GE Industrial Solutions Pulsar Plus Controller User Manual
Page 159

Pulsar Plus Controller Family
Issue 7 December 2011
This command is used to log-in as a user, super-user or administrator. For example, if you are
currently logged into the controller as a user but would like to change the site id you must first
use this command to log-in as a super-user. You must be logged in as an administrator in order
to upgrade the software and change passwords.
Operate a Control
ope obj,attr=value
where: obj,attr is an object-attribute pair. For example, dc1,pbt.
This command is used to operate a system control parameter. Examples are listed below to
illustrate how this command works.
ope ps1,usl=1Update serial link
ope dc1,stt="boost"Place plant into boost mode
You must be logged in as a super-user to use this command.
Change Passwords
pas t,“password”,“password”
where “t” is to change the user password, “s” to change the super-user password,
and “a” to change the administrator password. password is the new password
This command changes either the user or super-user password. You must be logged in as a
super-user to use this command. The password is sent twice in order to avoid mistakes. The
password must have at least 6 characters but no more than 15 characters.
You must be logged in as a super-user to use this command.
Report Status
sta obj,attr
where: obj,attr is an object-attribute pair. For example, ps1,sid.
This command reports the value of the measurement, configuration, or control parameters in
the system. A couple examples are listed below to illustrate how this command works.
sta dc1,vdcReport plant voltage
sta dc1,adcReport plant load current
The command line would respond as follows for first command listed above.
* sta dc1,vdc
* _
The “* ” in the example above is the user command line prompt. The line “:DC1” indicates
that the information that follows is for the plant object. The line starting with “VDC” identifies
the DC voltage. The “.” line is the end-of-command identifier.