ADS Environmental Services IETG FlowHawk QR 775012 A4 User Manual

Page 390

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Index In-9

out-of-warranty repairs, 1-28
overview, 2-4
ports, 2-10
power, 1-4

external, 5-1

processor board, 2-8

replacement, 8-31
replacing the fuses, 8-32

remote communication, 4-3
replacing the battery pack, 8-10
replacing the fuses, 8-32
replacing the regulator, 8-31
returns, 1-28
running sensor diagnostics, 6-69
securing the dryer tube, 3-58
sensors, 1-3
shipping for warranty work, 1-28
specifications, A-1
telemetry, 1-4
Telog Ru-33, E-1
testing cryout capability, 8-8
torque for bolts, 8-16
troubleshooting, 8-39
troubleshooting fee, 1-28
upgrading firmware, 6-95
viewing diagnostic logs, 6-98
voltage regulator board, 2-11
warranty, 1-27
wireless communication, 1-4, 2-5,


monitor mounting bracket, 7-3
monitor status report, 8-9
monitoring point

creating a second monitoring point

for a locaion, 6-10

mounting bracket

monitor, 7-3

mounting the EMU, 4-36
mounting the EMUX, 4-45
mounting the monitor

manhole wall, 7-3
rung, 7-2


new product warranty, 1-27
normal sample rate, 6-8


on-site communication, 4-52
out-of-warranty repairs, 1-28

communication, 2-5

EMU, 2-6
EMUX, 2-6
GSM module, 2-5
Modbus, 2-7
on-site, 2-7
Telog Ru-33, 2-8

direct communication, 2-7
EMU, 2-6
EMUX, 2-6
GSM module, 2-5
Modbus, 2-7
monitor, 2-4
Peak Combo Sensor, 2-14

peak velocity, 2-16
pressure depth, 2-16
upward ultrasonic depth, 2-15


Peak Combo Sensor, 2-14
Slimline Peak Combo Sensor,


Surface Combo Sensor, 2-19
Ultrasonic Depth Sensor, 2-17

Slimline Peak Combo Sensor,

peak velocity, 2-23
upward ultrasonic depth, 2-23

Surface Combo Sensor, 2-19

downward ultrasonic depth,


pressure depth, 2-22
surcharge peak velocity, 2-22
surface velocity, 2-21

Telog Ru-33, 2-8