Apple Motion 2 Tutorials User Manual

Page 89

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Tutorial 2

Basic Motion Behaviors


To apply the Fade In/Fade Out behavior to the boxes layer, do one of the


From the Library, drag the Fade In/Fade Out behavior to the boxes layer in the Layers
tab or in the Timeline Layer list.


In the Layers tab or Timeline Layer list, select the boxes layer, then click the Add
Behavior icon in the Toolbar and choose Basic Motion > Fade In/Fade Out.


In the Layers tab or Timeline, select the boxes layer, select the Fade In/Fade Out
behavior from the Library, then click Apply in the Preview area.


In the Layers tab or Timeline, select the boxes layer, then drag the Fade In/Fade Out
behavior from the Library to the selected layer in the Canvas.

Like individual objects, you can drag a behavior to a
layer in the Layers list.

You can also drag behaviors to a layer or individual
object in the Timeline Layer list.