Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual
Page 121
DTM Stakeout
4. The name entered in the Store Point field will be used for the first
point that is stored. Future points will be stored with the next
available point names. Enter the rod height in the HR field.
5. You have the option of selecting a centerline to get
offset and stationing information for the staked
points. Checking the With C.L. checkbox and then
tapping the Choose Centerline button will open the
Select Line screen where you can select an existing
polyline or alignment that defines a centerline. The
selected line will also be displayed graphically in the
DTM Shot screen, described later.
6. When the Generate DTM with Staked Points checkbox
is checked, a DTM surface will be generated from the
points stored on the selected DTM layer (not the
reference DTM layer optionally chosen in the first
screen). Any points staked and stored will also be
added to this layer and the DTM will be updated
Selecting the Generate DTM with Staked Points option also allows
you to view this surface from the 3D View screen while taking
shots and it allows you to get live cut / fill and volume information
between this surface and the reference DTM surface selected in
the first screen. If unchecked, the 3D View is unavailable; no
volumes will be computed; and cut / fill information is not
displayed, but is still stored to the raw data file.
When you first check the Generate DTM with Staked
Points box, you must also tap the Setup / View DTM…
button. This will open the Setup DTM 3D screen,
which is used to select your layers, and optionally
select any break lines, and a boundary.