Editing the data delivery device – ADS Environmental Services IETG FlowHawk QR 775012 A4 User Manual
Page 234

Configuration and Activation 6-55
in each field until you have indicated all of the possible carrier
options corresponding to your monitor location.
Enable Debug IETG reserves this option for internal
diagnostic use only.
Editing the Data Delivery Device
Edit data delivery setup dialog
The Data Delivery device enables the monitor to upload flow data
stored in the monitor memory to an IntelliServe database or an FTP
site at a user-designated interval. To upload the data to an FTP site,
you must know the address of the FTP site, the folder at the FTP
site in which you want the monitor to place the data, and the
username and password the monitor must use to access the site.
Edit the data delivery device in the following way: .
Mode Select the destination to which you want the monitor to
deliver the data. This list includes an IntelliServe database or
an existing FTP site. To deliver data to an IntelliServe
database, you must enter the IP address for the IntelliServe
system in the IP Address field of the Alarm Notification
section on the Edit MLI Device Properties dialog.