9 validating backups, 10 consolidating backup versions, Validating backups – Acronis Server Cloud Backup - User Guide User Manual

Page 49: Consolidating backup versions

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2.9 Validating backups

The validation procedure checks whether you will be able to recover data from a particular backup
version, so when you select for validation on the time line…

a full backup version, the program validates the full backup version only.

a differential backup version, the program validates the initial full backup version and the
selected differential backup version.

an incremental backup version, the program validates the initial full backup, the selected
incremental backup version, and the whole chain (if any) of backup versions to the selected
incremental backup version. If the chain contains one or more differential backup versions, the
program validates (in addition to the initial full backup version and the selected incremental
backup version) only the most recent differential backup version in the chain and all subsequent
incremental backup versions (if any) between the differential backup version and the selected
incremental backup version.

This information can be helpful, for example, when you find out that a backup comprising a full
backup version and a chain of incremental ones is corrupted. To troubleshoot the backup, do as
follows. First of all validate the full backup version by selecting it on the time line, right-clicking and
choosing Validate in the shortcut menu. If it is damaged, all the backup chain will be useless. When it
is not damaged, proceed to validating incremental backup versions starting from the oldest, until you
find the culprit. All incremental backup versions made after the corrupted one will be unusable, but
you will be able to recover the data at least from the previous backup versions.

To validate an entire backup:

1. Select the backup to validate, click the gear icon to open the Operations menu and select

Validate. If the selected backup is password-protected, Acronis Small Office Backup will ask for
the password in a dialog box.

2. After you enter the correct password the program will start the validation procedure.
3. When the validation is complete, you will see the result in the line below the backup's box. You

can cancel validation by clicking Cancel.

2.10 Consolidating backup versions

Using consolidation of backup versions, you can create a consistent copy of backup while deleting
selected backup versions. This allows you to delete the backup versions you no longer need from any
backup without harming that backup.

Consolidation creates a consistent copy of the backup that does not contain deleted backup versions.
If you select a new location for the consolidated backup, the source backup stays as is unless you
delete it. This requires more disk space but ensures security of the backup in case the consolidation
fails because of power failure or a lack of disk space.

Acronis Small Office Backup cannot consolidate backup versions created when "editing" partition images
mounted in the Read/Write mode.

To consolidate backup versions in a backup:

Start Small Office Backup.