Alignments, Description files – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual

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User’s Manual



Alignments are similar to polylines in that they define specific lines
in the current job and typically describe the centerline of a road. An

alignment can then be used in the Offset Staking, Offset Points,

Offset Lines, and Slope Staking screens. Unlike polylines, alignments
do not need points for the locations where the alignment changes

(called nodes).

Alignments are created by separately defining the horizontal and

vertical details of a line. Although no points are required to define an

alignment, the starting position must be tied to a specific location in
the current job, the POB, which can be defined by an existing point or

known coordinates.
The horizontal and vertical details of an alignment are defined in
sections. The first horizontal and vertical section always begins at the

specified starting location and each new segment is appended to the

previous horizontal or vertical segment.

Once all the horizontal and vertical alignment segments are defined,

Survey Pro merges the information to create a single 3-dimensional
The vertical alignment (VAL) must be equal in length or longer than

the horizontal alignment. The HAL must not be longer than the VAL.