Apple Motion 2 Tutorials User Manual

Page 22

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Tutorial 1

The Motion Interface

Note: You can also press D to cycle through the Dashboards for an object, or press
Shift+D to cycle in reverse.


Choose Fade In/Fade Out from the pop-up menu.

The Dashboard changes to the Fade In/Fade Out controls. You can change the duration
of the fade in or the fade out effect by dragging the left or right side of the control.

In this project, the layer is set to fade in, but not fade out.


Click the right edge of the fade control and drag to the left until the object is set to
fade out over 30 frames.


Play the project (press the Space bar).

The boxes fade in over the first 20 frames and fade out over the last 30 frames.


You can interactively make changes to a project during playback.

Using the Dashboard to Change the Color of a Shape

Remember that the Dashboard provides access to different controls depending on
what type of object is selected. Objects created from within Motion, such as shapes
and text objects, have unique Dashboards. In this section, use the Dashboard to modify
the color parameters of a shape created within Motion.

To display the shape Dashboard:


If it is not already expanded, click the disclosure triangle for the boxes layer in the
Layers tab.


Click the upper green box object to select it.