Watlow EZ-ZONE RMH User Manual
Page 155

Watlow EZ-ZONE
RMH Module
Control Loops 16 total
Compare 24 total
Off, greater than, less than, equal, not equal, greater than or
equal, less than or equal
Counters 24 total
Counts up or down loads, predetermined value on load signal.
Output is active when count value equals predetermined target
Logic 24 total
Off, and, nand, or, nor, equal, not equal, Latch
Linearization 24 total
Interpolated or stepped relationship
Math 24 total
Off, average, process scale, deviation scale, differential (subtrac-
tion), ratio (divide), add, multiply, absolute difference, min.,
max., square root, sample and hold
Process Value 16 total
Off, sensor backup, average, crossover, wet/dry bulb, switch over,
differential (subtraction), ratio (divide), add, multiply, absolute
difference, min., max., square root
Timers 24 total
On Pulse produces output of fixed time on active edge of timer
run signal
Delay output is a delayed start of timer run, off at same time
One Shot oven timer
Retentive measures timer run signal, output on when accumu-
lated time exceeds target
Variable 24 total
User value for digital or analog variable
These specifications are subject to change without prior notice.