Defining the road cross-section – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual

Page 167

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The Slope Stake routine can automatically determine if the

outer slope of the road profile should have a positive or a

negative slope based on the location of the hinge point. If
the hinge point is located below the surface of the terrain,

a positive slope is selected and a cut will be required,
starting at the catch point. If the hinge point is located

above the surface of the terrain, a negative slope is selected

where a fill will be required, starting at the catch point.

The illustrations here show examples of a road that requires a fill on

both sides; a road that requires a cut on both sides; and a road that

requires a fill on one side and cut on the other side.

It is important to remember that when slope staking a road, the road

profile always remains the same and the slope of the final segment

can only equal the specified positive (cut) slope, or the specified
negative (fill) slope, but the length of this final segment can vary as

much as necessary until it ends at the surface of the terrain (the

catch point).

Defining the Road Cross-Section

1. From the Main Menu select


Stakeout ,

Slope Staking . You will need to select a line that

defines the centerline of your road. If one is not

available, refer to Page 49 for details on creating
polylines and alignments.

2. Tap the Tap Line button and then tap the polyline

or alignment that describes the centerline of the road
you want to slope stake and then tap to continue.

3. Enter the station that you want to assign to the

starting point of your alignment or polyline in the

Begin Station field.

4. If the backsight is not yet set up, tap the Backsight

button and set up the backsight. Tap Next to


Cut Area

Hinge Points

Catch Points


Fill Area

A road requiring a fill on one
side and a cut on the other side.