FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 - Manual User Manual

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4 – Appendices

NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 Manual


ArchiveOutboundFtrs: Undocumented.

AsciiExtList: Undocumented.

AuthInSubject: Undocumented.

AutoPrintName: Undocumented.

CompressedAsciiExtList: Undocumented.

Conver tProcessCount [dword]: The number of RunCvt processes to spawn.
Default: Equal to the number of CPU cores in the system.

Conver tReloadCount [dword]: The number of documents each RunCvt
process will convert before being automatically reloaded. Default: 100.

Conver tUTF8ToRTF: Undocumented.

CoverExtension: Undocumented.

DefaultFaxPrefix: Undocumented.

DefaultTemplateExt [string]: File extension to use for cover sheets. Default:



DefaultTemplateName: Undocumented.

DefPageLengthLines: Undocumented.

DiagnosticMode: Undocumented.

DtmfRouteStripCount [dword 0–255]: Ignore this many digits to the left of a
DID string for routing purposes.

ExternalConver terExtensions: Uses an external converter program to
convert these file extensions. Program must be named ExternalConverter.exe
and be placed in the NET SatisFAXtion install directory. It will be called with the

ExternalConverter.exe -F"OriginalFileName" -I"InputFile"



FastDithering: Undocumented.

RejectExtensions: Undocumented.

Halftone: Undocumented.

ImageFileExtensions [string]: File extension to use for native TIFF images.
Format: Semicolon delimited list of file exensions. Default:

.tif; .tiff


InsoPreConver t [boolean]: Obsolete.

KeepPrintCapOutput: Undocumented.

Link_To_Log_Ser ver [boolean]: Undocumented.

Max_Quick_Sessions [string]: Undocumented.

Max_Slow_Sessions [string]: Undocumented.

MaxTiffPageWidth: Undocumented.

MaxQueueChangeEntries: Undocumented.

MessageLogLevel: Undocumented.

MinFreeDiskSpace: Undocumented.

ModifyMessageFilters: Undocumented.