Watlow EZ-ZONE RMH User Manual
Page 39

Watlow EZ-ZONE
RMH Module
Chapter 2 Menu Conventions
the header as Modbus and notice that it lists register
380. Because this parameter is a float it is actually
represented by registers 381 (low order bytes) and
381 (high order bytes). Because the Modbus specifica-
tion does not dictate which register should be high
or low order Watlow provides the user the ability to
swap this order (Setup Page, Com Menu) from the
default low/high [lohi] to high/low [hilo].
It should also be noted that some of the cells in the
Modbus column contain wording pertaining to an off-
set. Several parameters in the control contain more
than one instance; such as, alarms (24), analog in-
puts (16), etc... The Modbus register shown always
represents instance one. Take for an example the
Alarm Silencing parameter found in the Setup Page
under the Alarm menu. Instance one is shown as ad-
dress 2670 and +60 is identified as the offset to the
next instance. If there was a desire to read or write
to the same member instance 3, simply add 120 to
2670 to find its address; in this case, the instance 3
address for Alarm Silencing is 2790.
To learn more about the Modbus protocol point
your browser to
There are two columns shown in the menus that
follow for communications protocols identified as
CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) and Profibus.
These columns will be useful if this control is used
in conjunction with the RMA module or the EZ-
ZONE Remote User Interface/Gateway (RUI/GTW)
where those protocols can be selected as optional
hardware. For this module (RMH), as a secondary
protocol beyond Standard Bus, Modbus RTU can be
ordered as optional hardware.
To learn more about the RUI/GTW point your
browser to the link below and search for keyword