Data collection – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual
Page 307
GPS Module
4. Tap Setup HR to select an antenna type and enter the slant or
vertical measurement.
5. Tap Start Recording to create a new file in the receiver
memory or on the data collector and begin logging GPS raw
Note: Start Recording only begins the logging of raw data to the
receiver’s internal memory. It does not send the station or antenna
information. For a static receiver, the Receiver Session screen is
opened and you then enter the station site ID and send the antenna
information to the static receiver. For a stop and go receiver, the
Receiver Session screen is opened where you can mark the start and
stop of sessions as you occupy points.
Data Collection
1. After recording is started, you can use the Receiver Session
screen to mark the start and stop of point occupation sessions.
This screen is automatically opened after you first start logging.
2. Choose if you wish to Store point in: Receiver and job file or the
Receiver file only
. If you choose to store the point in Receiver and
job file,
then the site ID must be a unique point name in the
Survey Pro job and you will be prompted to put the point on the
autonomous layer. If you choose to store the point in the Receiver
file only,
the site ID can be any valid name for the receiver and
you are not prompted for layer or attributes.
Note: If you are using this screen with the current RTK rover, you
can store points only on the receiver’s file. To store points in the
receiver and in Survey Pro, use a regular RTK data collection routine
and set the raw data setting to include + Rx.
3. Enter a Site ID and Description for this point.
Note: If the Site ID or Description is not valid for your model of
receiver, you will be prompted to modify them.