FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 - Manual User Manual
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4 – Appendices
NET SatisFAXtion 8.6 Manual
retry on, this setting can make that error retryable. Format: Up to 10 comma-
separated hexadecimal numbers.
busy_call_send_retry_seconds [dword 0–65535]: The amount of time in
seconds to elapse before attempting to resend a message when the call
resulted in a remote busy. Default:
bypass_file_base [boolean]: Bypasses the FILEBASE queue driver. Disables
FILEBASE even if
. Default:
conver t_receive_input_buf fer_size [dword]: Size of input buffer used by
image converter during receive fax. Default:
conver t_receive_output_buffer_size [dword]: Size of output buffer used
by image converter during receive fax. Default:
conver t_send_input_buffer_size [dword]: Size of input buffer used by
image converter during send fax. Default:
conver t_send_output_buffer_size [dword]: Size of output buffer used by
image converter during send fax. Default:
debug_receive_image_types [string]: This causes all raw received data for
each page be written to a file in the queues subdirectory so as to allow for later
debugging caused by convert problems related to the image data. The format of
the file name is
ICF- type>_ . The way this works is that all raw data is written to the debug file and at the end of each page, then that file is re-read and its data is It should be noted that whenever a message and its attachments is deleted, keep_debug_image_always setting. Format: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following values: 1D T6 COLOR 300H_300V debug_send_image_types [string]: This causes all raw received data for ICF- type>_ . The way this works is that all raw data is written to the debug file and at the end of each page, then that file is re-read and its data is It should be noted that whenever a message and its attachments is deleted, keep_debug_image_always setting. Format: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following values:
streamed through convert. If convert causes a UAE or fails to convert the data,
the debug file remains for later debugging.
that this file also gets deleted. Also, see the
each page be written to a file in the queues subdirectory so as to allow for later
debugging caused by convert problems related to the image data. The format of
the file name is
streamed through convert. If convert causes a UAE or fails to convert the data,
the debug file remains for later debugging.
that this file also gets deleted. Also, see the