are complete and you are still on the
screen, press the
“Prg” button to save the changes to the BACnet
card. After saving the new setpoints, the controller must be power cycled to complete
the process. Once the power has been restored and the BACnet
card has initialized,
go back to the
MSTP SETUP screen to confirm changes were accepted.
The BACnet
communication card has two sets of LEDs (Controller Status and MSTP
Status), a push button and three jumpers.
The controller status LED indicates the status of communication between the card
and the controller. It is located above the push button.
1) Serial port connection
2) Terminal block for BACnet
network (GND, +, -)
3) MSTP status LED
4) Controller status LED
5) Line resistance jumpers
6) Factory configuration push button
Board Layout
8.0 Controls