Haltech E8 User Manual
Page 33

Haltech E11/E8 Instruction Manual
Subaru MY01
Waste Spark
Direct fire
For Subaru 4 cylinder EJ20 series engines in
2001 and later WRX and Forrester GT.
Rotary Triggers
Fuel Mode
Ignition Mode
2 or 3 pulse Trig
(with toggle)
Waste Spark
Direct Fire
For rotary engines that have standard trigger
style trigger adapted to them.
2 or 3 pulse Trig
Rotary No Home
For rotary engines that have standard trigger
style trigger adapted to them and no Home
Multi Tooth Rotary
(with toggle)
Waste Spark
Direct Fire
The factory trigger for a Mazda rotary engine will
be a 24 tooth magnetic trigger with a Home
signal for every rotation of the crank.
Figure 28 - Trigger Type Options
Trigger Sensor Type -
If your Trigger Input Signal is a magnetic pickup type, then you will need to
use the internal reluctor by setting ‘Reluctor Mode’. Otherwise, if you have a Hall effect sensor type
that produces a digital square wave output, then select ‘Hall Effect Mode’. Optical triggers also
produce a square wave output and the input type should also be ‘Hall Effect Mode’. Generally a
“hall effect” trigger type will require power and ground, a reluctor style sensor does not require
Home Sensor Type -
If your Home Input Signal is a magnetic pickup type, then you will need to
use the internal reluctor by setting ‘Reluctor Mode’. Otherwise, if you have a Hall effect sensor type
that produces a digital square wave output, then select ‘Hall Effect Mode’. Optical triggers also
produce a square wave output and the input type should also be ‘Hall Effect Mode’.
Trigger Signal Edge -
The trigger signal from a crank or cam angle sensor will always be
converted to a square wave signal. As a square wave, there will always be a rising and falling edge
to every pulse received. Depending on the sensor, one of the edges may move with respect to the
actual crank position as engine RPM changes. Set this parameter to select the edge that does not
move with respect to the crank at all engine speeds. Set this edge to ‘Rising’ when using the
internal reluctor as a starting point.
Home Signal Edge -
Similarly with the home signal, one of the edges associated with this signal
will have a fixed position with respect to the crank position, while the other edge may move slightly
with RPM. Choose the edge that does not move with respect to the crank position when RPM is
changed. Set this edge to ‘Rising’ when using the internal reluctor as a starting point.
Trigger Signal Pull Up -
By default, this option should be left in the ‘On’ state. When using Hall
effect input triggers from certain factory trigger systems however, it is sometimes required to turn
this option ‘Off’. Leave this feature in its default state unless you are sure that this needs to be
turned off.
Copyright © Haltech 2008
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