Advantech Data Acquisition Modules ADAM 4000 User Manual
Page 160

ADAM 4000 Series User’s Manual
4011, 4011D, 4012, 4013, 4015, 4015T, 4016,
4017, 4017+, 4018, 4018+, 4019+
command: #DE(cr)
The analog input module at address DEh has an input value
of FF5D. (The configured data format of the analog input
module is two’s complement)
Two’s complement
% of Span
Engineering units
under 0000
over FFFF
NOTICE: When modules measure Thermocouple or RTD input values that
are outside their configured range they will send data that
implies input out of bounds. The next table shows the values
that the modules will return, depending on the configured data
format and if the input value falls under or exceeds the
configured range.
Only when modules are configured for Thermocouple or RTD,
“input out of bounds” warning will occur. When analog input
modules measure voltage or current that falls outside the
configured range, they will return the actual measured input!
In the next example the target module is configured for an
input range of T/C type J (Input range: 0 ~ 760 ℃) and for
a data format in engineering units. The module measures an
input value of 820 ℃.
command: #D1(cr)
response: >+9999(cr)
By returning a high value, +9999, the module at address
D1h indicates that the measured input value exceeds the
configured range.