Haltech E8 User Manual
Page 43
Haltech E11/E8 Instruction Manual
Overall Trim
The trim value scales the fuel enrichment. 0% makes no changes to the fuel
enrichment. 100% will add an extra 100% fuel to the enrichment.
0.0 – 300.0 %.
100.0 %.
Throttle Pump Maps
Enrichment Sensitivity Map
This map allows for the tuning of the amount of enrichment needed according to a given RPM and
throttle position. In general more enrichment is needed at a low throttle position because a change will
cause a larger in rush of air than at a higher throttle position. At a low RPM more enrichment is needed
because of low air speeds and the atomisation of fuel is poor. This becomes less of a problem as the
engine goes up in RPM and airflow increases. The value in this map represents the enrichment needed at
the maximum TPS rate of change. This map is the first to be tuned but also make sure that the right hand
side of the TPS Rate Of Change Sensitivity Map equates to the maximum TPS rate of change
achievable with a sensitivity value of 100%.
TPS Rate Of Change Sensitivity Map
With the Enrichment Sensitivity Map tuned for a maximum TPS rate of change slower throttle
movements can be scaled accordingly with the TPS Rate Of Change Sensitivity Map. The right hand
side of the map should contain the maximum TPS Rate of change in its axis value and 100% in its map
value. For slower throttle movements (lower TPS rate of change values) a smaller percentage value can
be put in the map.
Percentage Asynchronous Enrichment Map
This map determines what percentage of the fuel enrichment goes to the asynchronous type of
enrichment. 0% in the map means that all of the fuel enrichment will be delivered synchronously (ie no
additional fuel pulses will be added, the entire throttle pump enricment will solely by extending the normal
injection pulse). 100% in the maps means that all of the fuel enrichment will be delivered asynchronously
(ie the normal injection pulse remains the same and all the enrichment fuel is added through extra pulses
following the main injection pulse (these are called the asynchronous pulses)). Note that if the enrichment
value exceeds 9.5ms (the maximum size of an asynchronous pulse) the rest will be delivered
synchronously. In General at a low RPM, when the injection events are further apart, the asynchronous
fuel enrichment helps deliver the extra fuel over a longer period. At a high RPM asynchronous enrichment
is not needed because regular injection events are more frequent.
Synchronous Enrichment Decay Map
This map determines how fast the synchronous enrichment (ie the enrichment added by extending
the normal injection pulse) decays back to zero (no additional enrichment). The units entered in are
milliseconds per engine cycle. E.g. a value of 0.5 will mean that the enrichment will decay 0.5ms every
engine cycle. The bigger the value the faster it will decay.
Coolant Correction Map
This map applies a correction factor to the fuel enrichment based on the coolant temperature. E.g.
100% gives 100% extra fuel enrichment.
Shortcut Keys For Mini Maps
Page Up
Increments map value.
Page Down
Decrements map value.
Used to linearise between two points.
Used to change the value in a cell or multiple selected cells.
Other : Ctrl T Opens throttle pump setup page without having to open fuel setup.
Copyright © Haltech 2008
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