5 user database, 5 inbound faxes, Inbound faxes – FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 - Manual User Manual

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2 – Server Administration

NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 Manual


notification to that user’s Routing Address in addition to the notification
provided by the fax client.

The variable provided is


The value can be either


to notify for all non-email sent faxes, or


to notify

for only faxes sent from the Microsoft Fax client. For example to notify on any
non-email outbound fax, add


at the end of that user’s description field.

To enable this variable, the following registry change must be made:



Should you wish to override the default subject line of these emails, set the
following registry key:


"NtfSubject"="A fax you sent"

User Database

Users and groups are stored in


files in the NET SatisFAXtion program






With the NET SatisFAXtion service stopped, these files can be backed up, or
copied to another server to duplicate the user list.

Note that group Autoprint, user Export and cover sheets are not contained in
these files.


Inbound Faxes

When the fax server receives a fax, it stores it in the Inbox (Receive Queue).
From there it will be routed to clients based on information received with the fax
such as which physical fax port it was received on (line routing) or the dialed
phone number (DID routing).

Additional operations on faxes such as Exporting them or Autoprinting them are
not truly “routing” and so have different mechanisms to indicate which faxes
should be Exported or Autoprinted. Refer to their own sections, below.

All Routing information is stored in the User or Group configuration, accessible
from the Administration program’s User Administration section. See


Managing Users and Groups

for more information.

In order for the fax server to automatically route there must be enough
information when the fax is received to uniquely identify a single user or a single
group. For example, this means you can only assign a single phone number to
one user or to one group.

Line Sharing: Sharing phone lines between NET SatisFAXtion and another
device is not supported. Line sharing can cause numerous problems including