Haltech E8 User Manual
Page 72

Haltech E11/E8 Instruction Manual
Fuel Pressure Sensor –
This input enables the ECU the display and datalog fuel pressure via a
fuel pressure sensor.
Oil Pressure Sensor –
This input enables the ECU the display and datalog engine oil pressure via
an oil pressure sensor.
Closed Loop Boost Trim
- With the optional trim module attached to an analogue input, boost
levels can be trimmed down from the value set in the closed loop boost control map to a maximum
of the amount set in the closed loop boost control trim input. With the trim turned all the way
clockwise boost levels will be equal to the values found in the closed loop boost control map, with
the trim turned all the way anti-clockwise the boost is reduced by the amount set in the trim input.
EGT Input –
This input allows an Exhaust Gas Temperature input to be entered into the ECU, this
input requires the EGT thermocouple to be amplified externally (EGTs and amplifiers can be
purchased through haltech). EGT can then be used to trim fueling requirements through the fuel
correction maps.
Air Conditioning Request
- The ECU can intercept the air conditioning control to control when it
is allowed to operate and to allow for any idle up requirements when air conditioning loads the
engine. This input is connected to the switch that request air-conditioning function, or the output
from the air conditioner thermostat control box, depending on the required function. See section
for details on how to setup air conditioning control.
Nitrous Enable
- If the nitrous activation system requires an external input to arm the system, then
select this function on the digital inputs. See tuning section for details on how to setup nitrous
Auxiliary Rev Limit
- To help some cars ‘launch’ from a standing start, an auxiliary rev limit can be
set via an external input. This limits the power available from the engine that helps to minimise
wheel spin. Typically, the auxiliary rev limit is set when the car is stationary and the engine is
revved up to that limit. When the clutch is released, then car is moved using only the limited engine
power until sufficient traction is gained, at which time the auxiliary rev limit is released.
Datalog activation
– To activate on board datalogging the channels need to be setup in the
datalogging setup menu and the input needs to be enabled. When the input is grounded on-board
datalogging is activated.
Map Selection
- The ECU has two sets of separate fuel and ignition maps that can be
programmed. These can be tuned differently for different fuels or different conditions. E.g. Use
fuel/ignition maps 1 for pump fuel and use fuel/ignition maps 2 for racing fuel. A switch can be
connected to this digital input to select between the fuel maps only, the ignition maps only or both.
Click on the Edit button to select which maps you wish to control with this input.
Turbo Timer Input
- When turbo timer is setup, the ECU requires an input to determine when the
ignition is turned off to start the turbo timer. See auxilary output options section on the Turbo
Timer output for more details on how to wire the turbo timer system.
Anti-Lag Enable
- When turbo anti-lag is setup to require an external input to arm the anti-lag
function, select this input function and connect your enable switch to this input. See section on
anti-lag for details on how to setup anti-lag.
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