GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard TU Trip Units User Manual
Entelliguard, Tu trip units, Installation, operation, and maintenance manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- GE Energy
- Industrial Solutions
- EntelliGuard® TU Trip Units
- Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
- For UL/ANSI trip units used in the following circuit breakers:
- EntelliGuard G
- WavePro
- Conversion Kits
- Power Break
- Power Break II
- /
- The following important highlighted information appears throughout this document to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies a procedure.
- Carefully read all instructions and become familiar with the devices before trying to install, operate, service or maintain this equipment.
- Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
- Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
- Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.
- Indicates important information that must be remembered and aids in job performance.
- EntelliGuard® WavePro®
- Power Break® Power +®
- MicroVersaTrip® EPIC®
- ProTrip®
- This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does not cover all details or variations in hardware and software, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, and maintenance. Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Industrial Solutions assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made. GE Industrial Solutions makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warrantees of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
- Contact your local sales office if further information is required concerning any aspect of EntelliGuard G, AKR, Power Break, Power Break II and WavePro circuit breaker operation or maintenance.
- SECTION 1. General Information 1
- Front Panel Display 1
- Menu Access 2
- Electrical Requirements 3
- Equipment Interfaces 3
- Definitions 3
- GTU Order Code 4
- Setup Software 4
- Installing the Setup Software 4
- System Requirements 4
- Installation Procedure 5
- Rating Plugs & the Universal Rating Plug 5
- WaveForm Capture 5
- Event Logging 6
- SECTION 2. Protection 7
- Overcurrent Protection Functions 7
- Long Time Protection 7
- Long Time Pickup 7
- Long Time Delay 7
- Thermal Long Time Overcurrent 7
- Thermal Memory 8
- Fuse Shaped Steep Long Time Overcurrent 8
- Short Time Protection 9
- Short Time Pickup 9
- Short Time Delay 10
- Short Time Slope 10
- Instantaneous Protection 11
- WaveForm Recognition vs. Peak Sensing 11
- Reduced Energy Let Through (RELT) 11
- Ground Fault Protection 12
- Ground Fault Summation 12
- Ground Fault CT 12
- Ground-Fault Delay 13
- Alarms 13
- Ground Fault Alarms 13
- Current Alarm 13
- Zone Selective Interlocking 14
- ZSI Option 15
- Interruption Protection 16
- Making Current Release (MCR) 16
- High Set Instantaneous Protection (HSIOC) 16
- Breaker Interface Module (BIM) 16
- BIM Transaction Details 16
- Protective Relays 17
- Voltage Unbalance 17
- Current Unbalance 17
- Undervoltage Relay 17
- Zero Voltage Trip 17
- Overvoltage Relay 17
- Power Reversal Relay 18
- Power Direction Setup 18
- Potential Transformer Voltage 18
- Potential Transformer Connection 19
- Output Relays 19
- Fan/Command Close Control 19
- Bell Alarm Accessory 20
- Bell Alarm with Lock-out Accessory Configuration Setup (applies to Power Break II and WavePro Trip Units only) 20
- Settings Description 20
- Bell Alarm Operation – EntelliGuard G breakers 20
- Digital Input Relays 21
- SECTION 3. Setting up the Trip Unit 22
- Setup Navigation 22
- Long Time Pickup 22
- Long Time Delay 22
- Short Time Pickup 22
- Short Time Delay 22
- Short Time Slope 23
- Instantaneous Pickup 23
- RELT Instantaneous Pickup 24
- Ground Fault Sum Pickup 24
- Ground Fault Sum Delay 24
- Ground Fault Sum Slope 24
- Ground Fault CT Pickup (EntelliGuard G only) 25
- Ground Fault CT Delay 25
- Ground Fault CT Slope 26
- Ground Fault Sum Alarm 26
- Ground Fault CT Alarm 26
- Zone Selective Interlocking Setup 26
- Zone Selective Interlock Short Time (ST) Setup 27
- Zone Selective Interlock Ground Fault Setup 27
- Protective Relay Enabled 27
- Voltage Unbalance Relay 27
- Zero Voltage Tripping 28
- Undervoltage Relay 28
- Overvoltage Relay 28
- Current Unbalance Relay 28
- Power Reversal 29
- Output Relay – Group 1 29
- Output Relay – Group 2 29
- Output Relay – Group 3 29
- Output Relay – Group 4 and 5 30
- Output Relay – Group 6 30
- Output Relay – Group 7 30
- Output Relay –Group 8 30
- Output Relay – Groups 9, 10 and 11 31
- Digital Input Configuration 31
- Current Alarms 31
- Neutral Pole (EntelliGuard G only) 32
- Bell Alarm Lockout (PBII and WavePro only) 32
- Bell Alarm 32
- Power Demand Interval 33
- Waveform Capture – Load Options 33
- PT Connection 33
- PT Voltage 33
- Power Direction 33
- Frequency 34
- Modbus 34
- Date and Time 34
- Language 34
- Screen Timeout 34
- Password Setup 35
- SECTION 4. Metering Screens 36
- Current Metering Display 36
- External CT Current Metering Display (EntelliGuard G only) 36
- Voltage Metering Display 36
- Power Metering Display: PH –PH 37
- Power Metering Display—PH—N 37
- Demand Metering Display 37
- Energy Metering Display 37
- Frequency Metering Display 37
- Power Factor Metering Display 37
- SECTION 5. Status Screens 38
- Settings Status Screen 38
- Output Relay Reset 38
- Pickup Status Messages 38
- Rating Plug Error Messages 38
- BIM Error Messages 39
- Breaker Status Indications 39
- RELT Status Indications 40
- RELT Activated Indications 40
- Software Revision 40
- Communication Settings 41
- SECTION 6. Event Messages 42
- Long Time Trip Event Messages 42
- Short Time Trip Event Messages 42
- Instantaneous Trip Event Messages 43
- Ground Fault Sum Trip Event Messages 43
- Ground Fault CT Trip Event Messages 44
- SECTION 7. Trip Unit Integration 45
- Reduced Energy Let-Through (RELT) Switch Wiring 45
- TIM1 Wiring 45
- TIM1 Wiring Basics: 46
- TIM1 Zone Wiring basics: 47
- SECTION 8. Serial Communication 48
- Modbus RTU 48
- Modbus Address Setting 48
- Modbus Baud Rate and Port Configuration 48
- Modbus Function Codes 49
- Modbus Network Configuration 49
- RS-232 and RS-485 Connections 49
- RS-485 Termination Considerations 49
- Grounding Shielding Considerations 49
- Modbus RTU Message Format 50
- EntelliGuard Trip Unit Function Code 50
- Function Code 03H 51
- Function Code 04H 51
- Function Code 05H 51
- Function Code 06H 52
- Function Code 10H 52
- Function Code 20H 53
- Error Responses 53
- Modbus Register Map 53
- Practical Modbus Setup 53
- Step 1: Set up the Serial Port on the Master Device 53
- Step 2: Configure the Communication Settings on the Trip Unit: Baud Rate, Parity, Stop Bits, Modbus Slave Address/ID 54
- Step 3: Supply 24VDC to the Trip Unit, and Connect the Trip Unit to the Computer 54
- Step 4: Configure the Master’s Communication Parameters 54
- Step 5: Attempt to Communicate with the Device 54
- SECTION 9. Profibus Communication 55
- Definitions 55
- Profibus System Concept 55
- Profibus DP-Parameterization 55
- Communication Setup and Station Addresses 55
- Profibus GTU DP Cyclic Data 56
- GTU Cyclic Read Telegram Definitions 56
- SECTION 10. Battery Information 58
- Battery Function 58
- SECTION 11. Maintenance and Troubleshooting 59
- Rating Plug Removal and Replacement 59
- Battery Replacement 59
- Troubleshooting Guide 60
- Other General Troubleshooting Issues 61
- SECTION 12. Testing and Quality 62
- Conformal Coating 62
- SECTION 13. Installation 63
- Trip Unit Removal and Replacement 63
- Power Break I and Power Break II Insulated Case Circuit Breakers 63
- Trip Unit Removal 63
- Trip Unit Reinstallation 64
- WavePro Circuit Breakers 64
- Removal 64
- Reinstallation 64
- AKR (225 A to 5000 A Frames) Circuit Breakers 64
- EntelliGuard G Circuit Breaker Installation 65
- Trip Unit Removal (Figure 134 through Figure 137) 65
- Trip Unit Reinstallation 65
- Appendix A: GTU Nomenclature 66
- Appendix B: Rating Plug Nomenclature 72
- Appendix C: Modbus Register Map 73
- Appendix D: GTU Coordination Curve Settings Comparison 90
- Appendix E: GTU Pin Out Diagrams 91
- NOTES: 95
- Figure 11: EntelliGuard G Trip Units 1
- Figure 12: Power Break II and WavePro Trip Units 2
- Figure 13: Power Break I, AK, AKR, Conversion Kit Trip Units 2
- Figure 14: EntelliGuard G Trip Units 2
- Figure 15: Trip Unit Keypad and Functions 2
- Figure 21: Long Time Pickup Settings 7
- Figure 22: Long Time Delay Settings 7
- Figure 23: Short Time Pickup Time Current Curve 9
- Figure 24: Short Time Delay 10
- Figure 25: Restrained ZSI Settings 15
- Figure 26: Voltage Conditioner Plate Wiring — Wye 18
- Figure 27: Voltage Conditioner Plate Wiring — Delta 19
- Figure 31: Short Time Slope 23
- Figure 32: Ground Fault Sum Slope, Options 1 – 2 25
- Figure 33: Ground Fault Sum Slope, Option 3 25
- Figure 71: RELT Connection when Using Positive Feedback from EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit 45
- Figure 72: RELT Connection Without Positive Feedback from EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit 45
- Figure 73: TIM1 Wiring 45
- Figure 74: Incorrect and Correct TIM1 Wiring 46
- Figure 75: Six Trip Units Connected in Parallel to a Single Downstream TIM1 Input Pair 47
- Figure 76: TIM1 Zone Wiring Diagram 47
- Figure 81: RS-232 and RS-485 Connections 49
- Figure 82: Wiring for Shield Grounding 50
- Figure 91: Profibus Communication Network 55
- Figure 111: Trip Unit with Rating Plug Removed 59
- Figure 131: Removing the Old Trip Unit 64
- Figure 132: Circuit Breaker without Trip Unit 64
- Figure 133: Installing the New Trip Unit 65
- Figure 134: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step A 65
- Figure 135: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step B 65
- Figure 136: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step C 65
- Figure 137: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step D 65
- Table 11: GTU Nomenclature 4
- Table 12: Trigger WaveForm Capture Events 6
- Table 21: Nominal Time Delays for Thermal Shaped Long Time Bands 8
- Table 22: Nominal Clearing Times for Fuse Shaped Long Time Bands 9
- Table 23: Short Time Commit Times 10
- Table 24: Short Time Settings by Breaker Type and Frame 10
- Table 25: Short Time Delay Settings 10
- Table 26: Maximum Instantaneous for Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR Trip Units 11
- Table 27: Instantaneous Thresholds for Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR Trip Units 12
- Table 28: Ground Fault Pickup Settings 13
- Table 29: Ground Fault Time Delay Bands, 50 Hz & 60 Hz 13
- Table 210: Voltage Unbalance Settings 17
- Table 211: Current Unbalance Settings 17
- Table 212: Under Voltage Settings 17
- Table 213: Over Voltage Settings 18
- Table 214: Power Reversal Settings 18
- Table 215: Output Configuration 20
- Table 216: Digital Input Assignments 21
- Table 41: GTU Nomenclature 36
- Table 81: Function Code 03H Example 51
- Table 82: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 03H 51
- Table 83: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 04H 51
- Table 84: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 05H 52
- Table 85: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 06H 52
- Table 86: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 10H 52
- Table 87: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 20 53
- Table 88: Slave Responses to Errors 53
- Table 91: GTU Cyclic Read Telegram Definitions 56
- Table 92: Byte 1 56
- Table 93: Byte 2 57
- Table 94: Byte 3 57
- Table 95: Byte 4 57
- Table 96: Byte 5 57
- Table 97: Byte 6 57
- Table 111: Troubleshooting Guide 60
- Table A1: EntelliGuard Trip Unit Form, Digits 1 & 2 66
- Table A2: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for AKR 66
- Table A3: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for PowerBreak (PB1) 66
- Table A4: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for PowerBreak II (PB2) 66
- Table A5: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for WavePro 66
- Table A6: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for EntelliGuard G Series – Factory Installed Trip Units (ALL) – ANSI/UL, Entellisys (ANSI/UL), IEC 67
- Table A7: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for *Mpact 67
- Table A8: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for TYPE A Conversion Kits 67
- Table A9: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for Compact VCB (Medium Voltage) 67
- Table A10: Sensor Rating (amperes): Col. 4 & 5 67
- Table A11: OC and GF Protection Packages Col. 6 & 7 EntelliGuard G ANSI/UL OC Protection 68
- Table A12: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7 EntelliGuard G ANSI/UL OC Protection with Fuse Settings 68
- Table A13: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, EntelliGuard G IEC Series OC Protection 68
- Table A14: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, EntelliGuard G IEC Series OC Protection with Fuse Settings 69
- Table A15: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, Mpact Series OC Protection (IEC) 69
- Table A16: OC and PROTECTION Definitions: Digits 6 & 7 69
- Table A17: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, WavePro 69
- Table A18: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, WavePro when Used in UL891 Switchboards with 5 Cycle Withstand Busing 70
- Table A19: AKR, Conv. Kits with OC Protection Digits 6 & 7 70
- Table A20: PowerBreak I & II Digits 6 & 7 70
- Table A21: EntelliGuard G ANSI and UL Low-cost ACB Digits 6 & 7 70
- Table A22: CVCB MTU IEC Medium Voltage OC Protection Digits 6 & 7 70
- Table A23: Zone Selective Interlocking Digit 8 70
- Table A24: Advanced Features and Communications Col. 9 71
- Table A25: Manual/Auto Trip Reset Col. 10 71
- Table A26: Original or Replacement Trip Unit Col. 11 71
- Table B1: EntelliGuard G ACB Rating Plug Nomenclature 72
- Table B2: Legacy Rating Plug Nomenclature 72
- Table B3: ITE 4000A Sensor Akits Rating Plug Nomenclature 72
- Table C1: Public Parameters 73
- Table C2: Inputs from GTU 82
- Table C3: Commands 88
- Table C4: Discrete Inputs from GTU 89
- Table D1: ST Band Comparisons 90
- Table E1: GTU-C Power Break I and AKR Trip Units 91
- Table E2: GTU-D PowerBreak II and WavePro 91
- Table E3: GTU-ACB 92
- Table E4: Pin Out for Legacy Breakers 93
- Table E5: Pin Out for GTUTK20 Test Kit 94
- The EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit is an electronic device that interfaces with a circuit breaker. It monitors current and/or voltage and trips the breaker in the event of an over-current or voltage related condition. It also provides protective relay functions, advanced metering, diagnostic features, and communications. The Trip Unit can be removed or replaced in the field by de-energizing and removing the cover of the circuit breaker.
- The Trip Unit drives the circuit breaker flux shifter to provide the electromechanical tripping function. A user interface is provided on the front panel to allow adjustment of the Trip Unit’s parameters.
- EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit has been designed to be plug and play compatible with previous generation trip units, MicroVersa Trip, MVT RMS-9, EPIC, MVT Plus, MVT PM, Power+, and ProTrip. In addition to trip unit upgrades, conversion kits are offered to upgrade ANSI type legacy breakers.
- The Trip Unit includes a graphical Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The front panel is similar to those shown in Figure 11 through Figure 15.
- When the trip unit is energized the LCD normally displays a menu of navigation options. If the trip unit is powered from an external DC supply, a backlight is provided and remains on. If the trip unit is powered from the circuit breaker’s Current Transformers alone there is no backlight, but the navigation menu is available as long as current flow is at least 20% of the breaker’s sensor rating. If the display is blank, pressing any key will turn on the menu using battery power.
- Figure 11: EntelliGuard G Trip Units
- /
- Figure 12: Power Break II and WavePro Trip Units
- //
- Figure 13: Power Break I, AK, AKR, Conversion Kit Trip Units
- / /
- Figure 14: EntelliGuard G Trip Units
- ///
- See Appendix E: GTU Pin Out Diagrams for the pin out diagrams for each trip unit type.
- The trip unit has five function keys as shown in Figure 15. All SETUP, STATUS, METER and EVENTS information is accessed through these five keys:
- UP: Scroll up or increment value
- DOWN: Scroll down or decrement value
- RIGHT: Next function or next page
- LEFT: Previous function or previous page
- ENTER: Save or set into memory
- Figure 15: Trip Unit Keypad and Functions
- /
- Ensure only qualified personnel install, operate, service and maintain all electrical equipment.
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- PowerBreak I, PowerBreak II, WavePro, AKR and EntelliGuard G Trip Units are powered from three different sources:
- Primary Current flow: Breaker current sensors provide sufficient power to energize the LCD when at least 20% of the sensor's ampere rating is flowing.
- +24 VDC control power. This is supplied externally, via the circuit breaker’s secondary disconnect, or from the GTUTK20 test kit, or from the portable battery pack, (TVPBP and TVPBPACC). Each GTU draws 90mA maximum.
- Internal battery power: Powers the unit temporarily when any keypad key is pressed. Battery power automatically turns off 20 sec after the last keypad press. The battery power supply is disabled when any current over 20% of the sensor rating is sensed through the current sensors. Breaker status (open/closed) is not reported under battery power.
- Functions that require external 24 VDC:
- Communication (Modbus and Profibus)
- Zone Selective Interlocking—(Instantaneous only)
- WaveForm Capture
- Event log with time stamp
- Backlight
- Advanced Metering
- Relaying
- Input/output Contacts
- RELT – Reduced Energy Let Through
- If 24 VDC supply drops below 22V, expect the backlight of the trip unit to dim or shut off. In order to ensure this does not happen, have a reliable, consistent source of 24VDC.
- PowerBreak I, PowerBreak II, WavePro, AK, AKR, Conversion Kits (for GE and other manufacturer breakers) and EntelliGuard G Circuit Breakers.
- Trip units do not require direct connections to the equipment. All trip unit connections external to the breaker are made through the circuit breaker secondary disconnect.
- The following trip unit interfaces are available at the secondary disconnect:
- Serial Communications (RS-485)
- Zone Selective Interlocking digital input and output
- Digital Inputs (2)
- Relay Outputs (2)
- Fan control digital output (5000A WavePro and AKR)
- Remote Close digital output (EntelliGuard G with Command Close Coils)
- Potential Transformer analog voltage Input
- Zero Sequence Current Transformer analog input
- 4th Pole Iron Core/Rogowski (neutral sensor) analog input
- The front panel test kit port provides an interface to the GTUTK20 digital test kit. See DEH-4568A for additional detail.
- In addition, the MVT portable battery pack (TVPBP) can also be used on the GTU using the TVPBPACC adaptor cable.
- BIM: Breaker Interface Module (only on EntelliGuard G). This is a non-volatile memory device on the circuit breaker that defines the breaker’s configuration to the trip unit. The BIM stores configuration information on the breaker sensor rating, it’s interrupting capacity, and the agency requirements (UL, IEC, ANSI) the breaker meets.
- RELT: Reduced Energy Let Through. A second instantaneous trip function that can be temporarily engaged during maintenance procedures to ensure the breaker trips as quickly as possible to limit arc flash damage.
- ZSI: Zone Selective Interlocking: A wired signaling scheme between cascaded breakers that enhances coordination and can improve protection without impacting selectivity. Available on Short Time, Ground Fault and Instantaneous.
- WFR: Wave Form Recognition is the algorithm used in the EntelliGuard G adjustable selective instantaneous trip element to discern between unfettered fault current and the high peak, low energy let-through current allowed by a current limiting fuse or circuit breaker while in the process of melting or tripping. This algorithm allows the adjustable selective instantaneous to be set low and yet be selective in high prospective fault current systems. WFR allows circuit breakers to trip instantaneously for faults within their zone of protection while maintaining instantaneous clearing times in the 3-3.5 cycle range, depending on circuit breaker type, facilitating maximum arc flash mitigation possible with no sacrifice in selectivity.
- WFC: Waveform Capture – an optional feature that captures an oscillographic record of system current and voltage at the moment the breaker trip unit is triggered.
- Close and Latch Rating: the maximum fault current a circuit breaker can close into and successfully latch.
- HSIOC: High Set Instantaneous Overcurrent, also known as an instantaneous Override. A fixed instantaneous function that operates if the breaker experiences a fault exceeding its Short Time Rating (Icw).
- In: Trip Plug Rating in amperes. This is the current rating of the rating plug installed in the trip unit. This is the maximum Long Time pick up a trip unit can have with a specific plug installed. A sensor can be applied with plugs between 37.5% or 40% to 100% of the sensor rating. Plugs are labeled in amperes.
- Icw: Short Time Withstand Rating of a particular circuit breaker in amperes. The withstand rating is defined differently within different standards, but it is always the value of current that a circuit breaker can withstand for the maximum Short Time Delay before interrupting.
- IRMS: True RMS current measurement through a phase
- Making Current Release (MCR): This is an instantaneous override that will trip the circuit breaker if it is closed into a fault exceeding the breaker’s close and latch rating.
- X: X is a multiplier that may be applied in front of any rating value to denote a fraction of that rating. Ex: The Long Time Pickup is may be set at 0.5X of In.
- xlCT: Multiples of current sensor rating (non-dimensional)
- GTU: Shorthand/abbreviation for EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit
- Below is the breakdown of what each column of the GTU order code represents. For specific possibilities see Appendix A: GTU Nomenclature. Also, find the Rating Plug order code in Appendix B: Rating Plug Nomenclature.
- Table 11: GTU Nomenclature
- The EntelliGuard Setup Software provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to configure and monitor the operation of EntelliGuard Trip Unit functions. The software allows you to save setting files offline to be loaded or compared with current settings. It provides a means of creating documentation regarding all the trip unit settings.
- The software also provides a tool to extract and view captured waveforms from EntelliGuard trip units equipped with optional the Waveform Capture feature. This feature also provides a means of determining harmonic content of the power system.
- The EntelliGuard Setup software is available at no charge from either the GE EntelliGuard CD or the GE Industrial Solutions web-site.
- In on-line mode the tool is connected over communication networks - Serial or Ethernet, you can communicate with an EntelliGuard device in real-time.
- In off-line (Disconnected) mode, a settings file can be created for eventual downloading to the device.
- The following minimum requirements must be met for the EntelliGuard Setup software to operate on your computer.
- Microsoft Windows™ 2000/XP/Vista/7 is installed and running properly.
- Minimum of 20 mb of hard disk space.
- Minimum 256 mb of RAM (512 mb recommended)
- RS-232 and/or Ethernet communication port.
- Follow the procedure below to install the EntelliGuard Setup software in to your system.
- Click on the Setup Icon
- The First Screen will be the welcome screen as shown below. Opt [Next] to proceed further
- The Next will be the "License Agreement" screen. Opt [Next] to proceed further.
- The Next screen will show the system path where the setup is getting installed by default. One can change the desired system path for the setup program by clicking on [Browse].
- The system will perform installation in the specified location after checking for appropriate requirements. This may take 10 to 15 seconds. Once Installation is completed user will be prompted with a screen that has a [Finish] option.
- Upon successful installation of the EntelliGuard you can view the application in either of two places
- As an Application short cut Icon on the desktop
- In Start > Programs > EntelliGuard TU > EntelliGuard Setup
- One can use either of the above to start up the application on which, the Main Screen of the EntelliGuard Setup will be launched.
- For further, detailed instructions on how to add a site and add a device via serial communication or Ethernet communication, check the help section on the software.
- The EntelliGuard TU trip system is composed of trip units and trip unit rating plugs along with the sensors and wiring provided in the circuit breaker to support the trip. Rating plugs are used to lower the Long Time adjustment range of the sensor provided in the circuit breaker.
- The EntelliGuard TU trip rating plugs are unique in that they can be used with multiple trip units and circuit breakers within a specific sensor range, rather than only with a single specific sensor. The trip rating plug catalog number identifies the rating as well as the minimum and maximum sensor rating the plug may be used with. Appendix B lists trip-rating plugs available for each sensor and their part numbers and the two-digit codes used within the trip rating plug catalog numbers to identify sensor current ratings.
- ANSI and UL circuit breaker types use a fixed rating plug with a marked ampere rating. Trip units use the current sensors installed in the breaker.
- A total of eight cycles are captured:
- Four pre-trigger.
- Four post-trigger.
- 24 VDC external power is required for waveform capture.
- When waveform capture is executed, the following channels will be captured simultaneously: Phase A current, Phase B Current, Phase C Current, Phase N Current, Phase L1 voltage, Phase L2 voltage, Phase L3 voltage.
- WFC captures 48 samples per cycle, per phase, at 50 hz and 40 samples per cycle at 60 hz – the same data it used for its protection algorithms. The GE Setup Software contains full Waveform retrieval and viewer capability. GE offers the software free via web download. There is a function in the software that allows you to clear captured waveforms. The GTU stores only one waveform record at a time.
- There are COMTRADE format viewers available to interpret the file downloaded from the trip unit, but the GE Setup Software is able to display the waveform graphically.
- Viewing the waveform capture is described in the setup software. Currently, the software must be in communication with the trip unit prior to and during the event in order for the event to be captured. After the capture the software will show a file is available. The user then uses the software to request the file, which is extracted from the trip unit. At that point the file can be saved off for external use, or it can be opened for viewing in the program’s waveform viewer.
- Harmonic content is calculated from the waveform data by the Setup Software. There is no harmonic content calculation performed by the trip unit – the data is extracted from the data set by the GE Setup software.
- 1. While a waveform capture data (in COMMTRADE format) is in memory, a new event will overwrite the capture data in memory. Whether the waveform capture is disabled or not, no other event is entertained. Unless and until the waveform is read and cleared by master by issuing appropriate commands, any read of waveform capture data will return the same first waveform, even if other events have occurred in between.
- 2. When the Modbus master is reading captured waveform data and a valid Event (trigger) occurs (for which the waveform could be captured): This new event is ignored. Since the trip unit already has an event captured and hence responding for the same event, trip unit will ignore the latest event (trigger). The trip unit will start capturing the new waveform only after Master has read the complete waveform AND issued a command to clear the waveform data in trip unit memory.
- Table 12: Trigger WaveForm Capture Events
- Event
- Waveform Capture Setpoint
- Manual trigger over communications
- Over current (GF, ST, LT, Inst)
- Protective relays
- Current alarm 1
- Current alarm 2
- The trip unit keeps a log of the last 10 events:
- Over current trips
- Protective relay trips
- Shunt trip (PBII and Global EntelliGuard G Trip Units Only)
- Under voltage Release trip (PBII and Global EntelliGuard G Trip Units Only)
- BIM Trip Unit Mismatch - Breaker Interface Module (EntelliGuard G only)
- If a BIM read fails the trip unit will not open the breaker, instead it will modify its internal configuration to match the AIC rating of the least capable breaker in the family. The trip unit will periodically read the BIM after that, and on a successful match the original settings will be restored. While the BIM error persists a BIM Err message will be displayed on the LCD.
- The following information is stored with each event:
- RMS currents
- Phase
- Type of trip
- Trip counter
- Time and date stamps (Trips are logged under self power without time stamp. Events with time stamps are only logged when +24 VDC control power is available.)
- The Trip Unit provides the following over current protections:
- Long Time (L)
- Short Time (S)
- Instantaneous (I, H=high range)
- Reduced Energy Let Through Instantaneous (RELT)
- Ground Fault Internal Summation (G)
- Ground Fault CT External Summation (C, EntelliGuard G only)
- Instantaneous Override (HSIOC)
- Making Current Release (MCR)
- This setpoint establishes the breaker's nominal ampere rating, xLT, as a fraction of the rating plug value, xIn:
- xLT = LT multiplier x xIn
- The adjustment range for long time pickup settings is 0.50 to 1.00 times xIn in steps of 0.05. The pickup value has a 10% tolerance. The band is drawn at 1/(1+10%) and 1/1-10%). The actual long time pickup is increased by 12% over the nominal so that 100% nominal current may be carried indefinitely. So a 1000 A setting is placed at 1120 A with the minimum pickup drawn (left side of band) is 1088A, and the maximum pickup (right side of band) is drawn at 1244A. Figure 21 shows the Long Time pickup setting.
- Figure 21: Long Time Pickup Settings
- /
- The trip unit provides up to 44 long time delay bands (only on trip unit models starting with “J”). Not all circuit breakers have all bands available. There are 22 bands using a logarithmic type curve resembling the overcurrent response of a thermal magnetic circuit breaker. And available i4t option adds 22 bands that simulate the overcurrent response of fuses. The EntelliGuard circuit breaker is able to use all 44 bands. Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR circuit breakers use the 19 lower thermal CB-type bands and the 22 fuse-type bands.
- Figure 22: Long Time Delay Settings
- /
- The thermal I2T shape is similar to the typical curve of a thermal magnetic circuit breaker and matches the shape of many overcurrent devices used in industry today. The typical shape and range of settings may be seen in Figure 22. The range of time delays is shown in Table 21 at various multiples of nominal (100%) current setting. Drawn bands also include a mechanical constant time to account for circuit breaker operating and clearing time, which causes the slight widening of the band evident at the lower (right) end of the faster (lower) bands.
- The Long Time and Short Time pick up algorithm also includes a cooling cycle that keeps track of current if it oscillates in and out of pick up range. This Thermal Memory is also active in case the circuit breaker trips on Long Time or Short Time to account for residual heating in conductors. If a circuit breaker is closed soon after a Long Time trip or Short Time trip, a subsequent trip may happen faster than indicated by the time current curve due to the residual cable Thermal Memory effect. In trips without control power, the Thermal Memory is powered from the trip battery. The cooling algorithm requires up to 14 minutes to fully reset to zero.
- Table 21 shows the nominal clearing and commit times for X multipliers of nominal pickup.
- Table 21: Nominal Time Delays for Thermal Shaped Long Time Bands
- Algorithm will not commit below 1.5 cycles, clearing time will not be less than 0.088 seconds.
- Actual Long Time pickup is 112% of nominal pickup.
- The optional steeper fuse characteristic is a straight line K=I4t shape for application in systems where fuses and circuit breakers are used together. Twenty-two different time bands are available in each trip unit. Figure displays minimum and maximum bands. Table 22 displays the nominal time delays for each of the 22 bands at various multiples of nominal current pickup.
- Drawn bands also include a constant time component, which accounts for the slight widening evident in the time current curve at the lower (right) end of the faster (lower) time bands.
- Table 22: Nominal Clearing Times for Fuse Shaped Long Time Bands
- Algorithm will not commit below 1.5 cycles, clearing time will not be less than 0.088 seconds.
- Actual Long Time pickup is 112% of nominal pickup.
- The Short Time Pickup function establishes the current at which short time trip is activated. Short Time Pickup is with a multiple of the Long Time Pickup and the choices of pickup settings are from 1.5 to 12.0 times the Long Time setting, xLT, in steps of 0.5 xLT.
- The maximum pickup depends on breaker type and frame as shown in Table 23, below:
- The Short Time Pickup value tolerance band is approximately -9% to +11% of the set point based on a 10% current sensing accuracy with the pickup calculated with 1/ (1+Tolerance). The time current curve of short time pickup is shown in Figure 23.
- Figure 23: Short Time Pickup Time Current Curve
- /
- Table 23: Short Time Commit Times
- Time Band
- 60 HzANSI, UL489
- 50 HzANSI, UL489
- 1
- 0.025 sec
- 0.030 sec
- 2
- 0.033 sec
- 0.040 sec
- 3
- 0.042 sec
- 0.050 sec
- 4
- 0.058 sec
- 0.060 sec
- 5
- 0.092 sec
- 0.090 sec
- 6
- 0.117 sec
- 0.120 sec
- 7
- 0.158 sec
- 0.160 sec
- 8
- 0.183 sec
- 0.180 sec
- 9
- 0.217 sec
- 0.220 sec
- 10
- 0.350 sec
- 0.350 sec
- 11
- 0.417 sec
- 0.420 sec
- 12
- 0.517 sec
- 0.520 sec
- 13
- 0.617 sec
- 0.620 sec
- 14
- 0.717 sec
- 0.720 sec
- 15
- 0.817 sec
- 0.820 sec
- 16
- 0.917 sec
- 0.920 sec
- 17
- 0.933 sec
- 0.940 sec
- Table 24: Short Time Settings by Breaker Type and Frame
- Breaker
- Available Settings
- Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro, AKR conversion kits
- OFF, 1.5 to 9, steps of 0.5
- AKR and WavePro 5000A frame
- OFF, 1.5 to 7, steps of 0.5
- EntelliGuard G Frame 1 and 2
- OFF, 1.5 to 12, steps of 0.5
- EntelliGuard G Frame 3
- OFF, 1.5 to 10, steps of 0.5
- The Short Time Delay setting consists of both a slope setting and a fixed delay band setting. The slope and delay are independently selectable. The slope setting consists of three I2T slopes (minimum (1), intermediate (2) and maximum (3)) and fixed delay. The fixed delay bands consist of 11 constant time bands. The width of the bands varies by circuit breaker and with frequency. See Table 24.
- On all ANSI and IEC breakers, the Short Time can be disabled by setting the Short Time Delay to “OFF”. Note that if Instantaneous is set to “OFF” Short Time cannot be turned off.
- Figure 24: Short Time Delay
- /
- The slope setting modifies the initial portion of the ST delay band in the familiar “hockey stick” configuration. A setting of OFF puts the constant time band in effect, with no slope. Slope settings of 1, 2, or 3 put progressively higher slope values in effect. If the fault exceeds the sloped section of the curve, the constant time band setting takes effect.
- Table 25: Short Time Delay Settings
- Band
- Time Delay Band Setting
- Commit Time
- EntelliGuard G
- 50 Hz
- 60 Hz
- Clear Time 60 Hz
- Clear Time 50 Hz
- 1
- Min.
- 0.030
- 0.025
- 0.080
- 0.085
- 2
- 2nd
- 0.040
- 0.033
- 0.088
- 0.093
- 3
- 3rd
- 0.050
- 0.042
- 0.097
- 0.102
- 4
- 4th
- 0.060
- 0.058
- 0.113
- 0.118
- 5
- 5th
- 0.110
- 0.092
- 0.147
- 0.152
- 6
- 6th
- 0.130
- 0.117
- 0.172
- 0.177
- 7
- 7th
- 0.180
- 0.158
- 0.213
- 0.218
- 8
- 8th
- 0.210
- 0.183
- 0.238
- 0.243
- 9
- 9th
- 0.240
- 0.217
- 0.272
- 0.277
- 10
- 10th
- 0.280
- 0.350
- 0.405
- 0.410
- 11
- Max.
- 0.340
- 0.417
- 0.472
- 0.477
- Short Time slope is forced to OFF when optional LT Fuse (i4t) curves are in use.
- Adjustable Selective Instantaneous over current protection causes an undelayed breaker trip when the chosen current level and proper waveform is reached.
- The pickup value may be set in steps of 0.5 xIn from 2.0 xIn to 15 xIn and steps of 1 xIn from 15 xIn to a maximum of 30 xIn. Greater than 15xIn is available only in trips provided with the “Extended Range Instantaneous” option on ANSI EntelliGuard G circuit breakers.
- The maximum possible setting depends on the trip unit instantaneous option provided, the circuit breaker’s withstand capability and whether or not ST has been enabled.
- When Instantaneous pickup is set above 15X without ST on, ST pickup is automatically switched on Default delay is automatically switched on at a minimum delay setting, unless otherwise set by the user. This is only applicable to EntelliGuard G.
- Table 26: Maximum Instantaneous for Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR Trip Units
- Frame (A)
- ANSI (X In)
- UL (X In)
- With ST
- W/O ST
- With ST
- W/O ST
- 800
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 10
- 1,600
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 10
- 2,000
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 10
- 2,500
- 13
- 10
- 3,000
- 13
- 10
- 3,200
- 13
- 10
- 4000
- 9
- 9
- 9
- 9
- 5000
- 7
- 7
- The Instantaneous pickup accuracy is +10%. On certain ANSI trip units with the user-selectable switchable instantaneous over current an additional value of OFF appears at the end of the listing of numerical values. Note that if Short Time Delay is set to off, you will not be able to also turn off Instantaneous.
- When Instantaneous pickup is set above the maximum allowed for the CB without ST on, ST pickup is automatically switched on at a default delay is automatically switched on at a minimum delay setting.
- WFR is the standard algorithm used in the normal instantaneous trip function for all CB versions except Power Break I. The WFR algorithm is specially designed to optimize selectivity while achieving fast instantaneous tripping of the circuit breaker. The algorithm’s measurements act as a proxy for measuring energy and hence are able to discern a fault current from a peak-let-through current allowed to flow by a current limiting fuse or current limiting circuit breaker while interrupting in a current limiting manner. This allows the trip setting to be set much lower than optimally peak sensing trips and hence sensitive to lower arcing fault currents that could be causing an arc flash event.
- The EntelliGuard TU trip unit’s RELT capability provides the ultimate in user flexibility for wiring and controlling an alternate Instantaneous setting for temporary use to reduce personnel hazard.
- All versions of the EntelliGuard TU trip units are available with Reduced Energy Let-Through (RELT) Instantaneous protection. This optional feature allows the trip unit’s Instantaneous Protection pickup threshold to be temporarily set lower when personnel are in close proximity to the circuit breaker. In the event of a fault, the trip unit will respond sooner, minimizing damaging arc flash energy. Once personnel are safely clear of the area, RELT is disengaged, returning the system to its normal Instantaneous settings. The RELT setting is independent of the normal adjustable selective Instantaneous. Even if the normal instantaneous is not enabled, by turning on RELT the instantaneous will then be enabled.
- The pickup value may be set in steps of 0.5 xIn from 1.5 xIn to 15 xIn or the maximum allowed instantaneous pickup for the particular circuit breaker type, rating and size. The RELT Instantaneous pick up clears fault current in 50 milliseconds or less. The maximum setting depends on the trip unit catalog number, breaker type and frame, and whether or not ST is enabled. See Table 8.
- Clearing times for the various instantaneous functions vary by circuit breaker. The RELT function clearing time is 0.042 seconds for EntelliGuard G at 60Hz and 0.05 seconds at 50Hz. The adjustable selective instantaneous is 0.05 and 0.06 seconds at 60 and 50 Hertz respectively. For Power Break II, AKR, and WavePro circuit breakers the clearing times are 0.05 and 0.058 seconds for RELT and selective instantaneous respectively at 60 Hz. Power Break does not offer the selective Adjustable Instantaneous or RELT function. Instantaneous clears in 0.05 seconds for Power Break versions of the EntelliGuard TU trip unit.
- When the RELT option is configured in an EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit Digital Input 1 and Digital Output 1 are automatically and permanently configured to function with RELT. RELT is a factory installed option—it cannot be “turned on” if it is not purchased as an option. The Digital Output will be energized whenever RELT protection is engaged. The Digital Input can be wired to one or more external contacts, such as a light curtain, to engage RELT when someone is within range of the equipment.
- RELT can also be controlled remotely over Modbus Communications. RELT Status is also provided via Modbus register. Separate Modbus commands are required to engage and disengage RELT.
- Whenever RELT is engaged the trip unit’s LCD display will flash an obvious “RELT ON” warning.
- Once engaged, all trigger sources (remote via Modbus and externally wired digital input) must be cleared before RELT will disengage. RELT will stay engaged for 15 seconds after the last trigger is cleared to give personnel time to clear the area.
- Due to Lock-Out-Tag-Out (LOTO), RELT cannot be turned on or off from the trip unit LCD.
- RELT capability may be provided on a trip unit with or without 24VDC control power.
- When 24 VDC/AC is provided to the RELT input (input 1), the trip unit will use the set RELT Instantaneous trip setting.
- Without control power connected to the trip unit permanently, indication that the trip unit is in the RELT mode may not appear on the main screen. The trip unit must be permanently connected to 24VDC control power for reliable communication regarding RELT status.
- A RELT Switch Kit (catalog #GTURSK) can also be purchased to add a RELT switch to existing breakers. The kit includes the selector switch, LED bulb, NO/NC contacts, 8 feet of wire with spade connectors. The LED Bulb burden is 0.84 watts and the color of the switch is blue.
- Table 27: Instantaneous Thresholds for Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR Trip Units
- Breaker Frame Size (A)
- Instantaneous Threshold with Short Time (( IN)
- Instantaneous Threshold without Short Time (( IN)
- 800
- Off, 2 to 15
- Off, 2 to 10
- 1600
- Off, 2 to 15
- Off, 2 to 10
- 2000
- Off, 2 to 15
- Off, 2 to 10
- 3200
- Off, 2 to 13
- Off, 2 to 10
- 4000
- Off, 2 to 9
- Off, 2 to 9
- 5000
- Off, 2 to 7
- Off, 2 to 7
- RELT instantaneous allows the minimum threshold to go to 1.5X.
- The Trip Unit provides two types of ground fault protection: Ground Fault Summation and Ground Fault CT. These protections are independent. A related GF alarm function is available for both types of GF protection, and share the same pickup level, band choices and tolerances as the GF trip functions. If both Ground Fault Summation and Ground Fault CT are desired, order both from the factory because after delivery these options cannot be changed.
- This protection element operates continuously on the four current sensor inputs to the trip unit. On four pole breakers, the fourth pole is built into the circuit breaker. On 3 pole breakers the 4th pole is connected to a neutral sensor typically mounted in the cable section via the secondary disconnect. In applications that do not require a neutral sensor, this 4th pole connection must be shorted at the secondary disconnect to avoid nuisance tripping due to extraneous noise pickup.
- POWERBREAK, AK, AKR, WAVEPRO AND CONVERSION KITS: Ground Fault Sum is used for single source and multiple source Ground Fault schemes.
- ENTELLIGUARD GGF Sum is used for single source ground fault only. For multiple source ground fault see “Ground Fault CT,” below.
- This protection element is available only on the EntelliGuard G. It is typically utilized for multi-source Ground Fault (MSGF) applications in ANSI/UL applications where sensor data must be shared among multiple trip units on systems with multiple sources connected in parallel. Contact your local sales office or the Burlington factory for details on GE’s recommended MSGF implementation. When GF CT is specified in a breaker, a special “interposing CT” is installed in the breaker that is wired between the breaker’s secondary disconnect and the trip unit’s CT inputs. The full scale output of this CT is 1.54mA at 100% of external sensor.
- The GF pickup value tolerance band is 15% of the set point. The ground fault pickup settings are listed in Table 28 as multiples of xCT the current sensor rating, in steps of 0.01 xCT. The maximum GF pickup value is limited to 1200 A per UL standard.
- Multiple Ground fault curves are also available: Definite time, l2t slope, l4t and a double break special selective ground fault with dual l2t slopes. The pickup in all is drawn with a 10% tolerance and the bands are drawn with a 15% current tolerance. In the case of the double break selective ground fault the first slope is 10% tolerance, the second is 15%. See DES-093A for ground fault curve shapes.
- Table 28: Ground Fault Pickup Settings
- Protection Type
- Sensor, ICT
- Ground Fault Pickup Threshold (( ICT)
- 150–2000
- 0.20–0.60 (max of 1200 A) (increment of 0.01) with OFF as a selection when GF or GF Alarm Switchable is optioned.
- GF/ALARM Pickup
- 2500-3200
- 0.20–0.37 (increment of 0.01) with OFF as a selection when GF or GF Alarm Switchable is optioned.
- GF/ALARM Pickup
- 4000
- 0.20–0.30 (increment of 0.01 with OFF as a selection when GF or GF Alarm Switchable is optioned.
- GF/ALARM Pickup
- 5000
- 0.20–0.24 (increment of 0.01) with OFF as a selection when GF or GF Alarm Switchable is optioned.
- GF/ALARM Pickup
- 6000
- 0.2 (1200 A) with OFF as a selection when GF or GF Alarm Switchable is optioned.
- This function sets the delay before the breaker trips when the ground-fault pickup current has been detected.
- The Ground Fault Delay setting consists of a selection between two I2T slopes: an optional steeper fuse slope, and fixed delay only. One of fourteen fixed time bands is also selected. The fixed delay bands are listed in Table 29.
- The Ground Fault Delay settings consist of two user settings. The Time Delay band and the Ground Fault protective function curve shape. The time delay bands consist of up to 14 definite time response bands. Table 28 lists the available time delay bands for the various circuit breakers. There are four ground fault protective functions shapes that may be selected. Definite time (OFF), l2t slope, l4t slope and a double break special selective ground fault with dual l2t slopes.
- The Ground Fault Delay band may be set to off based on trip unit configuration. Note that “switchable Ground Fault” is not UL listed.
- Table 29: Ground Fault Time Delay Bands, 50 Hz & 60 Hz
- Time
- Band
- EntelliGuard G UL Commit Time (S)
- PB I, PB II, WavePro, AKR Commit Time (S)
- 60 Hz
- 50Hz
- 60 Hz
- 50Hz
- 1
- 0.042
- 0.050
- 2
- 0.058
- 0.060
- 0.058
- 0.060
- 3
- 0.092
- 0.110
- 0.092
- 0.110
- 4
- 0.117
- 0.130
- 0.117
- 0.130
- 5
- 0.158
- 0.180
- 0.158
- 0.180
- 6
- 0.183
- 0.210
- 0.183
- 0.210
- 7
- 0.217
- 0.240
- 0.217
- 0.240
- 8
- 0.350
- 0.280
- 0.350
- 0.280
- 9
- 0.417
- 0.340
- 0.417
- 0.340
- 10
- 0.517
- 0.390
- 0.517
- 0.390
- 11
- 0.617
- 0.540
- 0.617
- 0.540
- 12
- 0.717
- 0.640
- 0.717
- 0.640
- 13
- 0.817
- 0.740
- 0.817
- 0.740
- 14
- 0.917
- 0.840
- 0.917
- 0.840
- Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR time band width is 60 msec.
- EntelliGuard G 60 Hz time band width is 0.055 sec.
- EntelliGuard G 50 Hz time band width is 0.060 sec.
- The Ground Fault alarm DOES NOT issue a trip event. If tripping on ground fault is required order LSIG not LSIGA. Instead it can turn on a digital output if an output is configured for it. It will always turn on an indication in the Modbus register map. The output can be used to turn on a light or other signal but it WILL NOT GENERATE A TRIP EVENT.
- All GTUs with a Ground Fault trip can also send a signal after the trip event that a GF occurred.
- The trip unit provides two current alarms. These alarms will trigger an alert when current consumption exceeds their setpoints. This is useful for implementing load shedding processes, and serves as an alert to impending Long Time pickup. The alert can be signaled either via communications or via digital output. The Current Alarms’ ON/OFF pickup settings are 0.5 to 1.0 xIn in steps of 0.05.
- The trip unit does not allow the current alarm OFF setpoint to be set above the ON setpoint.
- If the highest measured phase current goes above the Current Alarm ON setpoint and remains above the setpoint for more than 60 seconds the alarm will be triggered. If the current falls below the Current Alarm OFF setpoint for more than 60 seconds while the Current Alarm is active, the alarm condition will be cleared.
- The serial register indicating the state of the Current Alarm will assume a value 1 when the alarm is triggered, and a value of zero if the alarm is cleared. If a digital output is mapped to the Current Alarm, it will be open if the alarm is clear, and closed if the Current Alarm is active. The alarm indications do not latch; they follow the state of the Current alarm.
- Zone -selective interlocking coordinates breakers so that the downstream breaker is allowed the first opportunity to clear a fault or overload event.
- The optional Zone Selective Interlocking (ZSI) function operates with a group of series-connected breakers. ZSI is achieved with the use of the TIM1 module or an equivalent GE qualified and recommended device.
- There are two sets of settings in a breaker used in a Zone Selective Interlocking system. The normal or “unrestrained” setpoints are the main over current protection setpoints. A second set of ZSI or “restrained” setpoints are included for each interlocked protection element – GF, ST, and Instantaneous.
- If a protection element, such as Ground Fault, goes into pickup and the Zone Selective Interlock input is active, the “restrained” or ZSI settings will be in effect. If the Zone Selective Interlock input is not active when the GF element enters pickup, the normal or unrestrained GF pickup setpoints will be effect.
- If the Zone Selective Input goes off while the restrained settings are in effect, they will remain in effect for 50 milliseconds. After that, the unrestrained settings will go into effect.
- Restrained settings: If the trip unit enters Short Time Pickup and the ZSI input is ON, these settings are in effect. This setting is intended to provide selectivity with the downstream breaker, so it will typically be set longer, to give the downstream breaker a chance to clear the fault.
- Figure 25: Restrained ZSI Settings
- /
- Two Zone- Selective-Interlocking options may be purchased with each trip. Option "Z" or option "T". Option Z allows the user access to short time or ground fault ZSI.
- The user may enable or disable either or both. The "T" option adds Instantaneous ZSI capability. Instantaneous ZSI may be enabled or disabled by the user at any time.
- Use of the short time or GF ZSI in a CB requires that the user set two different delay and slope bands for ground fault or short time depending on which he has enabled.
- In Power Break II and Spectra MicroEntelliGuard Circuit Breakers the "T" option only enables instantaneous ZSI as an output to interlock with upstream circuit breakers such as a GE WavePro, AK, AKR, Conversion Kits or new EntelliGuard G (ANSI or UL489). The T option requires 24 VDC external power. The T option does not modify IOC timing on PowerBreak I, PowerBreak II and Spectra MicroEntelliGuard circuit breakers.
- The upstream breaker uses the ST ZSI and/or GF ZSI delay bands and slope, and/or transition to a delay Instantaneous if it receives a downstream ZSI signal.
- The desired ZSI (ST and/or GF and/or Instantaneous) must be selected in order for the downstream breaker to issue a ZSI signal, and the upstream breaker to act upon this signal. If the ZSI setting is set to OFF no ZSI output signal is generated.
- The ST ZSI Delay Bands are independent and have the same bands available. Slope settings may also be interlocked.
- The GF ZSI Delay Bands are independent and have the same bands available. Slope settings may also be interlocked.
- Instantaneous ZSI is either enabled or disabled. There are no settings to modify the action of Inst ZSI.
- INST ZSI timing is as follows::
- EntelliGuard G (ANSI and UL489): An additional 2.5 cycles (ignore inst for 3 cycles after seeing input and trip on the 7th half cycle)
- AKR, WavePro and Conversion Kits: An additional 4 cycles (ignore inst for 4.5 cycles after seeing input and trip on the 9th half cycle.)
- Every EntelliGuard G circuit breaker uses a making current release. The making current release varies per circuit breaker Envelope and is related to the circuit breaker’s close and latch rating.
- The MCR pickup is activated at the time the circuit breaker closes and for six cycles thereafter. When the six cycles are over, the threshold changes to the HSIOC pickup setting.
- HSIOC is also known as Override Pickup. Some of the trip units on EntelliGuard G circuit breakers may be provided with an override instantaneous trip.
- Whether such a trip is provided or not depends on the circuit breaker within which the trip is installed. If the circuit breaker’s withstand lcw is equal to the short circuit rating then the trip will not have an override pickup. If the withstand rating is lower than the short circuit rating then the trip will enable override protection of the circuit breaker at the short time withstand rating level.
- In UL 489 circuit breakers the HSIOC setting is nominally at 107% of the Icw for the circuit breaker. Taking tolerance into account, the override’s minimum trip is at 100% of the circuit breaker’s Icw.
- In UL 1066 (ANSI) circuit breakers the HSIOC setting is also at 107% Icw if the adjustable selective instantaneous is ON. If the adjustable selective instantaneous is OFF then the HSIOC nominal pick up is at 98% of the circuit breaker’s Icw and, considering tolerance, the minimum pickup is at 91% of the circuit breaker’s Icw.
- Power Break I, WavePro and AKR circuit breakers do not employ an override function. Power Break II circuit breakers use a mechanical override function.
- The EntelliGuard G Breaker uses a Breaker Interface Module which is internally connected to the EntelliGuard G Trip Unit. This allows the breaker to electronically reject an incorrect trip unit being inserted into a breaker, instead of the traditional mechanical rejection methodology used on other GE circuit breakers.
- The BIM contains information that describes the breaker configuration to the trip unit. The trip unit extracts information on Sensor Rating, Interruption Rating, and pole configuration from the BIM. This is a one-time event that occurs when a new trip unit is first powered up in a breaker. Every time the trip unit powers up in the breaker from that point forward, it compares information in the BIM to the information it initially read and stored. If the information does not match the trip unit will immediately trip the breaker and set a BIM Error Flag, and record a BIM error trip event. In effect, the trip unit “marries” the breaker.
- If a BIM read fails the trip unit will not open the breaker, instead it will modify its internal configuration to match the AIC rating of the least capable breaker in the family. The trip unit will periodically read the BIM after that, and on a successful match the original settings will be restored. While the BIM error persists a BIM Err message will be displayed on the LCD.
- The “Universal Trip Unit” can be used as a replacement for any trip unit. The Protection and Advanced Features of the Universal trip unit should match the configuration of the trip unit being replaced to maintain the same functionality. The Universal trip unit is programmed with minimum values for all protection, and it will automatically read the BIM values from the first breaker it is installed in. This will force the Universal Trip Unit to assume the configuration of the trip unit it is replacing. Once this process is complete, the Universal Trip Unit cannot be moved to another breaker – it “marries” the breaker.
- On power up the trip unit immediately queries the BIM for local breaker configuration information.
- If the GTU’s internally stored BIM ID (Breaker Serial Number) is ZERO:
- Upon power-up the trip unit reads BIM ID
- Since there is no match:
- o GTU uses Default Breaker Configuration Data for protection for approximately 200 msec
- o GTU fetches BIM Data and uploads it into GTU non-volatile memory.
- o GTU continues normal operation
- If the GTU BIM ID (Breaker Serial Number) is NON-ZERO
- Upon power-up the trip unit reads BIM ID
- If there is no match:
- o Breaker trips Note: Software Revision 08.00.23 and great, If a BIM read fails the trip unit will not trip the breaker, instead it will modify its internal configuration to match the AIC rating of the least capable breaker in the family. The trip unit will periodically read the BIM after that, and on a successful match the original settings will be restored. While the BIM error persists a BIM Err message will be displayed on the LCD.
- o GTU shows BIM ID Mismatch Error
- o GTU registers a BIM Trip Event
- Under certain circumstances, it is possible to reconfigure a trip unit so that it can be installed in a different circuit breaker. This involves “divorcing” the BIM and trip unit so that the trip unit can be “married” to a different circuit breaker.
- BIM Remarry Sequence:
- 1. Install the trip unit on the target breaker. On power up the breaker will be tripped due to BIM error.
- 2. BIM mismatch will be indicated.
- 3. Press Right + Left + Up simultaneously.
- 4. “BIM OK” will flash in the upper left corner of the LCD display if marry succeeded
- 5. “BIM ERROR” will show if the marry failed.
- Upon execution of the procedure, GTU will upload the data if the breaker is open and the following data in the BIM matches the GTU data programmed in the factory:
- Sensor
- Standard (UL/ANSI/IEC)
- Breaker interruption rating (Frame)
- If there is no match, BIM Data mismatch error will show. Otherwise, continue normal operation.
- The protection relay can be set to cause either a trip or an alarm. If the PR Enable on the LCD is set to ON, a trip will be generated, if set to OFF an alarm will be generated. The alarms can provide external indication by using the digital output contacts. See “Output Relays,” below, about output contact behavior.
- This function compares the highest or lowest phase voltage with the average of all three phases and initiates a trip if the difference exceeds the set point.
- Table 210: Voltage Unbalance Settings
- Item
- Option
- Voltage unbalance pickup
- Adjustable from 10% to 50% in increments of 1%.
- Voltage unbalance delay setting
- Adjustable from 1 sec to15 sec in increments of 1 sec. Setting this value to OFF disables this function.
- This function compares the current in the highest or lowest phase with the average of all three phases and initiates a trip if the difference exceeds the set point.
- Table 211: Current Unbalance Settings
- Item
- Option
- Current unbalance pickup
- Adjustable from 10% to 50% in increments of 1%.
- Current unbalance delay setting
- Adjustable from 1 sec to15 sec in increments of 1 sec. Setting this value to OFF disables this function.
- This function measures the voltage in all phases and initiates a trip if any phase voltage drops below the set point. This internal trip unit relay feature operates independently of any separately installed undervoltage Relay Accessory on the circuit breaker.
- Table 212: Under Voltage Settings
- Item
- Option
- Under voltage pickup
- Adjustable from 50% to 90% in increments of 1%.
- Under voltage delay setting:
- Adjustable from 1 sec to 15 sec in increments of 1 sec. Setting this value to OFF disables this function.
- “Trip on Zero Volts” is a setpoint that defines the operation of the UVR relay on a “dead bus”. It determines whether the protective relay UVR trip unit function trips or not when all three phase voltages drop to zero.
- This function measures the voltage in all phases and initiates a trip if any phase voltage exceeds the setpoint. See Table 213.
- Table 213: Over Voltage Settings
- Item
- Option
- Over voltage pickup
- Adjustable from 110% to 150% in increments of 1%.
- Over voltage delay
- Adjustable from 1 sec to 15 sec in increments of 1 sec. Setting this value to OFF disables this function.
- This function measures the direction of power flow through the breaker and initiates a trip if a sufficient magnitude of reverse power is detected.
- Table 214: Power Reversal Settings
- Item
- Option
- Power reversal pickup
- Adjustable from 10 kW to 990 kW in increments of 10 kW.
- Power reversal delay
- Adjustable from 1 sec to 15 sec in increments of 1 sec. Setting this value to zero (0) will disable this function.
- This function selects the normal power flow direction for the breaker. Set this parameter to match the direction of current flow through the breaker during normal operating conditions. This direction setup also affects the sign of the normal power metering displays.
- Enter the primary voltage rating of the potential transformer. The range of values is 120 V to 600 V, with an increment of 1V. The voltage input coming into the trip unit must be wired into using voltage conditioners which steps the voltage down to an acceptable voltage level. See below for voltage conditioner plate wiring diagrams.
- Figure 26: Voltage Conditioner Plate Wiring — Wye
- /
- Figure 27: Voltage Conditioner Plate Wiring — Delta
- An incorrect PT voltage set point will result in incorrect voltage and power metering values.
- Select the appropriate potential transformer connection, either line-to-line (Ph-Ph) or line-to-neutral (Ph-N). See “PT Connection,” below, for more details.
- The number of outputs available varies by breaker. These are relay contact outputs to the secondary disconnect. Each output can be configured per Table 215.
- The contacts are rated for 30 VDC/25 VAC max, 1 A.
- Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro, AK, AKR and Conversion Kit Trip Units have one output relay. EntelliGuard G Trip Units have two output relays. The relay output can be assigned to the following functions:
- Group 1 – GF Sum and GF CT alarm only. Does not latch.
- Group 2 – Overcurrent (LT, ST, IOC, GF, CT GF). Latches
- Group 3 – Protective Relay. Latches if trip.
- Group 4 – Current alarm 1
- Group 5 – Current Alarm 2
- Group 6 – Health Status
- Group 7 – RELT (Dedicated to Output 1 when optioned)
- Group 8 – GF sum and GF CT Alarm and TRIP functions.
- Group 9 – REF (restricted earth fault) trip ( IEC applications only)
- Group 10 – SEF (standby earth fault) trip (IEC applications only)
- Group 11 – UEF (unrestricted earth fault) trip (IEC applications only)
- The trip units must have the specific option (as an example protective relay must be enabled in order for protective function to actuate the relay) enabled in order to actuate the relay.
- EntelliGuard trip units include an output dedicated to controlling either an external breaker cooling fan (5000A WavePro and AKR breakers only) or a remote close accessory (EntelliGuard G breakers only). Breaker documentation provides wiring information.
- For WavePro and AKR breakers, the trip unit automatically calculates cooling requirements and activates the fan control output to maintain the breaker’s operating temperature.
- For EntelliGuard G breakers, the remote close command is available via Modbus command. Issuing command 111 will operate the command close coil accessory on the circuit breaker (remotely closes the breaker).
- Table 215: Output Configuration
- Group #
- Function
- Summary Description
- 1
- GF alarm
- Turns on when GF alarm is activated.
- 2
- Overcurrent trip (GF, INST, LT, ST)
- Over-voltage trip turns ON the relay.
- 7
- Reduced Energy Let-Through (RELT)
- Output relay contact closes when the RELT pickup is enabled.
- 3
- Protective relays
- When protective relay trips the relay contact closes.
- 4
- Current alarm 1
- Exceeding current alarm pick-up turns closes the relay contact.
- 5
- Current alarm 2
- Exceeding current alarm pick-up turns closes the relay contact.
- 6
- *Health status
- Relay contact will be closed or opened depending on the Health contact setting. (Either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) set via communication).
- This defines the types of signals (protection trip, Shunt trip, Shunt Trip with Lockout, or Under Voltage Release trip) that activates the Bell Alarm-Alarm Only and Bell Alarm with Lockout accessories on the Power Break II breaker only. The customer may enable or disable a different path to activate these accessories from the different types of trip signals.
- The following settings can be set on the LCD or through communication for PBII and WavePro breakers:
- Disabled
- Shunt Trip
- UVR Trip
- Over Current Trip
- Protective Relay Trip
- Shunt, UVR
- Shunt, Over Current
- Shunt, Protective Relay
- UVR, Over Current
- UVR, Protective Relay
- Over Current, Protective Relay
- Shunt Trip, UVR, Over Current
- Shunt, UVR, Protective Relay
- Shunt, Over Current, Protective Relay
- UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- Shunt, UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- The following are descriptions of the effects of each accessory switch when it is enabled:
- If Bell Alarm or Bell Alarm with Lockout is set to Shunt Trip, an opening generated by a Shunt Trip will cause the Bell Alarm contacts to change state.
- If Bell Alarm with Lock-out is set to over current trip, a fault generated by LT, ST, GF, and/or Instantaneous will cause the Bell Alarm contacts to change state.
- The EntelliGuard G breaker has a mechanical lockout built into the breaker’s trip mechanism. The lockout actuator is always triggered when the flux shifter actuator “trips” the circuit breaker. The breaker’s mechanical lockout is not actuated if the breaker is “opened” using the front panel pushbuttons, or an optional shunt trip accessory.
- There are two modes of operation for the Lockout button in UL & ANSI applications – MANUAL and AUTOMATIC. The trip unit’s Lockout button configuration is fixed based on the catalog number of the trip unit. MANUAL or AUTO operation is fixed at the factory, and cannot be changed. Do not attempt to rotate the knob as it will damage the locking mechanism.
- In MANUAL mode the breaker’s lockout actuator is allowed to travel to its “triggered” position. As the lockout trigger extends from the breaker mechanism following a flux shifter operation, it pushes the knob on the front of the trip unit out. At this point the breaker mechanism is “locked out” and cannot be closed until the mechanical lockout is manually reset. Reset is accomplished by pushing in the button on the trip unit until the breaker lockout is reset.
- In AUTOMATIC mode the breaker’s mechanical lockout actuator is physically restrained from traveling to its “triggered” position by the fixed knob on the trip unit. In other words, the mechanical lockout is fired when the flux shifter operates, but the trip unit’s knob “automatically resets” the lockout so that the breaker can be reclosed without manual intervention.
- There is an option bell alarm contact accessory that provides a signal whenever the breaker’s mechanical lockout operates. In MANUAL mode this contact will remain closed as long as the lockout reset button is extended. In AUTO mode this contact will close briefly when a trip occurs, but does not latch. The dwell time of the contact in AUTO mode is on the order of a few milliseconds – typically not enough to be useful for control purposes.
- Inputs can be assigned to three main functionalities:
- Reduced Energy Let-Through (RELT)
- Trip the breaker
- Remotely reset latched relays
- Table 216 shows the possible assignments for the inputs.
- Input 1:
- If the trip unit is equipped with the Reduced Energy Let Through (RELT) protection feature, this input is automatically and permanently assigned to engage RELT settings when the input is activated.
- If RELT is not available on the trip unit, Input 1 can be set to OFF (no action), Trip the Breaker, or Reset latched output relays.
- Input 2: (EntelliGuard G only)
- Table 216: Digital Input Assignments
- Input
- Input 1 Assignment
- Summary Description
- 1
- No action taken.
- Resets Latched Output Relays
- Causes unit to use the RELT protection setpoints as long as input 1 is active.
- Causes the breaker to trip.
- 2
- No action taken.
- Resets Latched Output Relays
- Causes unit to use the RELT protection setpoints as long as input 2 is active.
- Causes a breaker to trip.
- High fidelity external contacts are recommended for use with inputs to reduce the likelihood of contact bounce being interpreted as multiple input commands.
- In addition to the Digital Inputs indicated above, Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro, AKR, and EntelliGuard G Trip Units also receive inputs from external voltage conditioners, a +24 VDC control power supply, and communication connections. (External +24 VDC control power is required for communication.)
- All trip unit types have a connection to an auxiliary switch within the breaker that senses the breaker’s contact position (OPEN or CLOSED). This status indication requires +24 VDC.
- Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to navigate from screen to screen and to specific items — Pickup, Band, etc.
- Use the UP and DOWN arrows to adjust setpoint item values. For example, pickup ranges from 0.50 to 1.00.
- Until you hit the middle ENTER key the setting will not save.
- If you try to ENTER and it says LOCKED, you must enter the password. See “Password Setup“ in SECTION 3 for more information.
- Long Time Pickup defines the threshold where the LT element begins to “timeout” toward tripping as a percentage of the Rating Plug current (In). The actual pickup threshold, in amperes, is indicated at the bottom of the screen
- The LT pickup adjustment range is between 50% (0.50) and 100% (1.0) of the rating plug.
- What this shows:The Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 50%. This is a 1600A breaker, since the indicated pickup threshold is 800A (50% of 1600A = 800A)
- Long Time Band selects the “delay band” for the LT element, or how long the trip unit will allow an overload to persist before the breaker is commanded to open.
- The GTU has two LT band options:
- I2t – the standard set of delay bands, included in every GTU.
- I4t – also called “fuse bands” – are now also standard (on trip unit models starting with “J”).
- See DES-095 for i2t and DES-096 for i4t trip time curve information for EntelliGuard G. See DES-095 and DES-096 for Wavepro, AKR, and Power Break applications.
- The I2t band is adjustable from C MIN to a maximum that varies by circuit breaker application.
- The I4t band (when installed) is adjustable from F MIN to F MAX.
- The I4t and I2t selections are both included in the Band setpoint – continue scrolling past the min or max I2t setting values to reach the I4t (fuse) band setpoints.
- What this shows:The C4 i2t delay band is currently selected.
- Tip: You can navigate completely through the entire range of settings using just the UP or DOWN arrow.
- Short Time Pickup defines the threshold where the ST element begins to “timeout” toward tripping, as a multiple of the Long Time Pickup threshold.
- If Long Time Pickup is set to 800A, and Short Time Pickup is set to 2.5, ST will go into pickup when the current exceeds 2000A.
- Short Time is an optional element. If ST is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- The ST pickup adjustment range is between 1.5 and a maximum that is breaker dependent. Check DES-092 and DES-097 as well as “Short Time Protection,” above, for pickup threshold limits.
- What this shows:The Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 2.5 x the LT pickup value.
- Short Time Band selects the “delay band” for the ST element, or how long the trip unit will allow an overload to persist before the breaker is commanded to open.
- See DES-092 and DES-097 for delay band information.
- The band is adjustable from 1.5 to a maximum that varies by circuit breaker application.
- If the switchable option is available, ST can be disabled by selecting OFF as the ST Band setting. OFF is found between the minimum and maximum delay band setting positions.
- If ST is turned off (Disabled) you cannot also disable IOC. If IOC is disabled, you cannot turn off ST.
- When ZSI is ON this becomes the PROTECTIVE, UNRESTRAINED SETTING, not the selective setting and the ZSI setting becomes the SELECTIVE, RESTRAINED SETTING. In other words, when there is no ZSI input to the trip unit, these are the settings that are in effect.
- What this shows:The ST delay is set to Band 4.
- The Short Time element protects the electrical system from higher level overloads.
- Short Time Slope modifies the shape of the “delay band” for the ST element.
- See DES-092 and DES-097 for trip time curve information.
- The Slope setpoint has three available values:
- OFF – constant-time delay band
- 1 – 3 – Increasing slope values, with 1 being the lowest, 3 the highest.
- What this shows:The ST Slope is set to OFF (Constant Time).
- If an i4t (fuse) LT delay band is in use, the ST slope is fixed to OFF.
- Figure 31: Short Time Slope
- /
- Instantaneous Pickup defines the threshold where the INST element begins to “timeout” toward tripping, as a multiple of the Rating Plug current (In).
- If a 1600A Rating plug is installed, and INST Pickup is set to 10.0, INST will go into pickup when the current exceeds 16000A.
- Instantaneous is an optional element. If INST/IOC is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- INST pickup range is from 2.0 to a maximum value that is breaker dependent. See DES-094 for EntelliGuard G, DES-099 for Power Break, and DES-100 for Power Break II.
- EntelliGuard G circuit breakers offer an optional “High Range IOC” that extends the IOC pickup as high as 30 x the Rating Plug current (frame limited).
- Certain trip unit options allow INST to be turned off. This is accomplished by selecting OFF as the Pickup threshold. OFF is found between the minimum and maximum pickup location if it the option is installed.
- What this shows:The INST Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 10.0 x the Rating Plug current.
- The Reduced Energy Let-Thru (RELT) element is a second Instantaneous protection element that can be put into force when the trip unit receives an external input such as from a light curtain or switch contact.
- RELT Pickup defines the threshold where the RELT INST element begins to “timeout” toward tripping, as a multiple of the Rating Plug current.
- RELT is an optional element. If it is not installed on your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- RELT is adjustable between 1.5 and a breaker frame-dependent maximum, similar to the INST element.
- RELT cannot be disabled via the Pickup Setpoint.
- When RELT is provided in the trip unit, Digital Output 1 is automatically and permanently assigned to indicate whether RELT is engaged or not. Digital Input 1 is automatically and permanently assigned as a means to engage RELT with an external contact. RELT can also be put into effect via serial communications command. Please refer to the section on Digital Input/Output configuration or Modbus for details on how to setup RELT.
- What this shows:The Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 1.5 x the Rating Plug current.
- The Ground Fault Sum element protects the electrical system against unintentional connections to earth ground.
- Ground Fault Sum Pickup defines the threshold where the GF Sum element begins to “timeout” toward tripping, as fraction of the breaker sensor value.
- GF Summation always uses four current sensor inputs (Phase A, B, C, and N) to calculate a phasor sum when determining pickup.
- Ground Fault Summation is an optional element. If GF Sum is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- For ANSI and UL breakers the GF Sum pickup adjustment range is between 0.2 and 0.6. Both the minimum and maximum are breaker and application dependent.
- Use DES-093 for EntelliGuard G GF curve characteristics and DES-098A for Power Break, AKR, and Wavepro GF curve characteristics.
- What this shows:The Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 0.2x the breaker’s installed sensor rating.
- Ground Fault Sum Band selects the “delay band” for the GF element, or how long the trip unit will allow an overload to persist before the breaker is commanded to open.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G.
- See DES-098A for trip time curve information on Power Break, AKR, and Wavepro.
- Ground Fault Trip protection delay band can be set between 1 and 14.
- Optional configurations will allow for GF to be turned off by setting the delay band to OFF. This value is found between the minimum and maximum band selections for the trip unit.
- When ZSI is ON this becomes the PROTECTIVE, UNRESTRAINED SETTING, not the selective setting and the ZSI setting becomes the SELECTIVE, RESTRAINED SETTING. In other words, when there is no ZSI input, these GF settings are in effect.
- Ground Fault Slope modifies the shape of the “delay band” for the GF element.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G (shown below).
- See DES-098A for trip time curve information on Power Break, AKR, and Wavepro.
- The Slope setpoint has these possible values:
- OFF – definite-time delay
- 1 – l2t
- 2 – l4t
- 3 – SGF slope
- When ZSI is ON this becomes the PROTECTIVE, UNRESTRAINED SETTING, not the selective setting and the ZSI setting becomes the SELECTIVE, RESTRAINED SETTING.
- What this shows:The GF Slope is set to OFF (Constant Time).
- Figure 32: Ground Fault Sum Slope, Options 1 – 2
- /
- Figure 33: Ground Fault Sum Slope, Option 3
- /
- The Ground Fault CT element protects the electrical system against unintentional connections to earth ground.
- Ground Fault CT Pickup defines the threshold where the GF CT element begins to “timeout” toward tripping, as fraction of the breaker sensor value.
- GF CT is used with Multi-Source Ground Fault installations.
- Ground Fault CT is an optional element. If GF CT is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- GF CT is available only on EntelliGuard G circuit breakers.
- The GF Sum pickup adjustment range is between 0.1 and 1.0. Both the minimum and maximum are breaker and application dependent.
- Settings below 0.2 require an external 24VDC power supply for proper operation.
- What this shows:The Pickup setpoint is highlighted and set to 0.2 x the breaker’s installed sensor rating.
- Ground Fault CT Band selects the “delay band” for the GF element, or how long the trip unit will allow an overload to persist before the breaker is commanded to open.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G.
- Ground Fault Trip protection delay band can be set between 1 and 14.
- Optional configurations will allow for GF to be turned off by setting the delay band to OFF. This value is found between the minimum and maximum band selections for the trip unit.
- GF CT is available only on EntelliGuard G circuit breakers.
- Ground Fault CT Slope modifies the shape of the “delay band” for the GF element.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G.
- The Slope setpoint has three available values:
- OFF – constant-time delay band
- 1 – 3 – Increasing slope values, with 1 being the lowest, 3 the highest.
- What this shows:The GF Slope is set to OFF (Constant Time).
- / / /
- This is the Ground Fault Sum Alarm Setup Screen.
- GF Sum Alarm operates identically to GF Sum Protection, but instead of tripping the circuit breaker, Alarm will raise a flag available over Modbus, or it can be configured to energize a digital output for external signaling.
- See the section on Digital Output configuration for information on how to set up an external contact closure on GF Sum Alarm activation.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G.
- See DES-098a for trip time curve information on legacy breakers.
- / / /
- This is the Ground Fault CT Alarm Setup Screen.
- GF CT Alarm operates identically to GF CT Protection, but instead of tripping the circuit breaker, Alarm will raise a flag available over Modbus, or it can be configured to energize a digital output for external signaling.
- See the section on Digital Output configuration for information on how to set up an external contact closure on GF CT Alarm activation.
- GF CT is available only EntelliGuard G circuit breakers.
- See DES-093 for trip time curve information on EntelliGuard G.
- The optional Zone Selective Interlocking (ZSI) feature allows enhanced coordination of tiered breaker installations.
- The Zone Selective Interlocking setting lets you select which protection elements will participate in the ZSI scheme – a combination of GF, ST and/or Instantaneous, or none. The options available for selection are dependent on which factory options were ordered on the trip unit. If no ZSI option is installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- When a trip unit equipped with ZSI receives a signal on its ZSI Input terminals, it will adjust the delay band settings for the configured protection elements to delay tripping, giving the downstream breaker time to clear the fault.
- The available ZSI setting combinations (available selections vary by options):
- GF & ST
- ZSI can be configured in the following combinations: OFF, GF only, GF & ST, ST only, INST only, GF & INST, ST & INST, and GF-ST-IN.
- What this shows:This screen shows you which combination of protection elements participate with ZSI to provide enhanced coordination.
- The Zone Selective Interlock (ZSI) ST setting is an alternative ST delay band and slope combination that will override the GTU ST setpoints whenever the trip unit receives a valid ZSI input signal. This equates to the RESTRAINED, selective setting.
- The normal short time setting becomes the unrestrained, protective setting.
- ZSI is an optional element. If ZSI is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- If ZSI is installed, but it is not configured to operate with the ST element, this screen will not appear.
- If the ST element is turned OFF (disabled) the ZSI ST element is also disabled, regardless of the setting on this screen.
- What this shows:The ST Delay band configuration that will be put in force when the ZSI input signal is active
- The Zone Selective Interlock (ZSI) GF setting sets an alternative GF delay band and slope setpoint combination that will override the GTU GF setpoints whenever the trip unit receives a valid ZSI input signal.
- ZSI is an optional element. If ZSI is not installed in your trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- If ZSI is installed, but it is not configured to operate with the GF element, this screen will not appear.
- If the GF element is disabled, the ST GF element is also disabled, regardless of the value displayed here.
- What this shows:The GF Delay band configuration that will be put in force when the ZSI input signal is active.
- The Protective Relay setting screen enables or disables tripping for protective relays:
- OFF – protective relays will not trip the breaker
- ON – protective relays will trip the breaker if the relay is configured to trip.
- Protective Relaying is an optional feature. If it is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Each relay can be disabled singly – so you can turn all of them off with this screen, and allow any that are configured to trip to do so.
- /
- Voltage Unbalance is part of the optional protective relay feature. If protective relaying is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Pickup – settable between 10% and 50% of system voltage setpoint.
- Band – delay, from 1 to 15 seconds, between pickup and trip. Setting the Band to OFF disables the relay.
- The only Trip on Zero Volts settings available are
- OFF – do not trip
- ON – trip when all three phases are zero
- /
- Undervoltage is part of the optional protective relay feature. If protective relaying is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Pickup – settable between 50% and 90% of system voltage setpoint
- Band – delay, from 1 to 15 seconds, between pickup and trip. Setting the Band to OFF disables the relay
- /
- Overvoltage is part of the optional protective relay feature. If protective relaying is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Pickup – settable between 110% and 150% of system voltage setpoint
- Band – delay, from 1 to 15 seconds, between pickup and alarm/trip. Setting the Band to OFF disables the relay
- /
- Current Unbalance is part of the optional protective relay feature. If protective relaying is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Pickup – settable between 10% and 50% of the average 3 phase current
- Band – delay, from 1 to 15 seconds, between pickup and trip. Setting the Band to OFF disables the relay
- /
- Power Reversal is part of the optional protective relay feature. If protective relaying is not installed on the trip unit, this screen will not appear.
- Pickup – settable between 10kW and 990kW, in 10kW steps
- Band – delay, from 1 to 15 seconds, between pickup and trip. Setting the Band to OFF disables the relay
- Output Relay configuration Group 1 links the Output Relay to the GF Sum Alarm and GF CT Alarm (ONLY) protection functions.
- If the GF Sum or GF CT Alarm elements pick up, the Output Relay turns on, but does not latch. When the GF alarm element drops out of pickup, the Output Relay also drops out.
- You can assign only one function per output relay.
- If a relay assigned to GROUP 1 is ON, it cannot be reset by command.
- /
- Output Relay configuration Group 2 links the relay to the overcurrent trip functions (LT, ST, IOC, GF, CT GF)
- 1. If an Overcurrent Tripping element operates, the Output Relay is latched on.
- 2. The Output Relay will remain latched after the tripping element drops out until one of the following occurs:
- DC power is removed from the trip unit.
- The RESET RELAYS command is issued from the STATUS menu on the trip unit LCD. Reset is accomplished by pressing the ENTER button from that screen.
- Modbus command 112 OFF is sent to the trip unit.
- An Input has been mapped to the “Reset Relays” function, and is activated.
- Although it is not explicitly mentioned here, RELT will also latch an output relay mapped to Group 2. The RELT trip will generate an Instantaneous trip event that will trigger and latch this relay.
- /
- Output Relay configuration Group 3 links the relay to the Protective Relay trip functions (Voltage Unbalance, Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Current Unbalance, Power Reversal).
- If a Protective Relay Tripping element operates, the Output Relay is latched on.
- 2. If the Protective Relay drops out of pickup, the Output Relay will remain latched.
- 3. The Output Relay will remain latched after the Protective Relay drops out until one of the following occurs:
- DC power is removed from the trip unit.
- The RESET RELAYS command is issued from the STATUS menu on the trip unit LCD. Reset is accomplished by pressing the ENTER button from that screen.
- Modbus command 112 OFF is sent to the trip unit.
- An Input has been mapped to the “Reset Relays” function, and is activated.
- Output Relay configurations Group 4 and Group 5 link the relay to the Current Alarm 1 and Current Alarm 2 element, respectively.
- 1. If the associated Current Alarm goes into pickup, the Output Relay is turned on.
- 2. The Output Relay drops out when the associated Current Alarm drops out of pickup, or if DC power is removed.
- 3. The Output Relay cannot be reset by LCD command as long as the Current Alarm is in pickup.
- 4. The Output Relay cannot be reset over Modbus as long as the Current Alarm is in pickup.
- Output Relay Configuration Group 6 links the output relay to the Error status of the trip unit. Any internal error condition that results in a display on the Error Status screen will set this output. The output does not latch – it remains energized as long as the error condition persists.
- Output Relay configuration Group 7 links the relay to the Reduced Energy Let Through (RELT) function. Whenever RELT is engaged the output relay will be closed.
- The RELAY cannot be reset from the LCD or via communications while RELT is active.
- When the RELT command is removed, RELT remains in force for 10-15 seconds. The Output Relay remains closed during this time as well.
- Relay 1 is automatically and permanently assigned Group 7 on any trip unit with the RELT option installed.
- /
- Output Relay configuration Group 8 (ALARM and TRIP) links the relay to the GF Sum Alarm, GF Sum Trip, GF CT Alarm, and GF CT Trip protection functions.
- 1. If the GF Sum or GF CT Tripping elements operate, the Output Relay is latched on.
- 2. The Output Relay will not drop out if the tripping element falls out of pickup.
- 3. The Output Relay will remain latched after the tripping element drops out of pickup until one of the following occurs:
- DC power is removed from the trip unit.
- The RESET RELAYS command is issued from the STATUS menu on the trip unit LCD. Reset is accomplished by pressing the ENTER button from that screen.
- Modbus command 112 OFF is sent to the trip unit.
- An Input has been mapped to the “Reset Relays” function, and is activated.
- 4. If the GF Sum or GF CT Alarm elements pick up, the Output Relay turns on, but does not latch. When the GF alarm element drops out of pickup, the relay also drops out.
- 5. If both GF Trip and Alarm elements trigger the relay, it will latch, requiring reset.
- /
- Output Relay configuration Groups 9, 10, and 11 (IEC devices only) link the relay to the REF Trip, SEF Trip, and UEF Earth Fault Trip protection functions, respectively.
- 1. If the associated Earth Fault Tripping element operates, the Output Relay is latched on.
- 2. The Output Relay will not drop out if the tripping element falls out of pickup.
- 3. The Output Relay will remain latched after the element drops out until one of the following occurs:
- DC power is removed from the trip unit.
- The RESET RELAYS command is issued from the STATUS menu on the trip unit LCD. Reset is accomplished by pressing the ENTER button from that screen.
- Modbus command 112 OFF is sent to the trip unit.
- An Input has been mapped to the “Reset Relays” function, and is activated.
- /
- Digital Inputs are available as options on many different breakers.
- The number of available inputs varies by circuit breaker.
- Power Break, AKR, and WavePro breakers provide one digital input.
- EntelliGuard G provides two digital inputs. The number of inputs available matches the number of screens visible on the trip unit
- Inputs can be assigned functions as follows:
- RELT – if the RELT option is installed, INPUT 1 is automatically and permanently assigned to RELT activation.
- OFF – activating the input does not produce any response.
- TRIP – the breaker will be commanded to trip on receipt of a valid input signal.
- RESET – any latched relay outputs are unlatched on receipt of a valid input signal.
- /
- Current Alarms are standard on every UL and ANSI GTU trip unit.
- Current alarms can be configured to actuate relay outputs when they go into pickup. They also have status flags that can be monitored over Modbus.
- The ON setting determines the level, as a percent of rating plug current, where the current alarm will pickup.
- If the highest measured phase current exceeds the pickup threshold for more than 60 seconds, the alarm will activate. Setting range is 50% to 100%.
- Once in pickup, if the highest measured phase falls below the OFF threshold for more than 60 seconds, the alarm will drop out.
- The Output Relay assigned to the Current Alarm does not latch. It tracks the state of the current alarm.
- The OFF Setting cannot be set higher than the ON setting.
- ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 operate identically, and independently.
- Neutral Pole setting determines the overcurrent protection setting for the neutral pole of a 4 pole breaker.
- This screen may be displayed on a 3 pole breaker, in which case it is recommended that it be set to off. There is no way for a 3 pole breaker to open the neutral pole, so there is no added protection provided by enabling this feature.
- The available settings are OFF, 50%, 63%, and 100%. This determines the percentage of the Long Time pickup setting that will apply to the neutral pole.
- For example, if the Long Time Pickup is set to 1.0 and the Neutral Pole is set to 50%, the Long Time Pickup setpoint for the Neutral is 50%.
- The neutral pole screen is not available on PB1, PBII, WavePro, AK, AKR or Conversion Kit trip units.
- WavePro, AKR and PB1 has a factory installed Bell Alarm with Lockout option that is triggered by the mechanism, not the trip unit. So no special configuration is needed on AKR or PB1.
- PBII fire the lockout on command from the trip unit.
- This screen will appear on Power Break II trip units only.
- The setting defines what functions will trigger the Bell Alarm with Lockout (the factory default is 15):
- OFF – Disabled/OFF
- 1 - Shunt Trip
- 2 - UVR Trip
- 3 - Over Current Trip
- 4 - Protective Relay Trip
- 5 - Shunt, UVR
- 6 - Shunt, Over Current
- 7 - Shunt, Protective Relay
- 8 - UVR, Over Current
- 9 - UVR, Protective Relay
- 10 - Over Current, Protective Relay
- 11 - Shunt Trip, UVR, Over Current
- 12 - Shunt, UVR, Protective Relay
- 13 - Shunt, Over Current, Protective Relay
- 14 - UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- 15 - Shunt, UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- This screen will appear on Power Break II and WavePro trip units only.
- The setting defines what functions will trigger the Bell Alarm:
- OFF – Disabled/OFF
- 1 - Shunt Trip
- 2 - UVR Trip
- 3 - Over Current Trip
- 4 - Protective Relay Trip
- 5 - Shunt Trip, UVR
- 6 - Shunt Trip, Over Current
- 7 - Shunt Trip, Protective Relay
- 8 - UVR, Over Current
- 9 - UVR, Protective Relay
- 10 - Over Current, Protective Relay
- 11 - Shunt Trip, UVR, Over Current
- 12 - Shunt Trip, UVR, Protective Relay
- 13 - Shunt Trip, Over Current, Protective Relay
- 14 - UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- 15 - Shunt Trip, UVR, Over Current, Protective Relay
- This setting determines the time interval for power demand averaging.
- Setting range is 5 to 60 minutes.
- Waveform Capture is an optional feature. If the feature is not installed, this screen will not be available.
- This screen determines the trigger source for the trip unit’s waveform capture utility.
- Available settings:
- DISABLE – waveform capture will not be triggered
- MANUAL – the waveform is commanded over Modbus
- OVERCURRENT – GF, LT, ST, INST overcurrent trips will trigger a capture
- PROT REL – Any protective relay trip will trigger a capture
- CUR AL 1, CUR AL 2 – Current Alarm 1 or 2 can trigger a capture
- ALL – any of the above sources will generate a waveform capture, see “Waveform Capture – Load Options,” above, on how to view a captures waveform and clear the waveform
- PT connection allows the trip unit voltage input configuration to be set to match the wiring of incoming Potential Transformer (PT).
- On a 4 wire wye system, phase to neutral voltage (PH-N) would be selected.
- On a 3 wire delta system, phase to phase voltage (PH-PH) would be selected.
- With PH-N selected, power metering values are shown per-phase as well as totals.
- With PH-PH selected, power metering values are shown as 3 phase totals only.
- This setpoint must match the wiring of the potential transformer serving the trip unit.
- PT Voltage configures the trip unit so that a full scale reading at the potential transformer input is correctly scaled.
- The transformer ratios and voltage conditioning circuits used with the GTU will deliver 1.767VAC at rated system voltage. This setpoint determines what voltage is displayed at full scale, and is normally set to match the system voltage.
- The range of setpoints is 120V to 600V. It can be set in increments of 1V or 10V by scrolling.
- Power Direction describes to the trip unit how power is flowing through the breaker, and thus determines the polarity.
- This setting is used to determine the correct sign for power factor and other power readings.
- It is also critical for the proper operation of the power reversal protective relay.
- This setting should reflect the direction of current flow during normal breaker operating conditions to ensure proper polarity.
- Frequency sets the trip unit’s internal frequency to match the system frequency.
- Available settings are 50 and 60 hz.
- /
- Sets the communication parameters for the trip unit.
- See SECTION 8: “Serial Communication” for details on how to set up the Modbus communication.
- /
- Sets the DATE and TIME parameters
- The EntelliGuard Trip Unit has a Date and Time setting used for Event Logs. The Date and Time can be set via the front keypad, set-up software, or via Modbus communications. The Modbus communication enables the Date and Time to be set via a Clock Synchronization computer/server (requires computer/server to communicate the Date and Time in Modbus format).
- Date and time values are pre-loaded for some point in the future in registers 287 – 293. At the date and time entered in those registers, command 103 is sent to the device, which updates the device’s current date/time settings with the new settings in the master clock.
- The Date and Time need to be updated for Daylight savings time, as it doesn’t have location based circuitry in the trip unit. For the Event Log to record the Date and Time Stamp, 24VDC is required on the trip unit.
- Date:
- Y: Year, 3 Digits (2XXX), where XXX is the current year. Example: 2010 would be Y: 010
- M: Month, 2 Digit Field, 1 = January, 2 = February, etc..
- D: Day, 2 Digit Field, 1 – 31
- Time:
- H: Hours, 2 Digit Field, 0-24 Hours where ZERO (0) is Midnight
- M: Minutes, 2 Digit Field, 0-60 Minutes
- S: Seconds, 2 Digit Field, 0-60 Seconds
- Sets the display language
- Available languages:
- English
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Chinese
- Enables and disables the “return to home screen” feature.
- Available settings are “Yes” and “No.” Should be set to YES if Modbus communications are being used so Modbus response time does not increase.
- When enabled, the trip unit will return to the home menu after 10 minutes of keypad inactivity.
- /
- Sets the security password for the trip unit.
- Setting this to a value of 16 LOCKS the trip unit. Attempts to modify settings from the keypad will display the LOCKED message shown to the right.
- To UNLOCK the trip unit, change the PASSWORD to 19.
- The other available values do not result in any action.
- What this shows: Lock Example on the Long Time configuration screen
- Metering values are dependent on the accuracy of the current sensors in the breaker, see table below. Current sensors in breakers are designed to be more accurate at 85% of current and greater than 100%, seeing their purpose is protection. If you see negative or non-directionally correct values check your power direction or your voltage configuration. The frequency is determined from the current. Current sensors are designed to be more accurate/linear at full load current and above (where the protection needs to be). The table below shows the accuracy of the reading based on the percentage of the sensor. This is consistent across all breaker types.
- Table 41: GTU Nomenclature
- % of Sensor (A)
- Accuracy - % of Reading
- 20% - 50%
- 10.0%
- 50% – 85%
- 5.0%
- 85% - 100%
- 2.0%
- /
- What this shows:The level of current flowing in each breaker phase.
- Phase current metering is a standard feature of every GTU.
- Neutral current display is optional and depends on the configuration of the circuit breaker.
- With 24V external power, metering data will be displayed down to 8% of the installed sensor rating.
- Without 24V external Power, the primary current flow needs to cross the self-power operating threshold which occurs between 10% and 15% of sensor before any metering activity occurs. If metering is required below this level, an external means of powering the trip unit will need to be provided, because the breaker CTs are not capable of generating enough energy to operate the trip unit below this threshold.
- Tip: When using Modbus serial communications, do not leave this window displayed. Modbus response time will increase due to the higher computing overhead to continually update metering values.
- What this shows: The level of current flowing in the external CT channel.
- This display is only enabled when the trip unit has Earth Fault or CT Ground Fault protection options installed, and the Monitoring advanced feature enabled.
- /
- What this shows: The system voltage.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- When the PT Connection setpoint is PH-N, the voltage display is configured for Phase to Neutral voltage.
- When the PT connection setpoint is PH-PH, the phase to phase voltage is displayed.
- / //
- What this shows: Apparent, Reactive, and Real Power as a 3 phase total.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- The screens are configured as shown when the PT Connection is set to “PH-PH.”
- / //
- What this shows: Apparent, Reactive, and Real Power per phase.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- The screens are configured as shown when the PT Connection is set to “PH-N”.
- What this shows: Present and Peak Demand.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- Demand interval is configured in Setup.
- What this shows: Energy as a 3 phase total.
- The total value display will auto-range to a maximum of 999MWh.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- Energy reset is supported from setup software and over communications.
- What this shows: System frequency in hertz.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- The display will go to zero if <15% of sensor current is flowing in the bus.
- /
- What this shows: Power Factor as a percentage.
- This display is accessible only if the optional Monitoring Function is installed.
- The display will go to zero if <5% of sensor current is flowing in the bus.
- 3 phase total is shown when PT Connection is set to PH-PH.
- Per-phase shown when PT Connection is set to PH-N.
- What this shows:A summary of all active overcurrent protection elements. If an element is available in the trip unit, but disabled by setting it to OFF, it will not appear on this list.
- What this shows:Pressing ENTER will unlatch any latched output relays unless their fault condition is still present.
- /
- /
- Whenever one or more protection elements are “picked up” and timing out toward tripping, a PICKUP indication will be visible on the Home screen, and on the Pickup Status screen.
- When the trip unit is not in pickup, the word “Pickup” is not displayed.
- When the trip unit is approaching LT pickup (above 95% of setpoint) the word “Pickup” will be flashing.
- When the trip unit is solidly in pickup, the word “Pickup” is constantly displayed.
- The green STATUS indicator on the trip unit also indicates pickup status.
- When not picked up, the LED blinks twice, turns off for a brief period, repeating.
- When in pickup, the LED blinks continuously.
- /
- /
- When this error is displayed the trip unit uses its lowest protection settings.
- The rating plug error is generated under the following conditions:
- 1. The rating plug is not installed.
- 2. The rating plug is not fully inserted into the trip unit.
- 3. The rating plug value is outside the range allowed for the breaker’s sensor. For example, plugging a 4000A rating plug in a 400A sensor circuit breaker will generate this error or a 400A plug installed in a 4000A Sensor Circuit Breaker
- 4. For IEC or Euro configurations, where the trip unit rating is set programmatically, use of a rating plug other than the UNIVERSAL type (The catalog number for a universal rating plug is GTPUNIVU0000) will generate this error.
- What this shows:A Rating Plug error of some sort exists. The error can be cleared by installing the correct rating plug.
- /
- /
- The Breaker Information Module (BIM) is an electronic rejection feature on EntelliGuard G Breakers only. When a GTU powers up the first time in contact with a BIM, it “absorbs” the BIM data and configures itself to match. From that point forward every time the trip unit is powered it will compare the data in the BIM against its own stored values. Any mismatch will cause a BIM error and trip the breaker.
- If a BIM read fails the trip unit will not open the breaker, instead it will modify its internal configuration to match the AIC rating of the least capable breaker in the family. The trip unit will periodically read the BIM after that, and on a successful match the original settings will be restored. While the BIM error persists a BIM Err message will be displayed on the LCD.
- What this shows:There is a mismatch between the Trip Unit’s stored breaker configuration and the breaker configuration read back from the breaker’s information module (BIM). This can be caused by swapping trip units between breakers, or by a bad connection between the BIM and the trip unit.
- This is the Breaker Status display.
- What this shows:State of the circuit breaker contacts – OPEN or CLOSED
- Requires 24VDC for this option to display. On older firmware this value will be incorrect if the trip unit does not have an external 24VDC source.
- /
- /
- What this shows:The source of the RELT command is shown, either via Modbus command, or external contact closure.
- This screen only shows if the RELT option was provided on the trip
- /
- /
- /
- /
- This is the display when RELT is engaged.
- What this shows:The currently displayed window will flash through the four screen sequence shown above every 2-3 seconds as soon as RELT is engaged.
- After RELT is disengaged, the trip unit will remain in this mode for approximately 15 seconds.
- This sequence will be visible on any window that is displayed while RELT is engaged.
- Any digital output assigned to RELT will remain energized for the same duration as the status display.
- This is the GTU Firmware Revision display.
- What this shows:This shows the current installed version of GTU software on the trip unit.
- This is the GTU Serial Port configuration.
- What this shows:This shows the settings for the RS232 and RS485 serial ports.
- The EntelliGuard Trip Unit maintains up to 10 event records. These records can be accessed from the front panel by selecting the EVENT menu item and scrolling through the available event records. The EntelliGuard Setup Software will also allow event retrieval and viewing via serial communications.
- Once the event log contains 10 events, new events will overwrite the oldest stored event.
- The trip unit will record event information for any of the following:
- Long Time Trip
- Short Time Trip
- Instantaneous Trip
- Ground Fault Summation Trip
- Ground Fault CT Trip
- Unrestricted Earth Fault Trip
- Restricted Earth Fault Trip
- Standby Earth Fault Trip
- Power Reversal Trip
- Voltage Unbalance Trip
- Undervoltage Trip
- Current Unbalance Trip
- UVR Accessory Trip*
- Shunt Accessory Trip*
- Remote Close *
- Overtemperature
- RELT Trip
- * EntelliGuard G only: Accessory Trip Events require optional Accessory signaling contacts.
- /
- /
- /
- What this shows:The main window shows that the cause of the latest trip was due to LT, and the fault current level was 485A.
- The Event window provides additional detail: Tripping phase, the total number of LT trips recorded by the trip unit, the fault current, and the date & time of the fault.
- Viewing the event log clears the event display on the main window.
- /
- /
- What this shows:The main window shows that the cause of the latest trip was due to ST, and the fault current level was 485A.
- The Event window provides additional detail: Tripping phase, the total number of ST trips recorded by the trip unit, the fault current, and the date & time of the fault.
- Viewing the event log clears the event display on the main window.
- /
- /
- What this shows:The main window shows that the cause of the latest trip was due to Instantaneous, and the fault current level was 985A.
- The Event window provides additional detail: Tripping phase, the total number of INST trips recorded by the trip unit, the fault current, and the date & time of the faults
- Viewing the event log clears the event display on the main window.
- /
- /
- What this shows:The main window shows that the cause of the latest trip was due to GF Sum, and the fault current level was 985A.
- The Event window provides additional detail: The total number of GF Sum trips recorded by the trip unit, the fault current, and the date & time of the faults
- Viewing the event log clears the event display on the main window.
- /
- /
- What this shows:The main window shows that the cause of the latest trip was due to GF CT, and the fault current level was 985A.
- The Event window provides additional detail: The total number of GF CT trips recorded by the trip unit, the fault current, and the date & time of the faults
- Viewing the event log clears the event display on the main window.
- The RELT switch may be connected to a manually operated two-position switch, a remote sensor, or both simultaneously. The EntelliGuard TU trip unit provides a feedback capability directly from the trip so you know the signal got to the trip unit and the settings have changed. Optionally, an indicating light may also be connected to the source of control power so the user knows if control power is available to change the setting. The trip unit does not require its own control power to accept a RELT input and change the Instantaneous trip pick according to the user settings. However, if control power is available to the trip unit, the feedback signal will function immediately, rather than when the trip unit becomes self-powered through its load current.
- Figure 71: RELT Connection when Using Positive Feedback from EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit
- /
- Figure 72: RELT Connection Without Positive Feedback from EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit
- /
- Figure 73: TIM1 Wiring
- /
- 1. The GFZOUT terminals on the Entelliguard G (GTU) are wired from the downstream breaker secondary disconnect to the DOWNSTREAM input on the TIM1 module.
- 2. The GFZIN terminals on the Entelliguard G are wired from the upstream breaker secondary disconnect to the UPSTREAM input on the TIM1 module.
- 3. Polarity must be observed at all times for proper operation.
- 4. Up to 6 (six) trip unit GFZOUT terminals can be connected in parallel to a single DOWNSTREAM TIM1 connection terminal pair.
- 5. Each UPSTREAM TIM1 connection can have a maximum of 1 (one) trip unit.
- Figure 74: Incorrect and Correct TIM1 Wiring
- //
- UPSTREAM TIM1 connections can be connected to only one trip unit.
- Figure 75: Six Trip Units Connected in Parallel to a Single Downstream TIM1 Input Pair
- /
- A maximum of six trip units can be connected in parallel to a single DOWNSTREAM TIM1 input pair.
- 1. The lowest breaker in the chain (typically the feeder breaker) does not have its GFZIN input wired, since there is no downstream breaker.
- 2. The topmost breaker in the chain (typically the Main) does not have its GFZOUT output wired, since there is no upstream breaker.
- 3. Breakers situated between an upstream and a downstream breaker will have both their GFZIN and GFZOUT terminals wired as shown in the diagram.
- Figure 76: TIM1 Zone Wiring Diagram
- /
- The EntelliGuard Trip Unit offers Modbus RTU or Profibus DP over RS-485 optionally, via terminals on the circuit breaker’s secondary disconnect. Modbus RTU over RS-232 is always available via the front panel 15 pin Test Kit D-connector. To use the RS232 Port in the front, the GTUTK20 Trip Unit Test Kit is recommended. The Test Kit supplies convenient connections to computer serial ports and the 24VDC required for communication.
- If a GTUTK20 test kit is not available you can create your own test kit communications cable, using the following pin assignments:
- Pin 2: Modbus RX
- Pin 3: Modbus TX
- Pin 6: +24VDC
- Pin 8: 24V Return
- It is also possible to provide power to the trip unit through the secondary disconnect on breakers so equipped, eliminating the need to supply 24V through the test kit port.
- Connection to computers lacking a 9 pin serial port may be done reliably through a USB-to-serial converter readily available at most office supply stores.
- Modbus is a master-slave protocol where a single host or master device initiates and controls all communication with the other devices (or slaves) on the network. The hardware interface is implemented as duplex two-wire RS-485, where data are transmitted and received in separate time slices. Per the EIA-485 standard the number of devices that can be connected on a single communication port is limited to 32 (including the master).
- Please refer to the EIA-485 standard for complete details of the physical interface including cabling, termination, and shielding.
- In a Modbus RTU Network, each EntelliGuard Trip Unit module must have a unique address that can be set from 1 to 247. Addresses do not have to be sequential, but no two units can have the same address.
- Generally, each unit added to the link uses the next higher address, starting at 1. The Modbus slave address can be set using the keypad.
- The Modbus slave address configuration can be set using the LCD keypad, or over Modbus communications.
- For LCD configuration, navigate to the Modbus Settings window under the SETUP main menu item. Use the up and down arrows to set the address to the desired value.
- The EntelliGuard G Trip Unit supports the configured baud rate settings listed below, which can be set using the keypad. The Modbus Communications parameter setting screen is shown In Illustration to the left. The EntelliGuard Trip Unit supports the configured baud rate settings listed below, which can be set via keypad. The first number is the baud rate (300–19,200), the first digit after the dash is the number of data bits (fixed at 8), the letter represents the parity setting (N = none, E = even, O = odd), and the last digit is the stop bit.
- 300-8N2
- 300-8O1
- 300-8E1
- 300-8N1
- 600-8N2
- 600-8O1
- 600-8E1
- 600-8N1
- 1200-8N2
- 1200-8O1
- 1200-8E1
- 1200-8N1
- 2400-8N2
- 2400-8O1
- 2400-8E1
- 2400-8N1
- 4800-8N2
- 4800-801
- 4800-8E1
- 4800-8N1
- 9600-8N2
- 9600-801
- 9600-8E1
- 9600-8N1
- 19200-8N2
- 19200-8O1
- 19200-8E1
- 19200-8N1
- The EntelliGuard Trip Unit supports the following function codes:
- 03: Read Holding Registers
- 04: Read Input Registers
- 05: Force Single Coil
- 06: Preset Single Register
- 16: Preset Multiple Registers
- 20: Read General Reference
- Figure 81 illustrates the standard two-wire Modbus topology. To minimize the effects of reflections from the ends of the RS-485 cable caused by impedance discontinuities in the system, a line-terminating RC network must be placed at each end of the bus, as illustrated in Figure 81. The simplest solution is to connect the terminator at the communication terminals of the devices at each end of the bus.
- In most cases, pull up and pull down resistors are not required. If one or more connected devices require polarization, or if the master device does not provide proper polarization, then a pair of resistors must be attached to the RS-485 balanced wire pair, as follows:
- Pull-up resistor to 5 V on the positive line
- Pull-down resistor to common on the negative line
- These resistors must be between 450 Ω and 650 Ω, and are selected based on the maximum current flow permitted by the connected devices. The latter may allow a higher number of devices to be connected to the serial bus.
- On the front panel of the EntelliGuard Trip Unit is a 15-pin connector for the RS-232 Modbus connection. This connector mates with a cable supplied with the GTUTK20 Digital Test Kit.
- If the trip unit and circuit breaker are equipped with optional RS-485 Modbus support, then the secondary disconnect of the circuit breaker will have connections designated for Communications. Two wires (RX and TX) are required for Modbus.
- Figure 81: RS-232 and RS-485 Connections
- /
- Per the EIA485 standard, every RS-485 network must be terminated at each end. GE recommends the SCI Terminator Assembly, part number 1810-0106 for these terminations. This terminator is applied at the first and last device in a Modbus network chain, wired across the RX and TX terminals. For trip units, the terminator can be located at the secondary disconnect of the circuit breaker.
- You can fabricate terminators using 120 Ω 5% ¼ watt resistors in series with 50V 120pf capacitors.
- Figure 26 illustrates correct wiring for communications and shield grounding. Follow this example to create a secure grounding point for each device on the network. Any surge will dissipate locally without being carried up or down the network to other devices, thus minimizing the chance for damage to devices due to surge or EMI.
- Figure 82: Wiring for Shield Grounding
- /
- The Modbus RTU protocol is strictly based upon a transaction scheme in which a master device generates a query and a slave device replies with a response. Each query and response message transaction consists of the following parts:
- Device address: 1 byte
- Function code: 1 byte
- Data: N bytes
- CRC: 2 bytes
- Dead time: 3.5 bytes transmission time
- These parts are as follows:
- Device address – This is the first byte of each Modbus RTU transmission. The device address is a number limited to the range of 0–247 and is associated with a single device configured with a matching address. This device receives and processes the transmission from the master. Only the addressed slave device responds to a transmission beginning with this address. A device address of 0 indicates a broadcast command.
- Function code – This is the second byte of each transmission and represents the commanded action to the slave device (for queries from the master) or the action that was taken by the slave device (for responses from the slave). Codes between 1 and 127 are defined as Modbus RTU functions. If a slave device responds with a function code with the most significant bit (MSB) equal to 1 (or equivalently a function code greater than 127), then the slave device did not perform the commanded action and is signaling an error response.
- Data – This field contains a variable number of bytes, depending on the function performed. Data may contain addresses, actual values, or setpoints.
- CRC – This is a two-byte error-checking code, known as a Cyclic Redundancy Check. The Modbus RTU standard requires each message to have a two-byte CRC (commonly known as CRC-16 for 16 bits of error checking) to be appended to every transmission.
- If the EntelliGuard Trip Unit detects a CRC error in a received Modbus message, the EntelliGuard Trip Unit does not respond to the message. An error in the CRC calculation indicates that one or more bytes of the transmission were received incorrectly, so the entire transmission is ignored, preventing an unintended operation.
- The CRC-16 calculation is an industry standard method used for error detection.
- The following sections describe the Modbus function code supported by the EntelliGuard G Trip Unit.
- For the EntelliGuard Trip Unit implementation of Modbus, this function code can be used to read any setpoints (“holding registers”). Holding registers are 16 bit (two byte) values transmitted high order byte first. Thus all EntelliGuard Trip Unit setpoints are sent as two bytes. The maximum number of registers that can be read in one transmission is 125.
- The slave response to this function code is the slave address, function code, a count of the number of data bytes to follow, the data itself and the CRC. Each data item is sent as a two byte number with the high order byte sent first.
- For example, consider a request for slave II to respond with 3 registers starting at address 006B. For this example the register data in these addresses is listed below:
- Table 81: Function Code 03H Example
- Address
- Data
- 0002
- 0001
- 0003
- 0000
- 0004
- 0012
- The master/slave packets have the following format:
- Table 82: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 03H
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message for slave 2
- Function Code
- 1
- 03
- read registers
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 00 6B
- data starting at 006B
- Number of Setpoints
- 2
- 00 03
- 3 registers = 6 bytes total
- 2
- 78 87
- CRC error code
- Slave Response
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message from slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 03
- read registers
- Byte Count
- 1
- 06
- 3 registers = 6 bytes
- Data 1 (see definition above)
- 2
- 02 2B
- value in address 006B
- Data 2 (see definition above)
- 2
- 00 00
- value in address 006C
- Data 3 (see definition above)
- 2
- 00 64
- value in address 006D
- 2
- 54 83
- CRC error code
- Modbus Implementation: Read Input Registers.
- EntelliGuard Trip Unit implementation: Read Actual Values
- For the EntelliGuard Trip Unit implementation of Modbus, this function code can be used to read any actual values (“input registers”). Input registers are 16 bit (two byte) values transmitted high order byte first. Thus all EntelliGuard Trip Unit Actual Values are sent as two bytes. The maximum number of registers that can be read in one transmission is 125.
- The slave response to this function code is the slave address, function code, a count of the data bytes to follow, the data itself and the CRC. Each data item is sent as a two byte number with the high order byte sent first.
- For example, request slave 17 to respond with 1 register starting at address 0008. For this example the value in this register (0008) is 0000.
- Table 83: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 04H
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message for slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 04
- read registers
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 00 08
- data starting at 0008
- Number of Actual Values
- 2
- 00 01
- 1 register = 2 bytes
- 2
- B2 98
- CRC error code
- Slave Response
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message from slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 04
- read registers
- Byte Count
- 1
- 02
- 1 register = 2 bytes
- Data (see definition above)
- 2
- 00 00
- value in address 0008
- 2
- 78 F3
- CRC error code
- Modbus Implementation: Force Single Coil
- EntelliGuard Trip Unit Implementation: Execute Operation
- This function code allows the master to request an EntelliGuard Trip Unit to perform specific command operations.
- For example, to request slave 17 to execute operation code 108 (Trip Breaker), we have the following master/slave packet format:
- Table 84: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 05H
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message for slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 05
- execute operation
- Operation Code
- 2
- 00 6C
- operation code 108
- Code Value
- 2
- FF 00
- perform function
- 2
- 4E B7
- CRC error code
- Slave Response
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message from slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 05
- execute operation
- Operation Code
- 2
- 00 6C
- operation code 108
- Code Value
- 2
- FF 00
- perform function
- 2
- 4E B7
- CRC error code
- Modbus Implementation: Preset Single Register
- EntelliGuard Trip Unit Implementation: Store Single Setpoint
- This command allows the master to store a single setpoint into the memory of an EntelliGuard Trip Unit. The slave response to this function code is to echo the entire master transmission.
- For example, request slave 17 to store the value 2 in setpoint address 215 (00 D7). After the transmission in this example is complete, setpoints address 215 will contain the value 2. The master/slave packet format is shown below:
- Table 85: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 06H
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message for slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 06
- store single setpoint
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 00 D7
- setpoint address 00 D7
- Data
- 2
- 00 02
- data for setpoint address00 D7
- 2
- BA A3
- CRC error code
- Slave Response
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message from slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 06
- store single setpoint
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 00 D7
- setpoint address 04 5C
- Data
- 2
- 00 02
- data stored in setpoint address 00 D7
- 2
- BA A3
- CRC error code
- Modbus Implementation: Preset Multiple Registers
- EntelliGuard Trip Unit Implementation: Store Multiple Setpoints
- This function code allows multiple Setpoints to be stored into the EntelliGuard Trip Unit memory. Modbus “registers” are 16-bit (two byte) values transmitted high order byte first. Thus all EntelliGuard Trip Unit setpoints are sent as two bytes. The maximum number of Setpoints that can be stored in one transmission is dependent on the slave device. Modbus allows up to a maximum of 60 holding registers to be stored. The EntelliGuard Trip Unit response to this function code is to echo the slave address, function code, starting address, the number of Setpoints stored, and the CRC.
- For example, consider a request for slave 17 to store the value 00 02 to setpoint address 00 D7 and the value 01 F4 to setpoint address 04 5D. After the transmission in this example is complete, EntelliGuard Trip Unit slave 17 will have the following setpoints information stored: The master/slave packets have the following format:
- Table 86: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 10H
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message for slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 10
- store setpoints
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 04
- 5C setpoint address 04 5C
- Number of Setpoints
- 2
- 00 02
- 2 setpoints = 4 bytes total
- Byte Count
- 1
- 04 4
- bytes of data
- 1
- 2 00 02
- data for setpoint address 04 5C
- 2
- 2 01 F4
- data for setpoint address 04 5D
- 2
- 31 11
- CRC error code
- Slave Response
- Bytes
- Example
- Description
- Slave Address
- 1
- 11
- message from slave 17
- Function Code
- 1
- 10
- store setpoints
- Data Starting Address
- 2
- 04 5C
- setpoint address 04 5C
- Number of Setpoints
- 2
- 00 02
- 2 setpoints
- 2
- 82 7A
- CRC error code
- Modbus Implementation: Read File Record
- This command allows the master to read a file containing the full 255 events and analog RMS data. All Request Data Lengths are provided in terms of number of bytes and all Record Lengths are provided in terms of registers.
- Table 87: Modbus Packet Format for Function Code 20
- Master Transmission
- Bytes
- Value
- Slave Address
- 1
- 1 - 245
- Function Code
- 1
- 0x14
- Byte Count
- 1
- 0x07 to 0xF5
- Reference Type
- 2
- 06
- File Number
- 2
- 0x0001 (Read all 255 Events)0x0002 (Read Current RMS)
- Record Number
- 2
- 0x 0000 to 0x03E8
- Register Length
- 2
- 0x0000 to 0 x 007B
- When an EntelliGuard Trip Unit detects an error other than a CRC error, a response will be sent to the master. The MSBit of the FUNCTION CODE byte will be set to 1 (i.e. the function code sent from the slave will be equal to the function code sent from the master plus 128). The following byte will be an exception code indicating the type of error that occurred. Transmissions received from the master with CRC errors will be ignored by the EntelliGuard Trip Unit.
- The slave response to an error (other than CRC error) will be:
- Table 88: Slave Responses to Errors
- The EntelliGuard Trip Unit implements the following exception response codes:
- 01 - Illegal Function:The function code transmitted is not one of the functions supported by the EntelliGuard Trip Unit..
- 02 - Illegal Data Address:The address referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not an allowable address for the EntelliGuard Trip Unit.
- 03 - Illegal Data Value:The value referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not within range for the selected data address.
- Function Code 02 – Read Input Status
- Function Code 03 - Read Holding Registers
- Function Code 04 – Read Input Registers
- Function Code 05 – Force Single Coil
- Function Code 06 - Preset Single Holding Register
- Function Code 16 Write Multiple Holding Registers
- See appendix C for the full register map.
- This section is intended to give you a quick and simple checklist to run through when commissioning an EntelliGuard Trip Unit on a Modbus Network. The goal is to give you some concrete steps to get your device up and running quickly by eliminating some of the guesswork.
- a. If your computer does not have a built-in 9 pin serial port, you will have to attach a USB-to-serial adapter. These devices are readily available at most office supply stores or online. For best results, buy a name brand. Be sure to install the driver software that comes with the device.
- b. Once the serial port hardware is enabled on the computer, determine which “logical port” (COM1, COM2, etc.) the computer has assigned to the port you plan to use. This information is available in the “Device Manager” function of Windows. Consult the web or your computer’s help facility for information on how to access the Device Manager.
- The Device Manager will display information similar to what you see below. The serial ports are listed under the heading “Ports (COM & LPT).”
- In this example, a USB-to-serial port has been configured as COM1, and would be the port you would use to communicate with the trip unit.
- You can connect a test kit between the computer and the 15 pin front panel port, or you can wire to the RS-485 terminals on the circuit breaker secondary disconnect.
- Modbus Address matches the trip unit
- Baud Rate matches trip unit
- Parity matches trip unit
- Stop bits equals trip unit
- Modbus requests are made using “Modbus RTU Serial”
- The registers listed below will return easily identified values that can be confirmed by reading the same setting from the device via LCD. This gives you instant feedback on whether the system is properly configured or not.
- a. Read Modbus address.
- Register Address: 211. If using Modicon addressing, add 40001 for an address of 40212.
- Function Code: 03
- Expected Value: matches the Modbus address of the trip unit
- b. Trip the breaker.
- Register Address: 108. If using Modicon addressing, add 1 for an address of 109.
- Function Code: 05 ON (send 0x00FF)
- Expected Value: a closed breaker will trip.
- c. Read voltage on Phase A. To generate voltage data, engage the “Phase Current” feature on the GTUTK20 digital test kit.
- Register Address: 18. If using Modicon addressing, add 30001 for an address of 30019.
- Function Code: 04
- Expected Value: matches the voltage metering value displayed for phase A.
- Profibus DP (Process Field Bus): An open standard based on EN 50170 for field bus communication with DP communication protocol. DP variant (decentralized periphery) is the high-speed communication. Profibus DP allows cyclic data transfer only between the automation device (master) and the peripheral devices in a network. The cyclic data transfer involves parameters, metering, and diagnostic, analog, and alarm data. See Table 4-12 for a complete list of cyclic telegrams.
- Profibus DPV1: An extension of the DP protocol, which in addition to the cyclic communication, provides acyclic communication for parameterization, alarm, diagnostic, analog, RTC control, and control of the slaves.
- A Profibus DP slave: Any peripheral device, such as GTU DP, which processes information and sends its output to the Profibus class 1 and/or class 2 master. It must comply with EN 50 170 standard, Volume 2, Profibus.
- Class 1 master: The main controller for the high-speed data exchange with its Profibus slave devices that is usually a programmable logic controller (PLC) or a PC running Profibus base logic.
- GSD: A device data (GSD), which is provided by GE on its website, that has the operational characteristic of the GTU DP. It provides the system with an easier means to change communication options, diagnostic, metering among other parameters.
- The figure on the right shows the communication network system overview consisting of: Profibus class 1 master (PLC or PC), with cyclic data exchange GTU which are Profibus DP slaves.
- Figure 91: Profibus Communication Network
- /
- The GTUsupports parameterization. The relay keeps its user parameter data / setpoints in a non-volatile memory and does not need device related parameterization during startup of the DP master.
- GTU can be parameterized via Profibus Class 1 using Profibus parameterized service. In this case only default configurations are allowed.
- The Profibus-DPV1 basic configuration has one DP master and one DP slave. In a typical bus segment up to 32 stations can be connected (a repeater has to be used if more than 32 stations operate on a bus). The end nodes on a Profibus- DP network must be terminated to avoid reflections on the bus line.
- During projecting of the bus structure ensure that the bus line is segmented dependent upon the length of the branch lines, the maximum cable length, and the number of bus stations. The allowable lengths are dependent upon transmission speeds and are specified in the Profibus standard DIN 19245-3 and in other publications dealing with this topic.
- The Profibus bus address (MAC ID) of the GTU slave, which has a range from 1 to 125, can be set via the front cover switches. At power up, the GTU reads its address from the two rotary switches on its front and initializes the bus communication. Changes of the station address take effect with the next reset or power up.
- The GTU supports auto-baud rate detection. The available baud rates and other slave specific information needed for configuration are in the GTU GSD file, which is used by a network configuration program.
- To communicate with a Class 1 master (PLC) in a system, the GTU GSD file is required.
- The cyclic data is a fast process data transfer between the Profibus DP master and the slave, which occurs once in every DP cycle. GTU is a modular device supporting up to 144 bytes of input data.
- Modules define a block size of input and output data to be read by the master, starting from offset zero. During the network configuration session, modules with varying sizes of input data are provided in the GSD file.
- Table 91: GTU Cyclic Read Telegram Definitions
- Cyclic Read Telegram ID
- Parameter
- No. of Bytes
- Units
- B5020
- Temperature Input 1
- 2
- B5021
- Temperature Input 2
- 2
- B5022
- Temperature Input 3
- 2
- B5023
- Temperature Input 4
- 2
- B5024
- Voltage Phase A
- 2
- B5025
- Voltage Phase B
- 2
- B5026
- Voltage Phase C
- 2
- B5027
- Current Phase A
- 4
- B5028
- Current Phase B
- 4
- B5029
- Current Phase C
- 4
- B5030
- Current Phase N
- 4
- B5031
- Energy Total
- 8
- B5032
- Energy Rollover Count
- 2
- B5033
- Power Factor Phase A
- 2
- B5034
- Power Factor Phase B
- 2
- B5035
- Power Factor Phase C
- 2
- B5036
- Power Factor Total
- 2
- B5037
- Power Real Phase A
- 2
- B5038
- Power Real Phase B
- 2
- B5039
- Power Real Phase C
- 2
- B5040
- Power Real Total
- 2
- B5041
- Power Reactive Phase A
- 2
- B5042
- Power Reactive Phase B
- 2
- B5043
- Power Reactive Phase C
- 2
- B5044
- Power Reactive Total
- 2
- B5045
- Power Apparent Phase A
- 2
- B5046
- Power Apparent Phase B
- 2
- B5047
- Power Apparent Phase C
- 2
- B5048
- Power Apparent Total
- 2
- B5049
- Power Demand Total
- 2
- B5050
- Frequency Measured
- 2
- B5051
- Longtime Pickup Status
- 2
- B5052
- Discrete Flags
- 6
- The following tables describe the 6 bytes of GTU discrete flags cyclic input data provided in the GSD file:
- Table 92: Byte 1
- Shunt 1 Trip Status
- Bell Alarm/Lockout Actuation
- Bell Alarm Actuation
- Input 4 Status
- Input 3 Status
- Input 2 Status
- Input 1 Status
- Relay 4 Status
- 15
- 14
- 13
- 12
- 11
- 10
- 9
- 8
- B1_7
- B1_6
- B1_5
- B1_4
- B1_3
- B1_2
- B1_1
- B1_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- Table 93: Byte 2
- Relay 3 Status
- Relay 2 Status
- Relay 1 Status
- ZSI OUT Active
- ZSI IN active
- GF Sum Pickup State
- Short Time Pickup State
- Long Time Pickup State
- 7
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 0
- B0_7
- B0_6
- B0_5
- B0_4
- B0_3
- B0_2
- B0_1
- B0_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- Table 94: Byte 3
- Disconnect Indication
- Test Position
- Breaker Connected
- Breaker Closed and Connected
- Spring Charge
- Breaker Ready to Close
- Breaker Position
- V Detect
- 33
- 32
- 31
- 30
- 29
- 28
- 27
- 26
- B3_7
- B3_6
- B3_5
- B3_4
- B3_3
- B3_2
- B3_1
- B3_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- Table 95: Byte 4
- Power Reversal Status
- Current Unbalance Status
- Overvoltage Status
- Undervoltage Status
- Voltage Unbalance Status
- UVR 2 Trip Status
- UVR 1 Trip Status
- Shunt 2 Trip Status
- 25
- 24
- 23
- 22
- 21
- 18
- 17
- 16
- B2_7
- B2_6
- B2_5
- B2_4
- B2_3
- B2_2
- B2_1
- B2_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- Table 96: Byte 5
- RELT Status
- Current Alarm 2 Status
- Current Alarm 1 Status
- GF CT Alarm Status
- GF Sum Alarm Status
- Power Reversal Alarm Status
- Current Unbalance Alarm Status
- Overvoltage Alarm Status
- 65
- 64
- 63
- 62
- 61
- 60
- 59
- 58
- B5_7
- B5_6
- B5_5
- B5_4
- B5_3
- B5_2
- B5_1
- B5_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- Table 97: Byte 6
- Undervoltage Alarm Status
- Voltage Unbalance Alarm Status
- GF CT Status
- WFC Data Available
- GTU Tripped
- Remote Close
- Draw Out
- Cassette Indication
- 57
- 56
- 55
- 54
- 51
- 44
- 35
- 34
- B4_7
- B4_6
- B4_5
- B4_4
- B4_3
- B4_2
- B4_1
- B4_0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 255
- The trip unit has a front pane-mounted battery. When the battery is present, the user scan view data on the LCD and read or program the trip unit via the keypads. The battery allows the user to display data, change set points and provide thermal memory.
- During normal operation the trip unit is powered either from current flow in the circuit breaker’s internal current transformers or from an external DC supply. When neither of these sources is available it is still possible to review and modify settings or view events in the EntelliGuard TU using power from the internal battery. Pressing any keypad button will bring up the LCD display allowing full navigation of the trip unit’s menus. Note that only the LCD function is powered by the battery – communications, digital I/O and protection functions are not powered in this mode of operation.
- The trip unit will automatically shut off after 20 sec when battery powered to maximize battery life.
- Duracell CR2 is the replacement battery.
- Pressing any key on the face of the trip unit powers the unit from its internal battery. Battery power is maintained for 20 sec after the last key is pressed.
- This self-powered mode allows setting up the trip unit or viewing trip targets when the breaker is de-energized and external control power is unavailable.
- All normal setup, meter, and status functions can be performed with battery power.
- Ensure the circuit breaker has been tripped, indicating OFF, and the main springs are fully discharged when performing circuit breaker maintenance.
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Ensure only qualified personnel install, operate, service and maintain all electrical equipment.
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Avoid risk of injury from moving parts while handling the circuit breaker
- If advisable, use a cable/busbar lockable grounding device (optional accessory) to provide additional safety during system maintenance
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Removal of the rating plug while the breaker is carrying current reduces the breaker's current-carrying capacity to approximately 40% of the current sensor rating.
- Interchangeable rating plugs are removed with a Rating Plug Extractor, Catalog No. TRTOOL. (Suitable equivalents are commercially available as "integrated circuit [DIP] extractors.") Grasp the rating plug tabs with the extractor and pull the plug out as shown in the figure below.
- Be sure to grab the tabs and not the front cover of the rating plug, or the plug may be damaged.
- Figure 111: Trip Unit with Rating Plug Removed
- /
- Replace the battery with 3.6 V ½ AA lithium battery only
- Wear hardhat, gloves, and safety shoes when replacing the battery
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Ensure battery is properly disposed of according to all applicable regulations
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Replace the battery if it does not power up the trip unit when any key is pressed.
- Lift the battery cover on the front of the trip unit to expose the 3.6 V ½ AA lithium cell. A suitable replacement is a Duracell CR2.
- Table 111: Troubleshooting Guide
- Error
- Potential Cause of Error
- Possible Solution
- The trip unit display is blank or backlight is intermittent.
- External +24 VDC is absent or dipping below 22 VDC.
- The load current fluctuates near 20% of the breaker sensor rating.
- At least 20% of the current sensor rating, (xCT) must be flowing through the breaker to activate the display.
- If not, power the trip unit with the internal battery.
- The battery power supply is disabled when any current is sensed through the current sensors.
- Check that the control power supply is present and operational.
- The trip unit displays E02.
- BIM error.
- No communication with the BIM
- Check the BIM harness.
- Mismatch trip unit / BIM option.
- The trip unit displays E03.
- Memory failure.
- Return the unit to GE.
- The trip unit displays E06.
- Internal failure.
- Return the unit to GE.
- The trip unit displays E08.
- Invalid rating plug.
- Check the rating plug. The rating plug value shall not exceed and be below 40% of the breaker sensor.
- Ensure the rating plug is properly sited.
- Unit does not communicate with the Master.
- The communication wires are shorted or improperly connected.
- Incorrect baud rate.
- Incorrect address.
- Locate and repair the short or the incorrect connection.
- Check that the baud rate assigned to the trip unit, agrees with the baud rate at the host.
- Check that the address assigned to the trip unit, agrees with the address at the host.
- Current readings are incorrect.
- Incorrect rating plug value.
- Check the rating plug label.
- Voltage readings are incorrect.
- The potential transformer (PT) primary voltage was defined incorrectly.
- The PT connection was defined incorrectly.
- Read the PT primary rating from the PT name plate and set trip unit PT to this value.
- Set the trip unit phase to phase PH-PH or phase to neutral PH-N according to the system.
- The display is blank or the Low Battery symbol appears when the BATTERY key is pressed.
- Line current is below 20% of the breaker sensor rating.
- The battery is discharged.
- The battery was stored too long with no power applied to the trip unit.
- Replace the battery.
- Power the trip unit with external power or by energizing the breaker for several days to freshen the battery.
- Modbus communication is intermittent or frequent timeouts
- If trip unit is on the metering screen, the metering calculations take precedence over Modbus communications and can create a conflict
- Ensure trip unit is not displaying metering screen.
- Nuisance trippingReview Pickup, Band and Slope settings. Coordination Study is optimal but remember EntelliGuard has Delay bands and slopes that can be much faster than MVT. Settings that are lower than application can support can create nuisance tripping. E.g. Transformer or Motor Magnetizing inrush can be up to 10 to 15X nominal and setpoints set to low enough pickup and delay may nuisance trip on this if not set appropriately.
- Nuisance firing of Bell Alarm on PB2 Review settings of Bell Alarm LO (lockout) and Bell Alarm (alarm only). Consult settings instruction. Group 3 is for Overcurrent trip only (most used setting). Many units have had default setting of Group 15 where any trip condition such as shunt, UVR or Prot. Relay will fire the bell alarm. If Bell Alarm still nuisance fire with the correct setting, contact Post Sales Service (PSS).
- Display will not come up with battery power and or line currentThe internal battery power supply can be used at 10% or lower current and CT’s will power up the trip unit at 15% or greater. Between 10 and 15% the CT’s or the internal battery power supply may not power the display. A test kit or external battery pack tvpbp and tvpbpacc can be used as well as external 24VDC power. The backlight requires either 24V, external battery pack, test kit or nearly full CT power.
- Nuisance trip when pressing keypad and under communicationContact Post Sales Service 1-888-GE-RESOLVE, 1-800-GE-RESOLVE
- RELT Instantaneous cannot be setIf the trip unit does not have the required 24VDC control power, it cannot read RELT inputs and will not allow setting to be changed. You can change settings when powered with 24VDC, test kit or battery pack.
- Confusion about GF CT vs. GF SumGF CT is only for special situations where an external zero sequence detecting CT is used around all phases and wired to an EntelliGuard G breaker (not a neutral CT). Most applications are GF Sum (including use of a neutral CT and those without).
- Settings cannot be changed to desired levelCheck in the SETUP Long time pickup screen that the LT pickup multiplied by the Rating plug equals the Pickup Amps displayed (e.g. 0.5 LTPU times a 2000A plug equals 1000A displayed on the bottom of LTPU screen.
- GF Alarm relay is not staying onIf the output Relay is used for GF Alarm, it is momentary duty and the contacts are closed only during the GF Fault condition.
- Breaker contact status reads incorrectly (e.g., on a PB2 display reads Closed when breaker is Open)Trip unit can only read correct status when trip unit if fully powered by either CT current of approximately. 80%, 24VDC, test kit or battery pack.
- Batteries go dead prematurely (e.g., within few months)Excessive use of keypad (hours) can cause this. Otherwise if load current is constantly at 10 to 20% of CT rating, contact PSS.
- GF nuisance tripping on EntelliGuard G breakersVerify there is not a GF sensing application issue such as incorrect neutral sensor polarity, incorrect bonding at neutral CT or downstream or related issues. Check current metering when breaker is OPEN, if currents do not read zero trip unit will need to be replaced-contact PSS to determine if warranty.
- BIM tripIf trip unit is installed into a breaker other than the one this was first installed in, this will occur. NEW trip units should not cause this when first installed into a breaker. If this occurs with a new trip unit that was not installed in a breaker, contact PSS as the breaker BIM module might be corrupt.Software Revision 8.00.23 and greater: If a BIM read fails the trip unit will not trip the breaker, instead it will modify its internal configuration to match the AIC rating of the least capable breaker in the family. The trip unit will periodically read the BIM after that, and on a successful match the original settings will be restored. While the BIM error persists a BIM Err message will be displayed on the LCD.
- Nuisance trip with NO EVENT informationVerify there are no accessories and that settings are not too low in the presence of high inrush conditions at low CT current causing the trip and then contact PSS.
- All EntelliGuard Trip Units are conformal coated.
- Ensure the circuit breaker has been tripped, indicating OFF and that applicable lock-out/tag-out requirements are met and followed
- Ensure the main springs are fully discharged
- Do not touch the circuit breaker’s isolating contacts during lifting
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Ensure only qualified personnel install, operate, service and maintain all electrical equipment
- Do not perform any maintenance, including breaker charging, closing, tripping, or any other function that could cause significant movement of circuit breaker while it is on the draw-out extension rails
- Ensure circuit breaker is always left in the CONNECTED, TEST or DISCONNECTED position to avoid mispositioning of the breaker and flashback
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Ensure lifting equipment has capability for device being lifted
- Wear hard hat, gloves and safety shoes
- Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
- Product Damage
- Contact GE for rewiring information before using the EntelliGuard TU trip unit to replace the Micro-Versa PM trip unit. This is because connecting the MicroVersa’s 24 V (commnet system) directly to the EntelliGuard (Modbus system) will damage the EntelliGuard’s RS485 chip
- Ensure circuit breaker and its accessories are always used within their designated ratings
- Ensure the correct trip unit is paired with the correct circuit breaker
- Do not use excessive force when installing a trip unit.
- Do not allow circuit breaker to hit a hard surface while handling.
- Do not drag or slide circuit breaker across a hard or rough surface.
- Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.
- Power Break I, Power Break II, WavePro and AKR Trip Units have rejection pins, installed on the rear of these trip units, to prevent installation of an incorrect trip unit into a breaker.
- Replacement of a trip unit always requires repeating the setup procedures
- The trip unit procedures for Power Break I and Power Break II circuit breakers are very similar and are outlined below. The EntelliGuard TU trip unit for a Power Break I is different than that for a Power Break II (see SECTION 1: “General Information”). Ensure the correct trip unit is used.
- 1. Loosen the four #8-32 screws on the circuit breaker trim-plate assembly and remove the trim plate.
- 2. Loosen the four #10-32 screws at the corner of the breaker cover. Remove the cover from the breaker face.
- 3. Pull the trip unit locking lever to the right, then hold the trip unit near the battery cover and lift it straight out of the circuit breaker.
- 1. Pull the trip unit locking lever to the right. While holding the lever, carefully align the connector on the rear of the trip unit with the connector in the breaker. Press down on the trip unit while holding it near the battery cover. When the trip unit is fully seated, slide the locking lever back to the left.
- 2. Reinstall the breaker top cover and tighten the four #10-32 screws to 32 in-lb.
- 3. Replace the trim plate and tighten the four #8-32 screws to 20 in-lb.
- 1. Open the circuit breaker and remove it from the cubicle or substructure. Place it on a suitable work surface.
- 2. For 800 A, 1600 A and 2000 A frame circuit breakers, insert the racking handle (catalog number 568B731G1) and move the racking mechanism to the TEST position, as shown on the draw-out position indicator.
- 3. Depress the OPEN button to close the racking door.
- 4. Remove the wire forms and remove the trim plate from the breaker.
- 5. Remove the six ¼ hex head screws, securing the escutcheon to the breaker (three at top and three at bottom). Pull the manual-charging handle out part way, and then slide off the escutcheon.
- 6. Pull out the locking side on the right of the trip unit mounting plate, and then pull the trip unit out carefully disengaging the pins on the rear connector.
- 7. Pull out the locking side on the right of the trip unit mounting plate, and then pull the trip unit out carefully disengaging the pins on the rear connector.
- 1. Pull out the locking side on the right of the trip unit mounting plate. Push the trip unit into place, carefully, engaging the 50 pin connector and lining up the rejection posts on the rear of the trip unit with the holes in the mounting plate. Push the locking slide to the left.
- 2. Ensure the breaker racking mechanism is still in the TEST position. Pull the manual charging handle out partway, and then slide the handle through the slot in the escutcheon and move escutcheon into place. Insert the six mounting screws and tighten to 14-20 in-lb.
- 3. Replace the trim plate around the escutcheon by re-hooking the wire forms into the sides.
- 4. Insert the racking handle and return the racking mechanism to the DISC position, as shown by the draw-out position indicator.
- 5. Reinstall the circuit breaker into its cubical or substructure.
- 1. Open the circuit breaker by pressing the red TRIP button on the front of the breaker escutcheon.
- 2. Disconnect any secondary wire harnesses between the breaker and the switchgear.
- 3. On draw-out breakers, rack the breaker all the way out to the DISCONNECT position.
- 4. Follow the instructions on the label attached to the PROGRAMMER RELEASE LEVER to remove the trip unit. There are three types of mounting plates:
- Type 1: Push in the lever to release the trip unit
- Type 2: Pull out the lever to release the trip unit as shown in Figure 131
- Type 3: Push down on the lever
- Figure 131: Removing the Old Trip Unit
- /
- 5. If the breaker is equipped with a MicroVersaTrip® 9 trip unit, the 36-pin trip unit connector must be removed and remounted on the adapter bracket provided. Slide the connector out of the mounting plate and install it on the adapter bracket, as shown in Figure 132.
- Figure 132: Circuit Breaker without Trip Unit
- /
- 6. Align the connectors and rejection pin and connect the EntelliGuard TU to the circuit breaker, as shown in Figure 133.
- Figure 133: Installing the New Trip Unit
- /
- 1. Loosen the six screws on the breaker fascia assembly and remove the fascia.
- 2. Depress the trip unit locking lever on the left side of the trip unit, then hold the trip unit near the bottom and lift it straight out of the mounting base.
- Figure 134: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step A
- /
- Figure 135: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step B
- /
- Figure 136: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step C
- /
- Figure 137: Trip Unit Removal Sequence, Step D
- /
- 1. Depress the trip unit locking lever on the left side of the trip unit. While depressing the lever, carefully align the connector on the rear of the trip unit with the connector in the mounting base on the breaker. Press down on the trip unit while holding it near the bottom.
- 2. When the trip unit is fully seated, stop depressing the trip-unit-locking lever and allow the lever to come up and lock the trip unit to the mounting base.
- 3. Reinstall the breaker fascia and ensure that the Trip unit is centered in the fascia window before tightening the fascia fixing screws.
- Table A1: EntelliGuard Trip Unit Form, Digits 1 & 2
- 1. Ground Fault Relay version for EntelliGuard G switches (future).
- 2. Ground Fault Relay version for PowerBreak II switches (future).
- Table A2: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for AKR
- 1
- 800A
- 2
- 1600A
- 3
- 2000A
- 4
- 2500A (Not Applicable)
- 5
- 3000A (Not Applicable)
- 6
- 3200A
- 7
- 4000A
- 8
- 5000A
- 9
- 6000A (Not Applicable)
- W
- 800A AKR30S
- Table A3: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for PowerBreak (PB1)
- 1
- 800A
- 2
- 1600A
- 3
- 2000A
- 4
- 2500A
- 5
- 3000A
- 6
- 3200A (Not Applicable)
- 7
- 4000A
- 8
- 5000A (Not Applicable)
- 9
- 6000A (Not Applicable)
- Table A4: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for PowerBreak II (PB2)
- 1
- 800A
- 2
- 1600A
- 3
- 2000A
- 4
- 2500A
- 5
- 3000A
- 6
- 3200A (Not Applicable)
- 7
- 4000A
- 8
- 5000A (Not Applicable)
- 9
- 6000A (Not Applicable)
- Table A5: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for WavePro
- 1
- 800A
- 2
- 1600A
- 3
- 2000A
- 4
- 2500A (Not Applicable)
- 5
- 3000A (Not Applicable)
- 6
- 3200A
- 7
- 4000A
- 8
- 5000A
- 9
- 6000A (Not Applicable)
- Table A6: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for EntelliGuard G Series – Factory Installed Trip Units (ALL) – ANSI/UL, Entellisys (ANSI/UL), IEC
- S
- 50kAIC @ 440/500V IEC, 40kAIC @ 690V IEC
- E
- Sq. Rated (ICW = ICU) 400-2000A, 85kAIC @ 480/508V
- B
- Sq. Rated (ICW = ICU) 3200-6000A, 100kAIC @ 480/508V
- N
- 65kAIC @ 440/480/508/600/635V, 40kAIC @ 690V
- H
- 85kAIC @ 440/480/508V, 65kAIC @ 600/635V, 65kAIC @ 690V
- M
- 100kAIC @ 440480/508V, 85kAIC @ 600/635V, 85kAIC @ 690V
- L
- 150kAIC @ 440/480/508V, 100kAIC @ 600/635V, 100kAIC @ 690V
- P
- 100kAIC @ 440/480/508V, 65kAIC @ 600/635V
- R*
- 260kAIC (future)
- T*
- PCTO/F5 (future)
- V*
- AKR Retrofit Breakers (future)
- X
- EntelliGuard Universal Spare
- G
- IEC Universal Unit
- * DC trip unit is not included. DC Rated Circuit Breakers require external control devices.
- Table A7: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for *Mpact
- 1
- Frame 1 (400A, 630A, 800A, 1000A, 1250A, 1600A, 2000A, 2500A)
- 2
- Frame 2 (800A, 1000A, 1250A, 1600A, 2000A, 2500A, 3200A, 4000A)
- Table A8: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for TYPE A Conversion Kits
- A
- 225A
- C
- 600A
- W
- 800A (For AKR30S Only)
- 1
- 800A
- 2
- 1600A
- 3
- 2000A
- 4
- 2500A (Not Applicable)
- 5
- 3000A
- 6
- 3200A
- 7
- 4000A
- 8
- 5000A (Not Applicable)
- 9
- 6000A (Not Applicable)
- Table A9: Frame Rating (amperes) Digit 3 for Compact VCB (Medium Voltage)
- P
- 25kAIC @12kV
- Q
- 31.5kAIC @12kV
- Table A10: Sensor Rating (amperes): Col. 4 & 5
- * EntelliGuard G IEC designs only
- Table A11: OC and GF Protection Packages Col. 6 & 7 EntelliGuard G ANSI/UL OC Protection
- Table A12: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7 EntelliGuard G ANSI/UL OC Protection with Fuse Settings
- Table A13: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, EntelliGuard G IEC Series OC Protection
- Table A14: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, EntelliGuard G IEC Series OC Protection with Fuse Settings
- Table A15: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, Mpact Series OC Protection (IEC)
- Table A16: OC and PROTECTION Definitions: Digits 6 & 7
- Refer to EntelliGuard Trip Unit Application Guide for detailed descriptions and configuration
- Table A17: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, WavePro
- Table A18: OC and GF Protection Packages Digits 6 & 7, WavePro when Used in UL891 Switchboards with 5 Cycle Withstand Busing
- Table A19: AKR, Conv. Kits with OC Protection Digits 6 & 7
- Table A20: PowerBreak I & II Digits 6 & 7
- Table A21: EntelliGuard G ANSI and UL Low-cost ACB Digits 6 & 7
- Table A22: CVCB MTU IEC Medium Voltage OC Protection Digits 6 & 7
- Table A23: Zone Selective Interlocking Digit 8
- Table A24: Advanced Features and Communications Col. 9
- Options A – E are available only on legacy breakers
- Table A25: Manual/Auto Trip Reset Col. 10
- 1. Feature not available for legacy breakers.
- 2. Feature not available for legacy and ANSI/UL EG, IEC only.
- 3. Not for GACB and Mpact breakers.
- Table A26: Original or Replacement Trip Unit Col. 11
- Columns 12 through 15 are reserved for future use.
- Table B1: EntelliGuard G ACB Rating Plug Nomenclature
- 1. IEC only.
- 2. UL only.
- Table B2: Legacy Rating Plug Nomenclature
- Table B3: ITE 4000A Sensor Akits Rating Plug Nomenclature
- Table C1: Public Parameters
- Table C2: Inputs from GTU
- Table C3: Commands
- Table C4: Discrete Inputs from GTU
- These settings approximate settings on previous generation trip units. It is recommended to evaluate each breaker on a case by case basis to determine if alternate settings provide improved coordination and protection versus the approximate settings listed below.
- ST Band Comparisons have been developed not to exceed max clearing time of other trip units to maintain or lower arc flash hazard values.
- Table D1: ST Band Comparisons
- Table E1: GTU-C Power Break I and AKR Trip Units
- Pin #
- Signal Description GTU-C
- 1
- Breaker Position switch
- 2
- Input Common
- Input Common
- 3
- Fan output (AKR 5000A only)
- 4
- Input +
- Input +
- 5
- Zone Select In+
- 6
- Zone Select In-
- 7
- Zone Select Out+
- 8
- Zone Select Out-
- 9
- RX-neg
- Modbus - (old Commnet)
- 10
- Phase A High Inst. CT
- HiBreak Air Core Input+
- 11
- Phase B High Inst. CT
- HiBreak Air Core Input+
- 12
- Phase C High Inst. CT
- HiBreak Air Core input+
- 13
- TX-pos
- Modbus + (old Commnet)
- 14
- Phase A High Inst. CT Ret
- HiBreak Air Core input-
- 15
- Phase B High Inst. CT Ret
- HiBreak Air Core input-
- 16
- Phase C High Inst. CT Ret
- HiBreak Air Core input-
- 17
- Neutral CT Return
- 18
- Phase A CT Return
- 19
- Phase B CT Return
- 20
- Phase C CT Return
- 21
- Neutral CT input
- 22
- Phase A CT Black
- 23
- Phase B CT Black
- 24
- Phase C CT Black
- 25
- VC
- Phase C Voltage Input
- 26
- NC
- Not Connected
- 27
- Relay 1
- Output 1 Relay NO terminal
- 28
- Main Flux Shifter -
- 29
- VB
- Phase B Voltage Input
- 30
- Output 1 Relay common terminal
- 31
- Breaker_position
- Contact Position switch
- 32
- 24VDC
- Main Flux Shifter +
- 33
- VA
- Phase A Voltage Input
- 34
- Contact position switch return
- 35
- 24V Control Power -
- 36
- 24V EXTRN +
- 24V Control Power +
- Table E2: GTU-D PowerBreak II and WavePro
- Pin #
- Signal Description GTU-D
- 1
- Main Flux Shifter +
- 2
- Output 1 Relay NO terminal
- 3
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 4
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 5
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 6
- Keying Pin
- Placement Aid for Connector
- 7
- Digital Ground
- 8
- Digital Ground
- 9
- Trip Signal from PBII Shunt Trip
- 10
- Shunt Trip Reference
- 11
- UVR_24 V
- 24 Volt Signal From PBII UVR
- 12
- Output 1 Relay common terminal
- 13
- Fan Signal for 5000A AKR
- 14
- 24V_AUX
- 24V Control Power +
- 15
- 24V Control Power -
- 16
- Phase C Voltage Input
- 17
- Phase A Voltage Input
- 18
- Main Flux Shifter
- 19
- N/C
- N/C
- 20
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 21
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 22
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 23
- Input +
- 24
- Contact position Switch
- 25
- Bell Alarm Fire +
- 26
- Lock Out Fire +
- 27
- UVR 24V Ground
- 28
- Analog Ground
- 29
- Modbus + old Commnet
- 30
- Zone Select Out +
- 31
- Zone Select In +
- 32
- Draw Out Switch Return
- 33
- Phase B Voltage Input
- 34
- Phase A CT
- 35
- Phase A CT Return
- 36
- Phase B CT
- 37
- Phase B CT Return
- 38
- Phase C CT
- 39
- Phase C CT Return
- 40
- Input Common
- 41
- Lock Out Fire -
- 42
- Bell Alarm Fire -
- 43
- ST_24 V
- 24V from Shunt Trip
- 44
- 45
- Modbus – (old Commnet)
- 46
- Zone Select Out -
- 47
- Zone Select In -
- 48
- Draw Out Switch Input
- 49
- Neutral CT
- 50
- Neutral CT Return
- Table E3: GTU-ACB
- Pin #
- Global Air Circuit Breaker (50-Pin Rear)
- Global Air Circuit Breaker (40-Pin Top)
- 1
- Flux Shifter -
- Breaker Closed and Connected Indication*
- 2
- Breaker Disconnect Indication*
- 3
- Spring Charge Indication
- 4
- ST 2 Status
- 5
- Breaker Ready to Close
- 6
- Cassette In indication *
- 7
- Breaker Connected Position*
- 8
- Test Position Indication*
- 9
- UVR 2 Status
- 10
- Remote Close Status
- 11
- UVR 1 Status
- 12
- Temperature 3
- 13
- N/C
- 14
- ST 1 Status
- 15
- Temperature 4
- 16
- Temperature 2
- 17
- Temperature 1
- 18
- Remote Close Signal to Command Close Coil
- 19
- 20
- 21
- TX_EN_1
- 22
- Modbus/Profibus RXD
- 23
- Modbus/Profibus TXD
- 24
- 5V Isolated for communication
- 25
- Isolated Ground for Communication
- 26
- Ground – Status Return
- 27
- Ground – Status return
- 28
- Fluxshifter + (24VDC)
- 29
- + 24 V DC
- 30
- N/C
- 31
- 32
- 33
- Ground – Status Return Common
- 34
- Breaker Position Switch +
- 35
- Breaker Position Switch -
- N/C
- 36
- Earth Leg CT +
- Ground – Status Return Common
- 37
- Earth Leg CT -
- N/C
- 38
- N/C
- 39
- Keying Pin
- 40
- N/C
- 41
- N/C
- NA
- 42
- BIN - SDA_ISO (BIM Connector Pin 1)
- NA
- 43
- BIN - SCL_ISO (BIM Connector Pin 2)
- NA
- 44
- BIN 5V Isolate (BIM Connector Pin 3)
- NA
- 45
- BIN ISOLATED Ground (BIM Connector Pin 4)
- NA
- 46
- N/C
- NA
- 47
- NA
- 48
- NA
- 49
- NA
- 50
- NA
- Table E4: Pin Out for Legacy Breakers
- Pin #
- RMS7
- Signal Description
- 1
- N/C
- Main Flux Shifter +
- 2
- N/C
- Remote Close
- 3
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 4
- N/C
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 5
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 6
- Keying Pin
- Keying Pin
- Placement Aid for Connector
- 7
- 8
- Contact Position Switch
- 9
- /ST
- Commnet -
- /ST
- Trip Signal from PBII Shunt Trip
- 10
- Phase A High Inst. CT
- Shunt Trip Reference
- 11
- UVR_24 V
- Phase B High Inst. CT
- UVR_24 V
- 24 Volt Signal From PBII UVR
- 12
- IPC +
- Phase C High Inst. CT
- Factory Test Communications
- 13
- Commnet +
- Fan Signal for 5000A AKR
- 14
- Phase A High Inst. CT Rtn
- 24V Control Power +
- 15
- Phase B High Inst. CT Rtn
- 24V Control Power -
- 16
- Phase C High Inst. CT Rtn
- VC
- Phase C Voltage Input
- 17
- Phase N CT White
- VA
- Phase A Voltage Input
- 18
- Phase A CT Return
- Main Flux Shifter -
- 19
- Phase B CT Return
- Remote Close
- 20
- Phase C CT Return
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 21
- Phase N CT Return
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 22
- Phase A CT Black
- PBII HiBreak Air Core
- 23
- Phase B CT Black
- 24
- Phase C CT Black
- Contact position Switch
- 25
- Phase C Voltage Conditioner
- Bell Alarm Fire +
- 26
- Lock Out Fire +
- 27
- UVR 24V Ground
- 28
- Flux Shifter -
- Analog Ground
- 29
- Phase B Voltage Conditioner
- Commnet +
- 30
- Zone Select Out +
- 31
- Aux Microswitch
- Zone Select In +
- 32
- Flux Shifter +
- Draw Out Switch Return
- 33
- Phase A Voltage Conditioner
- VB
- Phase B Voltage Input
- 34
- PHA+
- Aux Microswitch
- Phase A CT
- 35
- PHA-
- -24v Control
- Phase A CT Return
- 36
- PHB+
- +24v Control
- Phase B CT
- 37
- PHB-
- NA
- Phase B CT Return
- 38
- PHC+
- NA
- Phase C CT
- 39
- PHC-
- NA
- Phase C CT Return
- 40
- NA
- N/C
- 41
- NA
- Lock Out Fire -
- 42
- NA
- Bell Alarm Fire -
- 43
- ST_24 V
- NA
- ST_24 V
- 24V from Shunt Trip
- 44
- /UVR
- NA
- /UVR
- Trip Signal from UVR
- 45
- NA
- Commnet -
- 46
- NA
- Zone Select Out -
- 47
- NA
- Zone Select In -
- 48
- NA
- Draw Out Switch Input
- 49
- PHN+
- NA
- Neutral CT
- 50
- PHN-
- NA
- Neutral CT Return
- Table E5: Pin Out for GTUTK20 Test Kit
- Pin #
- Global Air Circuit Breaker (50-Pin Rear)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- Word Bookmarks