Acronis Server Cloud Backup - User Guide User Manual
Page 17

Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2013
Operations menu
Clicking the gear icon in the box of a selected backup or right-clicking in the free area of the box
opens an Operations menu containing the following items:
View log - click to open the log for the current backup.
Expand - expands the selected backup box (available for collapsed boxes).
Collapse - collapses the selected backup box into a narrow stripe (available for expanded boxes).
Recover files (available only for disk backups) - opens the Backup Explorer window, where you
can select any version of the backup.
Back up now - adds a new backup version to the existing backup or replaces the existing backup
version, depending on the backup scheme being used.
Open location - opens the folder containing the backup files.
Edit settings - allows editing of the current backup settings.
Recover (available for Online Backup only) - opens the Acronis Cloud application.
Clean up (available for Online Backup only) - opens a dialog box where you can choose whether
you want to delete the backup files only or both the backup files and settings. Note that the
backup box will remain in the backup list in both cases.
Recreate backup settings - allows configuring the settings for backups that were manually added
to the backup list. For example, this item may appear for backups created on another computer.
Without backup settings, you will be unable to perform certain operations. Specifically, you
cannot refresh the backup by clicking Back up now. Also, you cannot edit and clone the backup
settings and schedule.
Validate - starts backup validation.
Delete - opens a dialog box where you can choose whether you want to delete the backup
completely or the backup box only. In the last case, the backup files will remain in the location,
and you will be able to add the backup to the list later. Note that if you delete a backup
completely, the deletion cannot be undone.
More - opens the following additional items:
Create shortcut - creates a shortcut on the Desktop. With the shortcut you can run a backup
without starting Small Office Backup.