7 internetworking class, 12 29997–30089: port server client – FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 - Manual User Manual
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4 – Appendices
NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 Manual
29287 Cause 103, Parameter non-existent or not implemented –
passed on: Q.850 description: This cause indicates that the equipment
sending this cause has received a message which includes parameters not
recognized because the parameters are not defined or are defined but not
implemented by the equipment sending the cause. The cause indicates that the
parameter(s) were ignored. In addition, if the equipment sending this cause is
an intermediate point, then this cause indicates that the parameter(s) were
passed on unchanged. Error type:
29294 Cause 110, Message with unrecognized parameter
discarded: Q.850 description: This cause indicates that the equipment
sending this cause has discarded a received message which includes a
parameter that is not recognized. Error type:
29295 Cause 111, Protocol error unspecified:
The TDM network could
not connect the call because of an unspecified fault. Error type:
Q.850 description: This cause is used to report a protocol error event only when
no other cause in the protocol error class applies.
AudioCodes MediaPack FXO, Mediant 1000 FXO: These devices will return a
protocol error unspecified if it does not detect dial tone.
Internetworking Class
29311 Cause 127, Internetworking unspecified:
The TDM network
could not route the call to another network because of an unspecified fault.
Error type:
Q.850 description: This cause indicates that there has been interworking with a
network which does not provide causes for actions it takes. Thus, the precise
cause for a message which is being sent cannot be ascertained.
29997–30089: Port Server Client
29997 Access denied:
You are not allowed to send using this Port Server.
Error type:
29998 Account not found:
Specified account does not exist on the Port
Server. Error type:
30000 Receive failover Account not found.
Error type:
30001 Invalid Ser verGuid syntax.
Error type:
30002 Account logged out.
Error type:
30003 Send is disabled for this account.
Error type:
30004 Receive is disabled for this account.
Error type:
30005 Account send time has expired:
Prepaid account no longer has
time remaining. Contact provider. Error type:
30006 Account receive time has expired:
Prepaid account no longer
has time remaining. Contact provider. Error type:
30007 No sessions available.
Error type: