GE Industrial Solutions Pulsar Plus Controller User Manual

Page 49

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Pulsar Plus Controller Family

Issue 7 December 2011


Super-User security level:

• Can do everything the user can do
• Can change any configuration parameter in the system (except passwords)
• Default password: super-user

Administrator security level:

• Can do everything the super-user can do
• Can change passwords
• Can upgrade controller software
• Default password: administrator

After the controller has granted access through the port, the controller serves up a Home page similar to
that shown below. Front panel access and capabilities are a super-set of the functions and features available
through the Craft port. Configuration of individual parameters and features can be performed by using the
items located in the Settings tab or a general quick configuration of the system can be performed through
the Installation tab. The Home Page has tabs that are partitioned as the following:

Web Interface Tabs


Main login page with representative graphic of the power components depicted: the
number of shelves, rectifiers in place with their appropriate outputs, converters and
outputs, empty slots, and indicate which rectifiers/converters are in alarm.

High-level summary for the Batteries, Distribution, Alarms present, and controller summary
are shown. There are also quick link tabs that take you to specific features. These tabs are
the Home, Reports, Maintenance, Settings, and Installation.