Create certificate request, Viewing the create certificate request section, Create certificate request section components – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual

Page 155

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The duration during which the certificate is valid.

Certificate Duration

Click Create to create the certificate.


Click Back to return to the Certificate Request Information section.


Create Certificate Request

For instructions on how to use a local CA to sign a certificate request, please see

Sign Certificate



The Create Certificate Request section is used to create certificate requests (CR) that can be signed
by a local CA. Once created, the request appears in the Certificate List with a status of Request
Pending. The CR is displayed in PEM-encoded PKCS #10 format.

Figure 80 Viewing the Create Certificate Request section

The following table describes the components of the Create Certificate Request section.

Table 61 Create Certificate Request section components



Internal name of a newly generated CR. This name will be used when referring to this
CR in other parts of the administrative interface. This field is required.

Certificate Name

Name of the application using this certificate. This field is required.

Common Name

Name of the organization that owns this certificate. This field is optional.

Organization Name

Name of the unit within the organization requesting the certificate. This field is optional.

Organizational Unit

Name of city to which the certificate is being issued. This field is optional.

Locality Name

Name of state where request is issued. This field is optional.

State or Province

Two–character ISO 3166 code of country where request is issued. This field is optional.

Country Name

Secure Key Manager