Compositing basics – Apple Motion 2 Tutorials User Manual
Page 16

Tutorial 1
The Motion Interface
In the Layers tab, you can select, reorder, lock, group and ungroup, and rename objects
and layers. You can also add and delete layers.
Showing and Hiding Effects in the Layers Tab
This project utilizes three initial layers—boxes, dolphins, and titles. Each layer contains
several objects and effects.
Effects that are applied to an object appear beneath the object in the Layers tab and
can be displayed or hidden using the disclosure triangle (or by filtering what is
displayed in the Layers tab).
To inspect the layers:
If it is not displayed, show the Project pane (press F5).
Click the disclosure triangle next to the boxes layer.
The layer is expanded and the Fade In/Fade Out behavior appears, along with the four
box shape objects. The Fade In/Fade Out behavior is applied to the boxes layer and
appears below the layer (and slightly indented).
Compositing Basics
A project can also be referred to as a composite. Compositing is an essential part of
motion graphics, as it is the process of combining images and objects together to
create a single-layered, final image. Any time you have more than one object in the
Layers tab, you are compositing.
A composite can range from the very simple, such as a logo placed over an animated
background, to the very complex, such as keying multiple, highly paid actors shot in
front of a green screen over a background plate; performing color correction;
integrating 3D-generated drooling space monsters; and adding animated particle
Disclosure triangle
Behavior icon (applied to layer)
Behavior icon (applied to object)