FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 - Manual User Manual
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4 – Appendices
NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 Manual
hour (for 12 hour am/pm format)
am/pm string for 12 hour format
Be very careful what you specify in the string as as it is passed directly through
and if you specify a string type for a parameter that is an int you will most likely
cause a UAE. For instance, if you put in %2 or %2!s!, then the passed page
number parameter will be used as a pointer to a string by FormatMessage. A
page number of 1 would be a bad string address and would cause a UAE.
From:%1!-20.20s! Page#:%2!u! Date:%3!u!/%4!u!/%5!u! %6!u!:%7!
send_burst_topmost [dword 0–65535]: Default:
send_burst_highwater [dword 0–65535]: Default:
send_burst_delay_msecs [dword 0–65535]: When submitting a lot of
messages at once, this has been shown to make a small improvement without
FILEBASE, and a significant improvement with FILEBASE. Default:
send_retr y_seconds [dword 0–65535]: The amount of time in seconds to
elapse before attempting to resend a message after any retryable reason other
than the remote unit being busy. Default:
strip_header_line_count [string]: How many scan lines to strip from the top
of each page of a receive fax. This is a per device setting.
tsid [string(20)]: This sets a default CSID to use when transmitting if the
structure has
for its
field. If this setting is not
present, the
setting in the fax driver registry section for this device will
max_pages [dword 0–65535]: Default:
min_disk_free_kbytes [dword 0–65535]: ICANFax checks disk space every
minute. When free space falls below the specified threshold, ICANFax sets the
global comm state to disable receives and applies the
setting for each port. Sends are unaffected. When disk space rises above the
threshold, everything returns to normal. This is not implemented in the Win32
ICANFax. Default:
mode [string]: Sets whether this device sends, receives, both, or neither. This
setting must be present. When the application specifies "*" for "first available"
device when sending a message, devices set to
only have higher priority
than devices set to
. This is to prevent devices that are set to
both send and receive from sending a message, thus being unavailable for
receives, when a device set to only send is available. This is a device specific
setting, but you can set the default for all devices by specifying this under the
global ICANFax section. Format: Comma separated list of
. Default:
order [string]: This is used to control the ordering of devices so that particular
devices will be used for "send any" events before others. This will also be the
order that they are shown from applications like the monitor or Administration. It
does not need to contain all of the fax devices – only those that you want sorted
at to head of the linked list of devices. Format: Comma separated list of port
r tp_percent [dword 0–100]: This is the percentage of bad scan lines to good
scan lines that will cause ICANFax to respond with an RTP to the fax driver. This
only applies when doing non-ECM fax receive and the driver is configured for a